Alliance war matchmaking

Today's war was a pain we are 19 mil ally and was matched with 56 mil ally so much difference it wasn't first time this whole season last 6 wars we were against 30+ mil ally this is so unfair
They killed us. Our 5* attackers would either time out or just take so much chip damage that we would run out if item!!
This is broken again. And no support on this topic. The support team will send u a matchmaking link and will asK to go check it.
We faced an alliance where every last member was over 800k in overall ratings while in our alliance the the average overall is under 200k. They were all level 60 summoners with completed masteries and had huge rosters of r5 5*s and r3 6*s.
We have exactly 3 summoners at level 60 and only 2 of the 3 of us are uncollected! The rest have not even completed act 4. They are just now starting to r5 some of their 4*s.
We had 3 battle groups with 8 summoners in each. They had 10 in each.
It was brutal and hopless and has killed my allianced desire to participate in war.
It was our worst matchup but by no means the only one where we faced larger and more experienced players! It was just the straw that broke the camels back!
We have yet to face an alliance that is even romotely similar in size and experience.
It was like a middle school football team facing the Steelers!
And all we have heard, over and over again, is that "it was a fair match!"
Sorry but if it was a fair match my name is "Donald J. Trump! And i have approved this message!"
MM is Broken or may he rigged in favor of top 10.