Allowing trades
Does an option to allow players to trade champions with fellow alliance members seem like a fun/good thing to anyone else? Obviously there would have to be some restrictions but i think it would be a great way to improve individual rosters and in turn the entire alliance. Thoughts?
Cons: It could be easily abused. New accounts could be started to grind arenas in the beginner's brackets, allowing older accounts to easily obtain new heroes.
People could trade with alt accounts, gaining better 5*s on their main.
Could facilitate a black market for champions.
Add on top of that, the many 2nd and 3rd accounts some people already have (and that everyone else would then also do, but in the hundreds of accounts), and whichever extra account happen to get god-tier free champs they would just trade over to their primary account.
And like others have stated, this trade system can easily be abused. And we have gifting events every christmas which gives you a chance to get at least 10 000 5* and 6* and that's basically a free champ.
Time to Break out the meme