Looking for a super relaxed alliance
Due to some recent changes in my life I am unable to play super actively but I don't want to stagnant my progress in game completely so like the title suggests I'm looking for a super relaxed alliance. I can take out bosses all days in AQ and War if you don't have many boss killers in your alliance and I'm fine with putting in donations every week. My in game user is sungj2001 and I'm 240k rated and have 1 4/55 5* with another coming so if you have room in your alliance send me a message.
Mine is - imarpit007
Line app: jonnieblaze
Ign: Cosmickk
ALLIANCE - Marvel-Mania [MM26]
We are a newly created alliance with a good core group of 8 players looking to expand our alliance by either having new allies joining us or another alliance that would like to join ours. We are all daily players. All we ask is that you contribute daily. We also do all AWs and AQs, and would like to improve our overall standing here too.
PM m_heikal in game/line if interested, or just join up!