Magneto or Namor?

I just got Red Mags and Namor back to back. I also got a mutant gem from the Mutant Treasure quest. Which should I use the gem on and rank?
Post edited by Kabam Habanero on
Magneto doesn't need awakening ... for Namor .. it's a must (and high sig level)
magneto sig is worse but i dont think he needs levels
According to a website his signature ability is (at sig 200)
Magneto's mutation reaches Omega level, preventing him from losing more than 3138.97 from any single damage source. He also gains +232.76% Critical Resistance and Block Penetration. This attribute bonus is incrased by +100%. Heavy attacks now deal a burst of 2189.52.
versus Namor
Namor takes 100% reduced damage from all sources while attacking his opponent. When Namor ends an attack, any damage prevented by Hydrokinetic Armor is captured and sent back to the Opponent as Energy Damage.
I don't think that my idea was a lie, just an opinion you disagreed with. Because in my opinion, the only thing Magneto sig ability does is let him tank damage that is like 10 percent of his max health and do some extra damage. And the unstoppable thing only works every 4 seconds too so you have to wait a little bit there. Overall he gets 200% when he reaches 40 prowess buffs which he can get to earlier because of the sig level against stun immune (while still taking a hefty amount of damage).
So he does a special 3 with 10942 attack (if the 200% applies to his furies to) and then afterwards has 5483
attack. (unless you can fit an SP1 in there, which might be hard if the opponent is stun immune) Unfortunately I do not know how armor break works so I cannot calculate that, and I'm pretty sure it depends on the champion you are fighting anyways. Als
Now for Namor. When you go through the cycle he applies bleed debuffs but I won't count those, as well as the fact that he reflects some damage from the suicide mastery build. Overall, though, his sig is more versatile considering there are more damage over time situtations vs stun immune. Anyways, using the 15 stack 2 bar power thing you can get an SP3, an SP2, and an SP1 with about 11155 attack, and can throw a combo or two afterwards with like 9200 attack. His build up is also shorter than Magneto's from how I play Namor vs what I have seen and a couple of test runs with Magneto.
You might be saying "well if you did calculate armor break he would do more damage". Well remember how I said IF you do the 15 stack 2 bar thing? Well, if you REALLY want the damage, you can get TWO furies AND 240% special attack damage increase but this takes long and I only recommend doing this against people with really high health or bleed immune champions since you really don't need this. If my math is correct which it is probably not he does like 39043.2 special attack damage and 16k normal damage. I am probably doing this wrong but yeah, that is a LOT of attack as well as the insane utility he gets from the thing that he does where he says bye bye to dot when attacking.
That is just my opinion though, tell me if I did something wrong with the percentages since I am bad at math.
Also if somebody DOES know how to calculate armor break, please tell me, I am pretty sure they might get closer in damage if you calculate the armor breaks and bleeds from both champions SP1/namor mediums.
They just die.