Same PI of all top champs on a profile

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So we fought this alliance today and one of our opponents had this profile. If you notice, all top champs have the exact same PI. Is it possible? I mean I highly doubt it is for these champs and believe this person/alliance is modding. Thoughts?
So we fought this alliance today and one of our opponents had this profile. If you notice, all top champs have the exact same PI. Is it possible? I mean I highly doubt it is for these champs and believe this person/alliance is modding. Thoughts?
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
Its possible, but also for 4 champs its weird..😅
The base PI for these 4 champs don't add up at the exact sig levels he has. The mastery setup is same for all 4 champs, so I don't see how it is possible to have exactly the same PI for all 4. Unless anybody has a better explanation.
I know what prestige is and how PI works. My question is, if the base prestige of these four champions is so different, how does a fixed mastery setup make their PI match with each other. It's not like you can set different mastery setups for individual champions and tinker around to get their PIs to the same level..
His mastery setup is fixed, so in my opinion it would increase/decrease the PI of all four champions by the same fraction. So when the masteries are removed, their PI should also be the same at the specified sig levels, that's what prestige is. So when the masteries are out of consideration, the base prestige of these champions should also be close at these sig levels if not the same. Wouldn't it?
Still a pretty meticulous task!