Need 1 player for map 6 plat 4

if your interested please add me on line. We do map 6 all 5 days and have finished platinum 4 in the past 2 wars. The plan is to move up to platinum 3.

LINE ID: bvukas11

***US timezones preferred***


  • Bvukas11Bvukas11 Member Posts: 85
    Still looking for 1 before AQ starts.
  • LLStashLLStash Member Posts: 132
    Do u guys consistently get platinum 4 with the new aw changes?
  • Bvukas11Bvukas11 Member Posts: 85
    Yes we have the past two wars. We just filled the last spot. We have a family of alliances they also do map6 but finished gold 1 last season. Are you intrested in that? When we have openings we consider those players first.
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