How long it takes to become good at this game

I feel like such a slow learner with this game and progressing extremely slowly. I’ve seen people start the game and in a few days, are able to use a 300 pi champ against a 30k champ without getting hit. They are able to evade almost every special and their intercept is top notch. I’ve been playing for a month and 3 weeks and my parry is great, my evade is basic, my intercept is meeh and i still get hit at least once. I play the arena constantly and use that to practise and get champs, so how long does it really take to get very good at this game?
I'll let you know when it happens...
It just takes time. Longer for some than others. Don’t work yourself into a tizzy over it.
But yeah, I would consider myself a good player, my light and medium intercepts on point (get hit a fair amount trying to perform medium intercepts because of the AI nowadays), I can parry dash attacks without a problem for about 90% of the time, etc.
I guess my point is, give yourself a break. Just keep playing and keep trying to improve your skills and it will come.
In all seriousness though I've been playing since just after the 12.0 update & I still suck
Edit: RoL Winter Soldier is a great place to practise
Ive been playing for 3 years, non stop, and I consider myself average. I can beat most champs in AW/AQ, but I stink at bosses. It is what it is...
So don’t worry about if you are good, of course try to get better, just worry if you are having fun, and the rest comes with it.