Longshot Appreciation Post

As a lot of you may know, I’m the ‘Longshot Guy’ on the forums. Longshot is my favorite champion to play and I love to bring him into all types of quests. I also prefer him over my 4/55 SS. I’m most likely going to make him my first r5 over him also. But, you read the title of this thread. Here is why I appreciate Longshot as much as I do:
1) His fate seal damage is absolutely insane.
2) He is very fun to play.
3) He has a few tricks up his sleeves that make him good in situations where you wouldn’t usually use him.
4) He absolutely does not need his awakened ability or synergies at all.
5) He is kinda underrated and I love underrated champs.
Now you might disagree and agree with some of my points above, but I’m going to explain them all.
1) His fate seal. If you’ve seen any Longshot gameplay, you’ve probably seen this insane showcase. Plus, if you run MD, you can get some of that power back and use more sp2’s and keep that incinerate debuff up. I’ve repeatedly downed 100k+ opponents in around 19-25 hits easy. Longshot definitely has some of the highest burst damage in the entire game in the right conditions. The man can obliterate resistor lanes and any lanes that give buffs like rage and explosive personality.
2) Him being fun to play. Longshot is easily one of the most fun to play champs in game. Like killing opponents quickly? Longshot can do that! Longshot is also extremely easy to play. Parry, Charge Heavy, Build up to sp2. Bam! You now know how to play Longshot. Nothing hard about it. Anything with buffs Is likely a field day for him.
3) His tricks up his sleeves. LS can definitely pull it out of the bag whenever you need to power control or whenever you need to burst the opponent down quickly because of how quickly he can get to his damage. His sig ability can also be very helpful and he’s also immune to AAR except through debuffs.
4) Him not needing his awakened ability or synergies. Definitely not. His awakened ability can be helpful, but it is not at all required! That means that if you pull him as one of your first 5 or 6-Stars, he’s still amazing! His synergies aren’t needed either. They can be helpful though! If the opponent is incinerate and bleed immune, you can use his Mojo synergy to apply degen instead. His rogue synergy gives him even more burst damage. His dom synergy can be helpful. His Cap IW synergy is meh. He also gave OG cap a nice buff to his fatigue ability and made his somewhat usable.
5) Longshot’s burst damage overshadows the quirky things that he can do. Some people also don’t realize that LS is an amazing questing option. Most UC health pools are dead in one LS sp2 or very shortly afterwards. I’ve also used him repeatedly against Annihilus, Venom and others. He’s always at least one of the best options against all types of cosmics. He’s almost close to how HT performs against Mystics. He’s not quite there though, but he’s still amazing for most of them.
Common Misconceptions about Longshot:
1) Longshot cannot be used on Limber and Stun Immune nodes.
This is 100% false. Can Cap IW get off his heavies on stun immune nodes? Yep. Can ghost build up her furies? Definitely. Longshot is no different. All you need to is bait a heavy and charge your heavy and land it. Bonus points if you nail the spacing after an opponent’s special attack. Technically, you don’t even need to land heavies if you slow play him.
How do you play Longshot without heavies, you ask? Amazing question.
Answer: You’ll need to dex. 5 Times is enough. That honestly sounds weird, but it works. What happens is that when you’re baiting specials or dodging them, you build good karma. When you reach 5, you reach pure of heart. But, you still need that bad karma for that big burst damage. Don’t worry! When Pure of Heart expires, all of your good karma is transferred to the opponent as bad karma. Then, you can build back up to pure of heart before the bad karma and throw your sp2! No heavies needed!
2) Longshot cannot be used in incinerate or debuff immune matchups.
False again. Did you know that you can cycle sp1’s and still get a good chunk of damage whether or not the opponent is debuff immune? Bet you probably didn’t! Now you might not believe me, but I’ve done it. I managed to solo the V5.1.1 Cap Marvel boss with Longshot. She’s debuff immune. The only time Longshot cannot be used is if the opponent is incinerate and bleed immune or if they require a counter/immunity (e.g: Colossus, Havok and Biohazard nodes). However, there are currently only TWO champions in game that are immune to both bleed and poison. Emma is an unfavorable matchup, but it can be done.
3) Longshot has no utility!
False again. Longshot has a very reliable fate seal that can be used whenever you need buff control. Longshot is AMAZING for buff management. Spiked Armor, Exp. Personality and any other node that provides buffs to the opponent can be managed and used to get more damage and fuel MD. If you needed to, you could nulify hype’s and anyone else’s power gain buffs and power control. I’ve done that before also. There was a hype on the 6.2 easy path that I needed a counter for. Who’d I use? Longshot ofc. I cycled sp2s to keep up the fate seal and baited sp’s quickly. I solo’d first try.
4) Longshot can’t be used with suicides!
False, imo. I can tell some people will disagree with me on this. However, he’s similar to Cap IW when it comes to suicides. If the opponent has 5+ buffs, they’ll probably be dead in one sp2. He has no immunities, so there’s that, but he definitely isn’t the most suicide unfriendly champ out there by a Longshot 😉
Here are some of the things that Longshot has helped me do:
1) My V5 Completion run. Longshot carried me through V5 before I pulled Stealthy and SS! He was extremely valuable in so many places!
2) Mystic Utlity. Everyone needs it! Iirc, I pulled LS before Ghost Rider, so LS was my first good 5-Star mystic. I did pull MS before him though, but MS’s ramp up is brutal.
3) General Questing. Super efficient and can get the job done quickly! He was also very helpful in the Omega Boss Rush for the annoying cosmics in there *Cough* Annihilus *Cough*
So yeah, that’s my Longshot Appreciation Post. Longshot is my guy. Once he’s at r5, I’ll be going crazy! Let me know if you guys agree or disagree with my points and why! Also, if you guys have him at r5, r2 or r3, show him off!
1) His fate seal damage is absolutely insane.
2) He is very fun to play.
3) He has a few tricks up his sleeves that make him good in situations where you wouldn’t usually use him.
4) He absolutely does not need his awakened ability or synergies at all.
5) He is kinda underrated and I love underrated champs.
Now you might disagree and agree with some of my points above, but I’m going to explain them all.
1) His fate seal. If you’ve seen any Longshot gameplay, you’ve probably seen this insane showcase. Plus, if you run MD, you can get some of that power back and use more sp2’s and keep that incinerate debuff up. I’ve repeatedly downed 100k+ opponents in around 19-25 hits easy. Longshot definitely has some of the highest burst damage in the entire game in the right conditions. The man can obliterate resistor lanes and any lanes that give buffs like rage and explosive personality.
2) Him being fun to play. Longshot is easily one of the most fun to play champs in game. Like killing opponents quickly? Longshot can do that! Longshot is also extremely easy to play. Parry, Charge Heavy, Build up to sp2. Bam! You now know how to play Longshot. Nothing hard about it. Anything with buffs Is likely a field day for him.
3) His tricks up his sleeves. LS can definitely pull it out of the bag whenever you need to power control or whenever you need to burst the opponent down quickly because of how quickly he can get to his damage. His sig ability can also be very helpful and he’s also immune to AAR except through debuffs.
4) Him not needing his awakened ability or synergies. Definitely not. His awakened ability can be helpful, but it is not at all required! That means that if you pull him as one of your first 5 or 6-Stars, he’s still amazing! His synergies aren’t needed either. They can be helpful though! If the opponent is incinerate and bleed immune, you can use his Mojo synergy to apply degen instead. His rogue synergy gives him even more burst damage. His dom synergy can be helpful. His Cap IW synergy is meh. He also gave OG cap a nice buff to his fatigue ability and made his somewhat usable.
5) Longshot’s burst damage overshadows the quirky things that he can do. Some people also don’t realize that LS is an amazing questing option. Most UC health pools are dead in one LS sp2 or very shortly afterwards. I’ve also used him repeatedly against Annihilus, Venom and others. He’s always at least one of the best options against all types of cosmics. He’s almost close to how HT performs against Mystics. He’s not quite there though, but he’s still amazing for most of them.
Common Misconceptions about Longshot:
1) Longshot cannot be used on Limber and Stun Immune nodes.
This is 100% false. Can Cap IW get off his heavies on stun immune nodes? Yep. Can ghost build up her furies? Definitely. Longshot is no different. All you need to is bait a heavy and charge your heavy and land it. Bonus points if you nail the spacing after an opponent’s special attack. Technically, you don’t even need to land heavies if you slow play him.
How do you play Longshot without heavies, you ask? Amazing question.
Answer: You’ll need to dex. 5 Times is enough. That honestly sounds weird, but it works. What happens is that when you’re baiting specials or dodging them, you build good karma. When you reach 5, you reach pure of heart. But, you still need that bad karma for that big burst damage. Don’t worry! When Pure of Heart expires, all of your good karma is transferred to the opponent as bad karma. Then, you can build back up to pure of heart before the bad karma and throw your sp2! No heavies needed!
2) Longshot cannot be used in incinerate or debuff immune matchups.
False again. Did you know that you can cycle sp1’s and still get a good chunk of damage whether or not the opponent is debuff immune? Bet you probably didn’t! Now you might not believe me, but I’ve done it. I managed to solo the V5.1.1 Cap Marvel boss with Longshot. She’s debuff immune. The only time Longshot cannot be used is if the opponent is incinerate and bleed immune or if they require a counter/immunity (e.g: Colossus, Havok and Biohazard nodes). However, there are currently only TWO champions in game that are immune to both bleed and poison. Emma is an unfavorable matchup, but it can be done.
3) Longshot has no utility!
False again. Longshot has a very reliable fate seal that can be used whenever you need buff control. Longshot is AMAZING for buff management. Spiked Armor, Exp. Personality and any other node that provides buffs to the opponent can be managed and used to get more damage and fuel MD. If you needed to, you could nulify hype’s and anyone else’s power gain buffs and power control. I’ve done that before also. There was a hype on the 6.2 easy path that I needed a counter for. Who’d I use? Longshot ofc. I cycled sp2s to keep up the fate seal and baited sp’s quickly. I solo’d first try.
4) Longshot can’t be used with suicides!
False, imo. I can tell some people will disagree with me on this. However, he’s similar to Cap IW when it comes to suicides. If the opponent has 5+ buffs, they’ll probably be dead in one sp2. He has no immunities, so there’s that, but he definitely isn’t the most suicide unfriendly champ out there by a Longshot 😉
Here are some of the things that Longshot has helped me do:
1) My V5 Completion run. Longshot carried me through V5 before I pulled Stealthy and SS! He was extremely valuable in so many places!
2) Mystic Utlity. Everyone needs it! Iirc, I pulled LS before Ghost Rider, so LS was my first good 5-Star mystic. I did pull MS before him though, but MS’s ramp up is brutal.
3) General Questing. Super efficient and can get the job done quickly! He was also very helpful in the Omega Boss Rush for the annoying cosmics in there *Cough* Annihilus *Cough*
So yeah, that’s my Longshot Appreciation Post. Longshot is my guy. Once he’s at r5, I’ll be going crazy! Let me know if you guys agree or disagree with my points and why! Also, if you guys have him at r5, r2 or r3, show him off!
Pull him from cavalier crystal and awaken him from cavalier crystal too.
I also have Sorcerer Supreme, Dragon man, and Doom so its debatable.. Sorcere Supreme might have some more utility but Longshot sp2 damage is able to nuke the health of opponents.
Prof Xavier said Apocalypse are mutant God tier champions.. both can do some serious damage and also have great synergy for mutants to make them better.
I like Longshot but Sorcerer Supreme seems to have slight advantage over him because she have some cool mechanics.. but if we are talking crazy damage numbers.. its Longshot and Sunspot SP2. I usually pair Longshot with Mojo for more fun..
I too love Longshot.