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Abyss completion

QfuryQfury Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★
Finally done it it took me a couple of days to get through it but completion is done.
Total spent 5800 but started with absolutely nothing in the inventory.


I actually really needed a 5 or 6* sabertooth for omega red & I like playing annihulus so no complaints there.

Happy with this, it was literally one of 2 classes I had a r3 option for

Human torch will be going to r3 soon, unsure if to give him the gem though..

All in all super happy with it. it was definitely frustrating at times.... Looking at you imiw but any of the cosmic fights with sym supreme was really fun. If anyone's doing it in the near future, good luck and take your time.


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    Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
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    abqberabqber Posts: 230 ★★
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    unoobmeprounoobmepro Posts: 899 ★★★
    gratz mate, sabretooth is useful especially with sasquatch
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    MaiicolDiazMaiicolDiaz Posts: 10
    Congratulations, I did yesterday, I spent almost the same amount of units, not to much luck with Champions, but I got the same gem I use in caiw, and cull is going to be my first r3.
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    StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Posts: 5,017 ★★★★★
    I would definitely awaken that Torch since he is gonna be really helpful for Abyss Exploration too.
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    QfuryQfury Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★
    HI_guys said:

    Please team and fights write up. I'm guessing you took the easy path? I have 4 horsemen and 5k units but am not sure whether to go for it. The rewards are not that attractive for me right now.

    Yep easy path. Tbh I think if I concentrated more and just didn't resort to throwing units at fights I could of done it cheaper... Maybe lol.
    Tbh I had 2 options torch or red mags maybe Elsa as well so it was a 50/50 chance on getting something I'd want, worst result for me would of been mystic as I literally have 0 mystic 6* champs lol so it was a pure gamble. If you have an option from each class I'd say go for it.
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    PolygonPolygon Posts: 4,007 ★★★★★
    Only need 11k fragments for tech , but i have backup classes I could use for all classes but science and cosmic.

    Trying to get TB for Cyber Weekend deals, Still debating if i should do abyss or try to sneak in some t5cc off cav unit offers since i only need 25%.

    What kind of skills are required for the Abyss? Intercepting? Or is parrying just fine? Proficient at dexing specials?
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    FenicoFenico Posts: 307 ★★★
    GagoH said:

    Only need 11k fragments for tech , but i have backup classes I could use for all classes but science and cosmic.

    Trying to get TB for Cyber Weekend deals, Still debating if i should do abyss or try to sneak in some t5cc off cav unit offers since i only need 25%.

    What kind of skills are required for the Abyss? Intercepting? Or is parrying just fine? Proficient at dexing specials?

    Attack values aren't high at all so block damage is bearable. Aside from few fight it's mainly about having right team and enough units. Also good planing is really important too.
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