Dormammu needs incinerate immunity

Hey Kabam I really appreciate you making Ghost Rider incinerate immune in this update. It’s helpful and it’s also just logical. Since Dormammu is literally made of hellfire, can we get incinerate immunity added to him in next update? Dorm has all the makings of an amazing champ except lack of incinerate immunity and also his poor block proficiency. He has pillow hands too but that’s forgivable with his soul bond burst damage. Thank you for all the improvements you’ve been making and listening to the communities feedback!
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Yes, after reading the description, I believe Dormammu should also be incinerate-immune~
If he has an ability, he has it. But he doesn't "need" to have an ability, specially one like this one that doesn't even interact or change any of his current ones.
Edit: He is "wreathed" in the Flames of the Faltine which is a magical fire which can replenish any damage taken so that could justify him being immune to being incinerated or the energy could add onto his own.