Why must i download 500mb of data everytime i launch my game now???????



  • SkarBatSkarBat Member Posts: 3
    kevmike266 wrote: »
    This will only occur if you are using an App or setting on your phone that is consistently cleaning the App data of the Game. If you are consistently seeing this download, please ensure that you exempt Marvel Contest of Champions from the list of Apps to constantly clear the data of.

    how do u do that for an iphone

    I haven't found any setting on iOS to do that... I'm afraid I won't be able to play anymore.
  • mariopsych_75mariopsych_75 Member Posts: 2
    I’m in the same boat with iOS 11. 500 mb every time I want to play. There’s no way to exclude any specific apps from “offloading”.
  • RoraRora Member Posts: 124
    uninstall and reinstall the game~ worked for me.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    To be clear,the game will download it once when you install the Update. That's how we will get Updates through the game now. If it keeps doing it everytime you open the game, then there is probably something clearing the game data on your device.
  • There is a Support article with more details for both Android and iOS users located in the Knowledgebase. You can access this in-game by clicking the gear, then choose "support" and search for "download".

    From a computer, you will find this article by Clicking HERE.
  • SummonerB2SummonerB2 Member Posts: 556
    Oh I see.
  • CaptainPunksterCaptainPunkster Member Posts: 11
    There is a Support article with more details for both Android and iOS users located in the Knowledgebase. You can access this in-game by clicking the gear, then choose "support" and search for "download".

    From a computer, you will find this article by Clicking HERE.

    From that support article: "The game will then download additional assets in the background as you play."
    That doesn't happen. You have to wait for the download to finish before you are able to play. This hasn't happened to me, but having to download 500 MB more than once would make me frustrated too.
  • BlackhawkbillBlackhawkbill Member Posts: 117
    I have nothing on my Ipad Pro that “cleans the app data”....and the game will NOT load up and it’s borderline infuriating!! Mike can you please be more specific on the steps needed taken on an IOS device to be able to play the damn game properly
  • PilgrimmPilgrimm Member Posts: 18
    Can't we just have the option to download the ENTIRE game from the Play Store and not have this downloading of background data every time we optimize our phones?

    We do need to optimize our phones regularly. This never happened on previous updates.
  • KingKong666KingKong666 Member Posts: 48
    There is a Support article with more details for both Android and iOS users located in the Knowledgebase. You can access this in-game by clicking the gear, then choose "support" and search for "download".

    From a computer, you will find this article by Clicking HERE.

    Unfortunately we are still to get Alliance bases but I'm glad we have knowledge bases.
  • JilliostarrrJilliostarrr Member Posts: 1
    Alright cause alot of people dont understand the frustration I GOT YOU IOS USERS: settings- apps and appstore / scroll down it says clean apps (ruim apps op in my picture) and bam its working again ugu74bc27ose.jpeg
    Your welcome !!!
  • LewisTheLlamaLewisTheLlama Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    That isn't there for me.^
  • colbyscipio987colbyscipio987 Member Posts: 1,027 ★★
    I had to wait 18 minutes for that download and now all my GB are gone on this game. Like seriously why does this game takes so much data.
  • RinzlerRinzler Member Posts: 23
    why must i select/enable offload unused apps when i have over 1.4gb of free space on my iphone?
  • JohnPaulBusuJohnPaulBusu Member Posts: 87
    edited September 2017
    This way of downloading game updates is not a very good idea especially since many phones nowadays come with in-built optimisators which cannot be disabled or allow to exclude certain apps so that every time the phone would be optimised you would need to re-download about 500mb of data which would use up much of a person's data or have to wait until they have access to wifi.

    This way of downloading updates is unfair to all players as most optimise their phones to save battery power and storage space so having to redownload the same data over and over again is not only frustrating but also it takes more time to get in-game to either help out their alliance in war and alliance quests while also trying to finish timed events like arena and event quests.

    I for one am using a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge and have not been able to either disable the optimisator or exclude the app from having its data cleaned when I optimise my phone. The only work around to this that I have found till now is to not optimise my phone which means shorter battery life and more storage space used up. I for one would like to be able to download the whole game from the Play store as would most people rather then having to download the update every time I would like to play the game.
  • N8oradeN8orade Member Posts: 5
    There is a Support article with more details for both Android and iOS users located in the Knowledgebase. You can access this in-game by clicking the gear, then choose "support" and search for "download".

    From a computer, you will find this article by Clicking HERE.

    I'm on a computer and that link takes me to a page that no longer exists.

    I'm afraid this situation is unacceptable. My iPhone has re-downloaded the same 500+ MB 6 times now since the update. Provide a solution, not excuses. iOS states I have nearly 3 GB free on my phone. I'm out if this doesn't get solved before next AQ. I've been wondering what keeps me in the game since the 6 star announcement, and just need another Kabamming for final motivation.
  • N8oradeN8orade Member Posts: 5
    Alright cause alot of people dont understand the frustration I GOT YOU IOS USERS: settings- apps and appstore / scroll down it says clean apps (ruim apps op in my picture) and bam its working again ugu74bc27ose.jpeg
    Your welcome !!!

    This information is incorrect. On my phone at least, and I doubt it's different for others, that options is to offload unused apps. This removes the app from your phone but leaves the icon and app/ user data on the phone. This allows seldom used apps to be downloaded on demand without having to re-input all of your information.
  • QuincyPeckQuincyPeck Member Posts: 63
    Yes, I also turned off the Offload option and it still made me download 500MB of data.
  • Ninga888Ninga888 Member Posts: 1
    So I am running off wifi off an iPad mini2 and have had to download the patch half a dozen times now. There is no app cleaner or optimiser from what I can see on the iOS. Someone at kabam please advise which program or setting you are referencing in IOS
  • Szubair007Szubair007 Member Posts: 6
    There are no such options available to stop ios from clear background data of an application. U gotta fix this. We can’t keep downloading 500mb thrice a day. Have to quit playing this till ul fix this
  • noob5012noob5012 Member Posts: 8
    Im sorry but we need help on this, sucking up all our data just starting the game is no good and will mean I cannot play until on wifi, for me that's weekdays, wont be able to login over the weekend.

    Wondering though if its a free space issue? I have had to download the data several times although my son who is using the identical type of phone (iphone 6) , same IOS and MCOC updates and he's only had to do it the once but has ever so slightly more free space on his phone (mine has 1.9Gb free space, his has 3.7Gb).

    Im going to delete some apps and free up some more space and test it out a bit
  • noob5012noob5012 Member Posts: 8
    Small update for interested people. Cleared a gig off the Iphone 6 to free up more space. So far so good.
    1.9Gb of free space saw me downloading the 500mb 3 or more times a day, now with 2.9Gb free space it hasnt happened again since.

    The download page in Knowledge base as per advice from TenebrousTenebrific did suggest its a free space issue but didnt let anyone know how much free space would be required.

    Hope this helps, will update again if anything changes
  • KarinshiKarinshi Member Posts: 280 ★★
    noob5012 wrote: »
    Small update for interested people. Cleared a gig off the Iphone 6 to free up more space. So far so good.
    1.9Gb of free space saw me downloading the 500mb 3 or more times a day, now with 2.9Gb free space it hasnt happened again since.

    The download page in Knowledge base as per advice from TenebrousTenebrific did suggest its a free space issue but didnt let anyone know how much free space would be required.

    Hope this helps, will update again if anything changes

    I have 13gb free and I have same problem !! it's just buggy as hell
  • JakobitzJakobitz Member Posts: 47
    This is a new problem with this last Kabam update. I don't see how this is a problem with my phone since this has never occurred previously. Seriously Kabam, own up to your problem and fix it. Add this on top of the other game play problems in this update, and I'm about done... why throw more money at something that just causes so much frustration...
  • RevChris5RevChris5 Member Posts: 1
    @Kabam Miike please advise on this again. I have an iPhone 6s, iOS 11.0.1 and it does it every single time. I have to sit at the loading screen for 5-10 minutes just to get in the game every time I open it.
  • CholoWarriorCholoWarrior Member Posts: 1
    For me something slightly different is happening:

    I download the update 15.1 on my iphone 6 ios 10 and it all worked fine, did the 500MB download when I first launched the game and it's worked fine since then. The app size on my iphone 6 shows a 154.5 MB app with like 800 MB of "Documents & Data" so pretty much the same total size it was before (~950MB)

    Couple days later I bought a new iphone 8 plus (with ios 11) and after doing all the icloud transfers and what not pretty much the same setup as my iphone6. MCOC downloaded from the app store and after launching it the first time it did the whole 500MB download again. It seemed all good except the app closed everytime I switch to another app, locked the phone, or simply hit the home button. I have to restart the app everytime. So i checked the storage option and it shows the MCOC app as a 154.5 MB app size BUT WITH NO "Documents & Data" size so basically just a grand total of 154.5MB. It hasnt downloaded the 500MB ever again but they dont seem to have been stored anywhere as far as I can tell and I think that's what's causing the app to not remain open when I switch apps and stuff. Basically like if I wasn't playing the full game.

    And yeah I'm not using any of the offload settings so it ain't that. Let's hope someone fixes this.

  • hungama01hungama01 Member Posts: 108
    their is no issue from kabaam side for this dowload issue.

    Kabam has changed the destination folder for the game in android...instead of going into a folder that normally does not allow cache cleaning it is now going to a folder that allows so everytime u clear ur cache in device management ot clears the game files so u need to download the game files again...
  • HatshipuhHatshipuh Member Posts: 146
    edited October 2017
    hungama01 wrote: »
    their is no issue from kabaam side for this dowload issue.

    Kabam has changed the destination folder for the game in android...instead of going into a folder that normally does not allow cache cleaning it is now going to a folder that allows so everytime u clear ur cache in device management ot clears the game files so u need to download the game files again...

    No, data now goes into app data, cleaning cache doesn't affect it as cache is separate. I don't have this problem and I've cleared app cache a few times without having to re-download the game again.
    No cache cleaner or optimizer would by default delete app data, that would reset app settings every time, it's just bad coding of the game.
  • LeeckLeeck Member Posts: 15
    At first, we thought kabam don't know the game they developed with so many unsolve bugs and glitch.
    Now it look like kabam don't know a phone.
    They still live in computer era
  • Dp1234Dp1234 Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2017
    Am also experiencing dis on my Samsung j7 since d new mcoc update...Everyday aftr 12 am dis is happening... Data getting cleared automatically.... N nt happening to any othr apps.. Help out pls
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