GR in Cav 1.2 of new EQ?

Soooo I brought HT and other Incinerators and bleeders because of Diss Track. Apparently they fixed GR and I didnt realize it lol. Turns out unlike Void he is also immune to Nova Flames.
So....who are some good options for me to bring for him? Ive heard CapIW, but dont have him. Void, but only have an unduped 6*. Not sure how many degens G99 will stack.
I dont have the most amazing roster either....

So....who are some good options for me to bring for him? Ive heard CapIW, but dont have him. Void, but only have an unduped 6*. Not sure how many degens G99 will stack.
I dont have the most amazing roster either....

And I know that, but Im not sure I have people that will stack debuffs hes not immune to, which is why I was asking for guidance based on roster.
I honestly didnt even think about Annhilus prior to him being mentioned earlier.
Ok, Ill give them a shot, thanks guys!