New unit bug !

Rob7385Rob7385 Member Posts: 3
I logged into mcoc today and it says I have -999 units and I can’t use any units or buy any . Kabam fix your game !!!


  • Rob7385Rob7385 Member Posts: 3
    No I haven’t I am free to play
  • Rob7385Rob7385 Member Posts: 3
    I have only spent around $30
  • SmashSmash Member Posts: 808 ★★★
    Same thing happened to me today. Absolutely no reason for that. Has to be a bug or something. I have never asked for a refund like they say I have. Kabam needs to fix their stuff. This is getting out of control.

  • SmashSmash Member Posts: 808 ★★★
    Then you get this. Same exact amount. Units don’t even add up to whatever I had.

  • Rud0lphRud0lph Member Posts: 19
    They won’t help you here. They will just close the thread as they don’t want ppl freaking out because there are a lot of us that have been affected that never broke TOS. Never had refunds Etc.
  • SmashSmash Member Posts: 808 ★★★

  • Kabam BooKabam Boo Member Posts: 840 ★★★★★
    Hi folks!

    If you have questions specific to your account activity in this regard, please reach out to our Support team who will definitely be able to look into your accounts directly.

    Thank you for your cooperation!
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,103 ★★★★★
    Smash said:


    Hey fellow member
  • GoldenDadGoldenDad Member Posts: 91
    I was double charged 2 months ago. Lodged a support ticket and was instructed to put a refund request in via the apple store. I haven’t made any other refund requests.

    Today logged in and have negative 499 units.

    Means I can’t use units for current AW and AQ.

    Have lodged another support ticket, just have to wait 24hr for the reply. Fingers Crossed
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    GoldenDad said:

    I was double charged 2 months ago. Lodged a support ticket and was instructed to put a refund request in via the apple store. I haven’t made any other refund requests.

    Today logged in and have negative 499 units.

    Means I can’t use units for current AW and AQ.

    Have lodged another support ticket, just have to wait 24hr for the reply. Fingers Crossed

    Kana support could put the refund themselves, seems fishy
  • AversionsCrownAversionsCrown Member Posts: 52
    Only person I’ve seen with negative units so far is a dude I’ve played with for over a year....and he lets his account be piloted a lot. Also did a request for unit refund 2x....but that was a long while back. So not sure what’s up.
  • RenaxqqRenaxqq Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    Scary! Hopefully it's not a bug.
  • DeewillDeewill Member Posts: 84
    Come on I’ve sent a message to kabam in support I haven’t heard back yet from anyone.. I’ve recently come back to playing this game after a 4 year layoff.. I’ve spent so much money since I’ve been back it’s ridiculous.. now they send me this right after I spent 30 dollars.. why didn’t they mess up my game before I spent my 30 dollars.. this sucks big time.. I can’t hear back from anyone and it’s been days.. I’m losing units over and over again because I’m forgetting I can’t receive them while I play.. I know I’ve spent well over 700 since I’ve been back these last few months and they want me to spend 100 more ain’t no way.. it’s looking dim on me playing and I’ve just got back into playing and liking the game again..
  • GoldenDadGoldenDad Member Posts: 91
    Seems to be a common bug/issue, since Kabam support has too many requests to deals with mine individually. Will re submit in a day or two if nothing changes.

    Hello Summoner,

    We would first like to thank you for taking the time to submit your concern to us. We are currently experiencing a large number of contacts regarding this specific issue, and so we may be unable to answer you individually. With that being said we did want to let you know that we are currently investigating your concern. As soon as we have an update you will be among the first to know. In the meantime, if you have any concerns or questions regarding a separate matter then please feel free to submit another case to us, and we would be more than happy to look into that for you.

    Thanks again, and we will talk to you soon.
    Kabam Support
  • MrReeeMrReee Member Posts: 11
    edited October 2020
    Your generic form letters, dismissal of customer complaints and refusal to deal with known bugs that corrupt your game are pretty terrible, Kabam.
  • GoldenDadGoldenDad Member Posts: 91
    They closed my case without any ability to reply. Very disappointed with how I have being dealt with by their support.
  • GoldenDadGoldenDad Member Posts: 91
    I’m trying again with support.
    This time I have included a screenshot of the email from Kabam from 2 months ago instructing me to put a refund request through the apple store, with the reference details.
    This is the only time I have requested a refund on my account.
    With the apple store Kabam are unable to process the refund themselves. This was also mentioned in the email.
  • LeStMn92LeStMn92 Member Posts: 119
    It looks like they simply put anyone that ever refunded into negative balance regardless of circumstance.
  • GoldenDadGoldenDad Member Posts: 91
    It would be disappointing if that was the case.

    I know in Australia there are government legislated consumer guarantees. I will need to go down that path if kabam support fails to help.

    I will update.
  • GoldenDadGoldenDad Member Posts: 91
    Two day after putting in my new request, I have just received the generic reply saying that they are receiving a large number of requests about this issue and will get to me when they can.

    Hopefully the next reply is from a real person rather than the case closed response.
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    We cannot assist with purchasing issues on the forums. Please contact support with questions.
This discussion has been closed.