How many times am I gonna have to Download 400/500 MB content with this new version?

JadenBlueJadenBlue Member Posts: 14
Okay I have a bone to pick
Downloaded the new update

Initial startup had me downloading 450Mb(approx) of data before I started.
Was on wifi. No problem. I get it. It's part of the update.

It's less than 3 days and I've had to download similar content 4 times total?! WTF?

I can only do updates around wifi cause I don't want to eat up my data. But if you guys are gonna push updates like this so frequently your gonna piss off a lot of people.

If it's the middle of AQ and I got to move my guys but oh wait. I have another 500MB download first before I can move. That's Bull $h!t. You guys gotta fix this. I can't a) be forced to use my cell data like this b) I can't be forced to pause my progress because of an update this frequently. C) your wasting our times and tying up my phone just to download this stuff. St least normal updates from the App Store can go on in the background this will kill by battery!


  • GrimmbearGrimmbear Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    I phone?
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Me too now. Hadn’t happened since first day but now...
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
  • BIGZEE88BIGZEE88 Member Posts: 4
    Same thing is happening to me, @Kabam Miike says its phone settings but I haven't changed any settings since I got this phone (Samsung S8+), its only been happening since the most recent update. I can't even log in without being forced to update 500+MB and its causing me to miss AW attack
  • XcdmasterXXcdmasterX Member Posts: 2
    I have this issue as well on my iPhone 6+. I'm on my 4th 500mb download since the update
  • AllienDAllienD Member Posts: 2
    I think this fix can solve Samsung or Android device users:
    1) As shown in the snapshot below, my auto clean settings cleared cached and other data and my game crashed suddenly at 00:01 even though I was in-fight

    2) So, try switching OFF this setting or uninstalling such auto memory cleaning app like "Ccleaner" or something
  • XcdmasterXXcdmasterX Member Posts: 2
    unfortunately there is no way to control this on an iphone
  • kurtmcockurtmcoc Member Posts: 7
    AllienD wrote: »
    I think this fix can solve Samsung or Android device users:
    1) As shown in the snapshot below, my auto clean settings cleared cached and other data and my game crashed suddenly at 00:01 even though I was in-fight

    2) So, try switching OFF this setting or uninstalling such auto memory cleaning app like "Ccleaner" or something

    My problem with that is this.. I have the s7 edge which has a similar feature (device maintenance).. and I've been using it for over a year now cleaning my device with no issues in regards to mcoc. Since 15.0 landed, everytime I clean my device it now makes me download the patch over again. So in order to play, I must sacrifice running device maintenance? @Kabam Miike if you don't mind, what has changed in 15.0 that's causing said issue? There has to be something, prior to 15.0 this never happened.
  • JadenBlueJadenBlue Member Posts: 14
    I have iPhone 6s. I don't think there's a way around that. Would love to find out. So far 6 downloads in 3 days. ****
  • Same problem. Iphone 6. IOS 11.01 MCOC 15.1. Keeps on downloading the patch since the latest update.
  • SiavmomegaSiavmomega Member Posts: 1
    I am going through the same thing. I wish they go back to the other way. Cause I can’t keep downloading the game to play every time I want to go in.
  • AlucardCratosAlucardCratos Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2017
    Cmon how are we supposed to play like this?
    I often use data n dont have consistent wifi
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