Aegon vs Mr. Sinister opinion

Still_Worthy_1Still_Worthy_1 Member Posts: 69
edited October 2020 in Strategy and Tips
Can somehow aegon take down act 6.2.2 mr. Sinister?
Can he stop his regen after 500hit by reducing ability accuracy by 100%
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Not with prey on the weak.
  • Still_Worthy_1Still_Worthy_1 Member Posts: 69
    I want to know that can he stop his regen?
    He will get only 5% power per buff expire nothkng to worry
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★

    I want to know that can he stop his regen?
    He will get only 5% power per buff expire nothkng to worry

    I'm not sure about that particular interaction.
  • Mitch98284Mitch98284 Member Posts: 9
    I'm not very sure about the regen, but the prey on the weak will kill you. While it's only 5% power, that's per buff, and every crit at the 500 point you were talking about will give both a fury and a true accuracy. Since almost every hit will crit, that's 10% power per hit. And if you get to the point where you get the combo shield and unstoppable, that's even worse. In totality, aegon can probably do it, but it might not work, and will probably be expensive. My suggestion is to perhaps look for other counters in your roster.
  • Still_Worthy_1Still_Worthy_1 Member Posts: 69
    I dpmt have any other counter in my rosters
    My roster
    Aegon R4
    Void r4
    Colosus r3
    Cap Iw R4
    Sunspot R5
    Sentinal R1 6*
    Domino R4
    Nova r4

    And most important i dont have heimdall
  • Mitch98284Mitch98284 Member Posts: 9
    I guess you'll have to unitman it then. Try aegon, I suppose, but I think the prey on the weak will make it harder than you think. Maybe void can do a little, with the fury after the sp3. I don't really know what you should do.
  • Still_Worthy_1Still_Worthy_1 Member Posts: 69
    Void gains fury???? Really i dont know can you explain
    Is he need synergy??
  • Mitch98284Mitch98284 Member Posts: 9
    My mistake. I just looked, and he does get a fury after his sp3, but it's passive, so it wouldn't work in this case. @Still_Worthy_1
  • Still_Worthy_1Still_Worthy_1 Member Posts: 69
    Also void is not immune to poison @Mitch98284
  • Still_Worthy_1Still_Worthy_1 Member Posts: 69
    Passive fury doesnt works means colosus and cap iw are also bad for it @Mitch98284
  • Mitch98284Mitch98284 Member Posts: 9
    Yeah. I realized that.
  • Mitch98284Mitch98284 Member Posts: 9
    To be honest, you don't really have a counter then. I guess just do as much as you can, and then revive.
  • Still_Worthy_1Still_Worthy_1 Member Posts: 69
    This is what i going to do @Mitch98284
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