Seeking alliance

Looking for a new alliance as my current one isn’t especially active. Looking a group of player mostly around my level that participates in at least 2 BGs of AQ and AW. Preferably maps 2-3 on AQ. Preferably no line. My champs are high 6000s to low 7000s. I have a 900,000+ rating but that’s more from having lots of champs then having strong ones. If I sound like I’d be a good fit, message me in-game. nightbird1219. Look forward to hearing from you!


  • MirralhoMirralho Member Posts: 6
    Hey, sent you an invite ingame. We are a casual alliance that runs AQ 442 the whole week, and optional AW if you want to do it ( currently silver 1). we don't use line at all, but we make discord mandatory for everyone.

    We expect attendance and good activity on AQ, and if you can't play for some reason all you need to do is warning officers in advance so that we plan accordingly.

    We are doing 70m points every week, so that's a plus for a casual alliance. At this point we need to just fill a couple of spots.

    Take a look at our alliance if you're interested, if so, feel free to ask any other questions to me (mirralho) or any of the other officers of the alliance

    Name: abanabarracas
    Tag: abarr


  • nightbird1219nightbird1219 Member Posts: 3
    Found an alliance I'd like to try, thank you for the interest and the quick responses!
  • Raso1712Raso1712 Member Posts: 5
    We are looking for 3 members if you are interested contact me.
    We only ask that you be active
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