Can you describe a God Tier champ in a way that makes them sound like Meme Tier?



  • PapaMidnite999PapaMidnite999 Member Posts: 48
    Nick Fury bad with suicides
  • IWCIWC Member Posts: 104 ★★
    edited October 2020
    further adding to the Corvus hate >:)
    • Can only crit for the first 20 hits (exclude specials) before long cooldown
    • Only have Shock, Coldsnap and Bleed immunity, none to Poison
    • Lose all the immunities after 20 basic hits with Glaive
    • Need to ramp up after lots of specific fights to get true potential
    • Requires synergy to get his True Strike utility - and even loses that after 20 hits

  • WRIRWRIR Member Posts: 563 ★★★

    *Terrible for Buffet, and many nodes that punishes buffs.
    *No poison immunity. Not an option for 6.1 Crossbones
    *Reliant on stuns and synergies for heavy damage
    *No energy attacks - terrible when opponents have HIGH PHYISCAL RESISTANCE
    *Can't ignore passive damage back like Omega or even Gambit.
    *Bad defender. No unstoppable like his Chad brother Unstoppable Colossus
    *Damage takes High Sig and rampuo every fight. Not worth it.
    *No Horseman Synergy with Apocalypse. Compared to even Storm who has Horseman sybergy. So Weak.
  • TrubluMateTrubluMate Member Posts: 385 ★★★
    So meme and cowardly. She refuses to hit the defender and keeps running away.
  • UnidentifiedCreatureUnidentifiedCreature Member Posts: 589 ★★★
    edited October 2020
    Ebony Maw can power drain, power steal, nullify, passively degen, falter the enemy, he can't be hit by guaranteed critical hits, and he doesn't rely on RNG to do any of those things, does he?
  • OmedennOmedenn Member Posts: 898 ★★★
    Hyperion, what a joke, really don't understand why he is always on my team after writing this..:

    - Timer on his furies
    - Power gain goes so fast sometimes that you miss the special you want to use
    - Very little immunities
    - Not good against stun immune champs as building up furies is very hard in that case
    - Needs to be duped
    - A synergy team of champs which absolutely no one wants to use (dr Strange and Thor)
    - Not an XL or Tech champ so not the best choice for some of the Variants
  • MCOCHazzaMCOCHazza Member Posts: 914 ★★★★

    - bleed immune
    - He can shrug off debuffs so much faster so he’s great for so many nodes with debuffs
    - He’s a tree
    - Sp1 pierces armour
    - Unblockable sp2 with regen
    - Gets physical resist, fury and cruelty so he’s great for buffed up
    - His sp3 inflicts bleed

    Nick fury
    - no immunities
    - Loses a huge chunk of damage against bleed immune/resistant champs
    - needs to be awakened to be able to shrug off debuffs (once per quest which sucks), gain a fury which can be nullified and also degenerates to 30%, unnecessary damage taken.
    - he’s extremely dangerous to play because he’s at 30% for most of the times you play him
    - the only way for him to get any real utility is through is special one, and he has to be awakened to keep it up... (miss and evade counter) and the disorient is only 8 seconds long
    - if the opponent has any sort of regen, nick’s bleeds are halved in damage compared to what they usually are.
  • odishika123odishika123 Member Posts: 5,418 ★★★★★

    For example:


    * Heavily dependent on defeating specific champs. Beyond Trash Tier in quests without Tech, Mutant, Avengers, Auto Block/Evade champs.
    * Beyond Garbage Tier in long fights
    * Looks like Mr. Crocker and a gremlin's love child. Cant blame Kabam though, he looks exactly like how he does in the movie
    * Gets owned by Ebony Maw lol what a scrub
    * Top defenders are now become more and more Armor Break immune
    * If you KO an opponent who auto evaded/blocked and didnt knock them down beforehand, you dont get a charge.
    * His unique synergy with Proxima Midnight is useless since no one uses Proxima. Too complicated ramp up for a champ that gets nerfed by damage caps

    Or you can do the reverse, such as:

    Unstoppable Colossus:

    * Easy to learn
    * Fights end quickly
    * Double immunity
    * Unstoppable can negate mistakes, or at least reduce further damage from eating a combo
    * Has nice abs

    Blasphemy I use proxima all the time
  • VoltolosVoltolos Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★
    Nick Fury:
    The best way to play him is to get him knocked out right at the start of the quest
  • Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Member Posts: 4,162 ★★★★★
    Too much rng, all damage no utility
    * used on forums everyday
  • UvoginUvogin Member Posts: 345 ★★★
    He's not even good enough for a quest which only has 1 opponent to fight.
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,482 ★★★★★

    Loses virtually all utility and damage if the opponent is immune to bleed or poison.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★

    - Relatively low damage output without Suicides.
    - Power control is limited to special 1, which sacrifices his infections; or matchups with Regen or non-contact basic attacks, which are very niche; or on his SP 3, which apparently doesn't trigger fast enough to protect him from opponent's SP 3 attack.
    - Cannot effectively do all or nothing fights outside of those associated with Regen.
    - Weak against buff heavy opponents/matchups.
    - Cannot do buffed up.
    - Can't chain too many heavies in the corner because of how much they push him back.
    - Damage is mostly on SP 2 armor breaks and heavy attack bleeds, of which some champs are immune to either one or both of them.
    - Has to block to control power in certain scenarios, making him take chip damage.
    - armor buff isn't too strong, and the refresh duration is fairly long in certain matchups. The permanency of the armor makes him weak against nodes like spite.
    - The infection reduces offensive ability accuracy, which isn't really practical on offense. Makes him kinda annoying on defense, but not really helping much when you're the one using him.
    - He is a robot, gets ruined by champs like Magneto and nodes like coolant leak.
    - His coldsnap immunity isn't too crazy, mostly useful against champs like Iceman, or nodes like energy adoption: ice. That's mostly it.
    - Isn't viable as a path clearer for long marathon content like RoL, labyrinth or abyss.
    - Regen is on SP 3 and for only 5% per infection, which is weak and even consumes the infections as well.
    - sig ability provides a small degen which isn't anything crazy.
    - Looks like a love child of covid-19 and the black death...
  • Normax_XNormax_X Member Posts: 647 ★★★★
    Captain America IW:

    - His sig needs to be 200 which is poop
    - to benefit from the sig u need a whole damn team of classes around him
    - special 2 is only 1 hit wth
    - sp1 is trash with 100% AAR, useless, and bleeds r also poop
    - he can't regen, its 2020, who can't regen smh
    - not immune to anything on his base, super soldier who?
  • Toyota_2015Toyota_2015 Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    All this thread is doing is making me regret rank up choices.
  • Murfatlar2Murfatlar2 Member Posts: 22
    FiiNCH said:

    Quake - you don’t hit the other champion at all

    The pacifists' choice.
  • spiderknight616spiderknight616 Member Posts: 689 ★★★
    Claire Voyant. Her debuffs are ****. Even at 5/65 she only does like 20 damage per tick
  • bruhmomento69bruhmomento69 Member Posts: 157
    Iron man og:
    -insane armor ups
    -specials are stronk
    -Arc overload helps you gain a bunch of health
    -His specials are pretty cool
    -I am Tony Stark
    -I love you 3000
    -He is Iron man
  • GreanGrean Member Posts: 1,402 ★★★★

    Claire Voyant. Her debuffs are ****. Even at 5/65 she only does like 20 damage per tick

    If she was doing 100 per tick, she could do like a billion damage every second
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