What are your Top 3 monthly events since you started playing

For me and it's just my opinion in order.
1 - Mutant Island
2- Squirrel Girl event
3- Gwenpool goes to cinemas
1 - Mutant Island
2- Squirrel Girl event
3- Gwenpool goes to cinemas
2.) Mutant Treasure Island
3.) Rifts (Dimensional, Chaos and Red)
Rockets Scrapyard
Gwenpool Goes To The Movies
3: Mr Fantastic and Dr Doom side quest (can’t remember the name). I just remember the ridiculous shards and sig stones. Loved it.
2: Mutant treasure island. 2 AGs, a featured and 6* shards. Amazing event.
1: Barons war. I went for shards so idk about the catalyst side of things but the month before I opened 2 5*s. Barons war got me 5. That’s more than 1 a week. Loved it.
Red Rifts
Northern Expeditions
Mutant Treasure Island
Spider-Man: Class Trip (I understand this one wasn’t the best but this was my first full side event so there’s a lot of good feelings with it)
2) Gwenpool goes to the movies
3) Infinity dust and Infinity dust store
2) qwenpool goes to the movies
3) Baron wars
2. Red Rifts
3. Northern Expeditions
2: No idea, nothing comes close to the fun I had with my little symbiote, miss that dude tbh.
3: still no clue, and I don’t choose based on rewards. Fun > rewards imo.
2: Mole Man Expeditions
1: Mutant Treasure Island
2: Gwenpool goes to the movies
3: Any side event that had a store to choose your rewards.
Gwenpool goes to the movies
My little Symbiote
Squirrel girl acorn event
Infinity stone event (enjoyed crushing epic difficulty with 1 or 2 star hulk)
Baron's war
Gwenpool goes to the movies
Red Rifts
Treasure Island
On the real tho, Mutant Treasure Island was dope AF
The most recent rifts.
Some versions of the Labs.
Rocket's scrapyard
Squirrel Girl Acorns