Silver Surfer bug?

While I was doing some legendary hades invasions, I normally use silver surfer because of his -100% damage from shock, incinerate and cold snap. I figured since my normal champs were stuck in war I’d use him for the incinerate path, but he essentially melted from all the incinerate damage so..? Is it a bug or did his description just not get updated?
If it's not a debuff, or if the damage is above 100%, then he will take damage from it.
So likely your opponent is the cause of it. So who it was?
I figured it was the same as the shock debuffs with the shock path where he took no damage as they stacked
Energy damage = smoulders for Torch
Smoulders for Torch = +x% damage on incinerate debuffs.
If Torch has 2 smoulders and they increase his damage by 10%, then he has +20% damage on his incinerate.
Surfer will take -100%, so 120% -100% = 20% damage for Surfer.
Thank you very much
HT does increased incinerate damage for every incinerate on his opponent