I love spending units and real money when dying on map 6 due to bugs

SlickpeteySlickpetey Member Posts: 89
How about anyone else? Anyone else love this?

I’m about ready to quit this game which is sad because this game brought me a lot of joy the last 2 years. I’m also sad given that I’ve spent an embarrassing amount of money in this game. Lesson learned!


  • WolfeWolfe Member Posts: 272 ★★
    My spending has been cut to a bare minimum and I’m seeing the same trend among those I know personally. Alliances especially the mid tier ones with 5-10M ratings are losing players who quit the game at an alarming rate. This might take a while but I’m sure Kabam would feel the impact sooner or later.
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,592 ★★★★
    Pretty much everyone in my alliance only has no good things to say about them

    Their PR team sucks along with testors
  • Username819273943Username819273943 Member Posts: 97
    That sucks....
    Btw why all of you are flagged
  • 0_ahh_lose_money0_ahh_lose_money Member Posts: 9
    If you’re still spending then you’re part of the problem. Kabam has made it blatantly clear that they do not care and that is mostly due to people continuing to pour money into this broken game.

    I’ve recently left my 12 mil alliance mostly because of an upcoming vacation but also due to the game being stale and broken (AW being completely ruined was a huge part of my decision). It bums me out because I used to really enjoy playing and I love my alliance.

    Bottom line, your complaints are falling on deaf ears unless the spending stops or you stop logging on all together.
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Why anyone would run map 6 and spend money doing it knowing these bugs are in the game before AQ started is beyond me.
    Everyone should run map 3 and not spend a single penny.

    The only way Kabam listen is to take away their income, this was proven before.
  • WolfeWolfe Member Posts: 272 ★★
    Map 5 is fine IMHO. My own alliance was actually comtemplating doing 56555 to up our scores because we now have decent prestige but we’ve shelved those plans and stop AW altogether because of all the bugs.
  • SlickpeteySlickpetey Member Posts: 89
    It makes me sick that someone is flagging us for “abuse” because we are upset about game breaking bugs
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