Act 5 Collector Advice!

I am uncollected, but was just after any advice on best champs/beat way to fight him to save me some units/revives. I know at my level I am expecting to have to use them, but any help to save me some would be great! TIA. And have a nice day

I personally used Quake, but a lot of champs can work.
Bursty champs like Corvus,domino, or anyone with high damage output is preferred.
Kabam's censor board is very dangerous.
But if you have any suggestions ... here you go
So OR Ghost NF Medusa Heimdall would be my team of choice, with NF being swappable with someone else you think would be good. Maybe Sunspot because of the nice BP?
me: let me explain it to you
Edit: My first ever spoiler by the way