Moderator appreciation!!! Yea!!!

TimrosTimros Member Posts: 267
I've searched, I've found only one post on this subject and it hasn't been active since june...don't understand why..
Anyways! Here's to the mods!!! For all the hard work you do. the constant unjust griping and complaining you have to sift through. The countless hours of repeating answers already given because of the overwhelming concerns of our fine fellow players. Your incite and dedication inspires me! When I read your posts conveying concerns and reassurances, I sleep better at night. You have motivated me to be a better, more patient player. I hence forth will now no longer be a play for free player! Nay! I shall make daily purchases to ensure not only my playing enjoyment but to help my fellow kabam designers stay employed! Bless you all!!!

Please! If any other fellow members have an experience they would like to share, do so here. The moderators deserve much more love as they are the guardians, the safekeepers, the regulators of right in this world of chaos. Please, again, pay your respects here.


  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    I tried to help the mods identify threads that should be locked or deleted by posting an "In Before the Lock" .gif's ....

    the mod's put me in forum jail :(
  • TimrosTimros Member Posts: 267
    I don't know who pressed the lol button on your Binawayawhile, but your darn right!!! Great work indeed!!! And that my friends is an understatement!!!
  • SlickpeteySlickpetey Member Posts: 89
    I can’t tell if this post is sincere, sarcastic or if the OP is drunk
  • TimrosTimros Member Posts: 267
    Sorry, binawhayawhile....I accidently hit the lol button the second time on yours..
  • TimrosTimros Member Posts: 267
    Slickpetey it is the most sincere post I've ever posted in my life. What say you on our fine fellow mods?
  • TimrosTimros Member Posts: 267
    Whip, you sir, you are a God among men. The giving, the spending to ensure our kabam family can live on brings tears, literal tears in my eyes!
  • UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Member Posts: 658 ★★
    WHIPPINAZZ wrote: »
    I completely agree with you. All the hard work and effort put into this wonderful game has inspired me to purchase every daily special, every catalyst bundle (when it know I only need one more) but I am going to just buy 3 more cause that will put me in the best spot. I totally appreciate everything the hard working paid people of kabam have been doing and hope they keep up the extremely good service. This has been the best time of my life. You know this inspires me to contact Disney and let them know exactly how excited I am about how well the marvel product is being portrayed to the country!! I just can even begin to imagine how hard it is to make all that money and still continue to give a great product. Most companies peak and just dwindle off and further just end up being a one hit wonder but kabam has got it figured out.

    I think I need an application to be a moderator cause I feel I would be great and duplicating information that is sent to me and responding to people with exactly the same thing they said.

    I am just amazed!!! Thank you for your post

    Haha :D
    I just felt compelled by your post, to share my story. Maybe one day I will feel upset or angry at the way the game is ran but until then sir, I will continue to love every moment of this wonderus game and the kabam families that I am able to contribute to.
  • TimrosTimros Member Posts: 267
    That's what it's about brother, that's what it's about. :wink:
  • TimrosTimros Member Posts: 267
    Andrade do you have a story of how a moderator touched your life you'd like to share with the kabam family? Please, puke out some good vibes, and share.
  • Sith_slayerSith_slayer Member Posts: 100
    April fools
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    A mod inspired me to read the forum rules before making any more posts, I was very inspired ! I read them and was very impressed with how they regulate what can be discussed or questioned. I understand NetMarble is a Korean company, just didn't think it was North Korean.

    I really do appreciate the time that was taken by the mods to personally reply to me, I only wish they would have answered the question the response pertained to. I guess it is my fault, these guys have a tough job and coming up with creative answers that aren't really answers is really hard.

    In the future I will think twice about joining in any discussions, I probably shouldn't even be joining this one. I'm actually afraid some of my purchases may be going straight to their governments hands and could possibly lead to the sinking of Japan. So from now on I'll do my best to diffuse the situation and not ask any questions about things that directly relate to competition in the game.
  • TimrosTimros Member Posts: 267
    Aaaw sith, surely you must have a positive to say? All these views, over a hundred views and nobody has anything good to say except a select few? OK ok, have to stay constructive...can't be moderators have eloquent vocabulary!! Yes! That's it! Constructive!
  • Jlf2nJlf2n Member Posts: 34
    WHIPPINAZZ wrote: »
    I completely agree with you. All the hard work and effort put into this wonderful game has inspired me to purchase every daily special, every catalyst bundle (when it know I only need one more) but I am going to just buy 3 more cause that will put me in the best spot.

    Sorry, but if your spending that much money you're not whippingazz, you're buying azz

  • TimrosTimros Member Posts: 267
    Barry, didn't see that in my search, however, way way way too many bad vibes up in that thread! It is definitely not very positive and constructive! This one is more sincere and heartfelt. No negativity allowed here sir!!!
    Yes we must all come together and spend every penny of our paychecks to ensure that we have this amazing game to play. I love for this positivity. I am amazed that anyone would have something bad to say about kabam. Have you seen their books. They are one amazing company. I even think they are from Canada. Just amazes me how happy I have been and truly hope this continues just the same. All of the negativity is just horrible. These wonderful daily options for purchase. Buying 5*s, buying cards and filling all my masteries. It just warms my heart to know that my hard earned money is going to such a great cause
  • Sith_slayerSith_slayer Member Posts: 100
    The moderators have wear shirts and have hair..yay shirts and hair
  • TimrosTimros Member Posts: 267
    That's the spirit sith! It's just a crying shame 200 people read this and nobody has one compliment aside from a select few! I mean gee willickers! Poor bina was sincere and he got 4 lols! Yea, sure, one by me, was accidental. I swear!!
  • BinawayawhileBinawayawhile Member Posts: 288
    Wow, this is great!!!! so many positive and thoughtful comments, such a great community we have here.

    I read in an earlier post that the Mods relay information in its exact way it was received. I'd have to disagree with that, having worked and currently working with "Software Developers", in most cases, you would not repeat what they say when asked for details/answers regarding customer inquiries.
  • TimrosTimros Member Posts: 267
    Bina, thank you, finally some real truth. I appreciate that. I couldn't decide which to push, insightful or like. I pushed like because I believe we all know there's something not quite kosher going on in kabamland.
  • UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Member Posts: 658 ★★
  • TimrosTimros Member Posts: 267
    Just a disclaimer before I sign off, I'm a new "whale", a pay it player, a heavy investor of the good Ole dollar bill...invest in kabam, and they will invest in you! Goodnight and kabam bless.
  • unknownunknown Member Posts: 378
    Slickpetey wrote: »
    I can’t tell if this post is sincere, sarcastic or if the OP is drunk

    I thinks its the latter 2 you mentioned
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