What happens when u reach max level 99 on champions?

What happens when you reach max level 99 with your champs? I have been told by other u get a crystal but I have never seen that with my champions....
Yes you get a max signature ability crystal if you get a champion from a crystal that is already at max signature level... Those max sig crystals most of the time only give you extra 3* or 4* shards depending on the max sig crystal you obtained but on rare and extremely lucky occasions you might end up getting a Immortal Iron Fist from them like I got!
For me, I like to focus all my 2* and 3* sig stones on a few high sig champs so that they can get to 99 faster. When they do get to 99 and you dupe them, it gives you the usual 55 shards and the crystal, which can give you another 55 shards most of the time (or maybe something better).. So even though you don't get the rare prizes in the crystal, you still get more shards, which is a win-win situation imo!
It all comes down to luck, I dont have an immortal iron fist. Personally, hearing from my other alliance mates, IIF isn't exactly a game changer, most just have him rotting in their rosters or to be used in arena. There's no need to quit the game if you don't have him
This max sig ability crystal thing should come to you naturally. I don't think it's worth it to constantly spend money for the sole sake of maxing champion sig abilities just for the crystal, just let the dupes come in naturally and you will eventually get there without wasting money.
IIF WAS a game changer before 12.0 broke his armor break ability. He was awesome. It's a shame that the changes to the way armor/armor break function destroyed his ability. He's incredibly rare and hard to get, and now he's useless. They should at least make him one of the top prestige champs. His 5* prestige is really high, but his 4* prestige is nothing special.
Then open a ticket. That's not how it's supposed to work. Keep in mind certain dupes won't trigger a max crystal, like winning basic champs, punisher, UC, can't remember if winning featured champ did or not.
I'm pretty sure that winning a champ from arena will not give you a max sig crystal. It will only give you the 20x dupe, no ISO or anything else. Hopefully someone else can verify, but I'm pretty sure that's how it works.
Yeah I know basic arena works like that and I am confident the featured works like that but not 100% sure so didn't want to state it as fact.
Some champs don't give that crystal, like Punisher, Unstoppable Colossus, or basic champs in the arena.