Not a rant but it’s getting frustrating

Everyone is b*t**g and moaning about not meeting the requirements for Throne Breaker title but not putting in the work and effort needed to get it. Act 6 has been released and even modified for months. If I, as a mediocre player with minimal roster and almost no resources can finish both act 6 and abyss with only 5 star, anyone can do it with little effort. You guys want the rewards but don’t want to put in the work required. The deals for cavalier are fair according to the progress and as good as cavalier players got for July 4th offers. However, the unit deals are a big let down and should have been better for both cavaliers and Throne Breakers. It’s unfair for free to play players who heavily rely on unit deals.


  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    100% agree.
  • AznkerbzAznkerbz Member Posts: 114
    I agree about Thronebreaker shouldn't be a title that you shouldn't be buying, especially when BF or J4 deals are out.

    There are a lot of people out there who have little rosters to match up with the t5 class catalyst they end up getting from Abyss.

    Would have liked Kabam to give more 6* nexus options for Cavalier players or more 6* shards so they can pull someone worthy of a r3 (that isnt War Machine or Iron Patriot or DPX). I've got 20+ 6*s and maybe have about 4 or 5 that are worth the r3 (that being said, I am Thronebreaker and appreciate the extra attention from the deals), but this was only a few days ago I made the jump because of RNG.
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  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    kmac_qtp said:

    RNG has always been a huge factor in this game but If you have haven’t done act 6 or abyss yet, you either lack the roster, resources, are just enough motivated to become a Throne Breaker. You have nobody but yourself to blame.

    RNG has NEVER been a hard gate in obtaining a progression level. There is no other progression title in the game that requires specific rank up materials for specific star level champions, period. This is not the same thing and to pretend it is is disingenuous & obstinate.
    I've found that most players complaining about the RNG aspect of the requirement aren't even doing all they can to reduce its impact. Almost everyone I see complaining about it doesn't run map 7 with max modifiers, barely does AW if at all, and still hasn't finished all available content (yes that includes abyss and no I'm not talking about completion).

    I'm not really sure what leg people think they have to stand on when they're not even making the effort to get past what's required. If there are people that are doing this and have done all the content out there that are still stuck, well I haven't seen any of them talking and I truly feel bad for them
  • AznkerbzAznkerbz Member Posts: 114

    My only complaint is the lack of t2a. T2a seems to get rarer with time no matter how endgame you are. I do find that strange

    I have like 10+ overflowing in my stash. You get a ton from Act 6, LOL, AOL, event quest, glory store
  • AznkerbzAznkerbz Member Posts: 114

    kmac_qtp said:

    RNG has always been a huge factor in this game but If you have haven’t done act 6 or abyss yet, you either lack the roster, resources, are just enough motivated to become a Throne Breaker. You have nobody but yourself to blame.

    RNG has NEVER been a hard gate in obtaining a progression level. There is no other progression title in the game that requires specific rank up materials for specific star level champions, period. This is not the same thing and to pretend it is is disingenuous & obstinate.
    I've found that most players complaining about the RNG aspect of the requirement aren't even doing all they can to reduce its impact. Almost everyone I see complaining about it doesn't run map 7 with max modifiers, barely does AW if at all, and still hasn't finished all available content (yes that includes abyss and no I'm not talking about completion).

    I'm not really sure what leg people think they have to stand on when they're not even making the effort to get past what's required. If there are people that are doing this and have done all the content out there that are still stuck, well I haven't seen any of them talking and I truly feel bad for them
    My hard stop was a t5CC which I got from Abyss. I wanted to do it with Aegon so I got lucky and pulled him awhile ago. There are people still on the search for him, which does kinda suck but they probably need to open more 5* crystals rather than complaining about 6* options.
    There are other options now like Sabretooth and Sasquatch synergy, or other weird non-conventional methods. Aegon made it easy and did hit the unit stash too hard.
  • ValmezValmez Member Posts: 77

    Look I'm personally not complaining about these deals since I'm a new cav and the deals were still quite nice for me, but I definitely get where people are coming from, it would seem annoying to get almost no upgrade from July 4 deals while uncollected and TB got better deals. If I was super close to TB, I would be annoyed as well.

    This isn’t a case of “No upgrade from July 4 deals”.

    July 4th gave Cavs 55% of a T5CC in the unit deals. This weekend you get 0% T5CC.

    That’s a massive downgraded. They kicked us in the ****.

    Just want to reiterate this - the lack of t5cc is the frustrating part here. It is a massive downgrade. I would have been happy with the same deals offered again instead of the rubbish backwards deals offered.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    Hell I've done act 6@100%, inital abyss, all variants, AQ map 6 x 5 and P3 AW. Still Cav and called lazy..... I have 30x5/65 and am still sitting on a variant rank 5 gem because I don't need any more. What I need, and there are many players like me, is a solid rank 3 worthy 6* that I will actually use or a t5cc of the right class to rank up who I have. These cav deals are just useless.

    Run map 7. Finish abyss.
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  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,887 ★★★★★
    You got something right - it iwn't unreachable and there are indeed some people who whine and dont do steps required to get TB

    But you are wrong about the Cav offers - there is a huge huge difference between those who are fresh Cavalier and late Cavalier. And there just can't be an offer that is perfectly sewed for the both. But splitting Cav offers to lets say pre 6.3.6 and post 6.3.6 would be bs. So yea, the deals are bad for a lot of Cavaliers who are close to TB.

    Just ftr: I am a late cavalier myself, I have left 6.4 to do. I saved about 1k units and got 5* Sinister from the featured I bought. Am I whining? No. What will I do? Save units and do the damn job to progress with content. Its just this easy
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