2500 5-star shards.... is it enough



  • Animejay70Animejay70 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    I take them. Thank you, no complaints here :) and I'm not being sarcastic. I appreciated it.

    I will take them, but the bugs made map 5 on day 5 more difficult because things don't work like they should.
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    2500 5* shards = a quarter of a five star
    one five star from the best kabam offer is an odin, which is worth 3100 units
    so a quarter of 3100 is 775 units, which is approximately the lost from those bugs

    People place more importance on units than shards.. would you rather have 2.5k units or a 4* crystal?
  • Animejay70Animejay70 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    Pez106 wrote: »
    The shards are a nice gift but I don't think that it's going to please everyone. Gold realm always seems to cheer my alliance up when things have been botched.

    Yeah, I'd rather have the halls of healing so i can at least stockpile potions and revives. Gold is easier to come by
  • ProtisakProtisak Member Posts: 66
    Yeah was a nice gesture and if its free its me lol. However it did nothing to help the fact that i had to use revives and pots day 1 map 6 due to death by bugs. They dont always have to give stuff away but i like the idea of halls of healing or special event quests that help us recoup lost product while keeping us playing the game
  • MadMarksMadMarks Member Posts: 155
    My cousin just started the game a few months ago, his is only lvl33 and has (3) 5 stars already. Wow they have significantly fed the noobs. I wish I could go back in time and tell myself not to play this game. I am like a heroine addict except instead of heroine it is MCOC. Just can't seem to break, I need an intervention.
  • SentiSenti Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2017
    The in-game mail regarding compensation will not delete itself right? So I don't get it but a lot of my other teammates do.
  • 1haunted_memory1haunted_memory Member Posts: 804 ★★★
    well, I always like to get free stuff; but even though I didn't use many items during 15-15.1 I see all y'alls point and I would have to agree that the community as a whole didn't lose 5* shards from the glitches and yes the gift/compensations should have been the resources lost during this time.
  • Sky_kittySky_kitty Member Posts: 245
    Gamer...man,you didn't even used English. I do not want to play AROUND SPECIAL ATTACKS. what is wrong with you??? Can you play map6 without specials???? You can try without power burn or power lock.good luck. Or you are just playing map2? I'm sure for that you don't use specials
  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 881 ★★★★
    I’m really pleased with my compensation. 25% of a 5* Loki. Yay.
  • 12wfa3412wfa34 Member Posts: 2
    Qual critério que usaram para dar os prêmios porque eu não ganhei gostaria de saber porque???
  • 12wfa3412wfa34 Member Posts: 2
    Só gostaria de saber porque não fui beneficiado pelos prêmios também????
  • 4fun4fun Member Posts: 58
    I think it's great I was so close to one and now I have a 5* civil warrior.
  • IAmNotUrMomIAmNotUrMom Member Posts: 648 ★★★
    4fun wrote: »
    I think it's great I was so close to one and now I have a 5* civil warrior.

    There is not much great about that, lol.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Dude @GroundedWisdom do you just sit all day and read forums and comment on every single post

    He sure doesn't spend his time progressing the MCOC or even understanding the basics of it's core game play.
  • DJ_Lyoto_Spider24DJ_Lyoto_Spider24 Member Posts: 40
    No matter what Kabam gives someone will always gripe. 2500 shards was more than what I had the day before. I'm just happy that specials bug is fixed and am hoping Kabam will wise up on testing next time.
  • Master_O_CoCMaster_O_CoC Member Posts: 4
    I, like a bunch that I've seen in here did not receive 2500 5* shards.
    2500 5* shards is an extremely hollow beginning for the worst bug in MCoC history (and let's be real there have been some DOOZIES)
    We should've gotten rank down tickets to help defender diversity instead of dumping everyone with ranked up NC's with ZERO use for them going forward. Since wars are GARBAGE (even after the hotfix) we should get 4 and 5* shards to entice people to play this completely awful and broken form of the game.
    The amount of potions used and units consumed to make up for the sp bug, HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH 5 * shards.
    So in short, ABSOLUTELY NOT, NO WAY IS 2500 5* SHARDS EVEN CLOSE TO ENOUGH!! TRY AND ACTUALLY HOLD YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE FOR YOUR MISTAKES AND STOP BEING SO CHEAP. HUGE MISTAKES LIKE THE SP BUG, OR TURNING WARS INTO POOP?! We deserve something significant for remaining loyal to a game that ALWAYS DROPS THE BALL ON ANYTHING NEW THEY ADD. Like.... not receiving the compensation you sent out?! Your team is seriously hapless, like the bad news bears of programming.
  • Jackie2CokesJackie2Cokes Member Posts: 207 ★★
    2500 5* shards = a quarter of a five star
    one five star from the best kabam offer is an odin, which is worth 3100 units
    so a quarter of 3100 is 775 units, which is approximately the lost from those bugs

    While I understand the unit equivalent, I don't want the equivalent. I don't buy 5* shards so their inclusion in the compensation doesn't really excite me. I did however use glory, loyalty and units to buy pots and revives.

    Them giving me 2500 shards isn't going to replace items used
  • Kamr05Kamr05 Member Posts: 209
    These 2.5k 5 star shards aren't compensation for bugs and issues with updates. No, it's compensation for the 5 star shards we were meant to get in this months calendar. Trying to distract us once again, it's actually disgusting how stupid you think we are. Bad way to treat your customers.

    Why was this message flagged for abuse? Are you having a laugh. Grow up whoever did that. Seriously.
  • Master_O_CoCMaster_O_CoC Member Posts: 4
    We're being flagged for abuse because they don't like being told that it's not enough. WHY EVEN BOTHER ASKING THE QUESTION IF YOURE UNWILLING TO LISTEN TO YOUR CUSTOMERS ANSWERS?! And not only that it's def not enough compensation when I STILL HAVEN'T RECEIVED ANYTHING FROM KABAM AT ALL!! Just about everyone in my alliance did.
  • JuggerneyksJuggerneyks Member Posts: 275 ★★
    edited October 2017
    **pretends he never said anything***

    of course i go into my game and i have the mail now, better late then never :)
  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 915 ★★★
    2500 5* Shards is just a tick above worthless, imo. What about all the potions and revives spent while the game was broken? What about the missed out rewards in AQ and AW because content was broken? Instead of shards I'd rather have a filled inventory of revives and potions.
  • Master_O_CoCMaster_O_CoC Member Posts: 4
    @Kabam Miike still don't have my compensation package. Hopefully that gets it done like you did for @Juggerneyks
  • JuggerneyksJuggerneyks Member Posts: 275 ★★

    im thinking it just takes a few days to get it to everyone because its the whole playerbase
  • ClintBeastwoodClintBeastwood Member Posts: 78
    No matter what Kabam gives someone will always gripe. 2500 shards was more than what I had the day before. I'm just happy that specials bug is fixed and am hoping Kabam will wise up on testing next time.

    That's the way I see it.... As I am one of the people who has been playing less and less since the 15.0 fiasco (I for one liked the challenge presented by pre 15.0 AW, as did the majority of my old alliance), I was just surprised they gave us anything. 2500 more than what I had before, that's cool I guess.
  • MrMojoMrMojo Member Posts: 97
    I’ve updated but still haven’t received the 5* shards

  • MarvelbbMarvelbb Member Posts: 3
    We should’ve gotten generic awakening gems for tier4cc crystals or something actually good!!
  • LegendaryTokuLegendaryToku Member Posts: 1
    I'm stillllllll waiting for mine.
  • KingCrooksKingCrooks Member Posts: 176
    Jestress wrote: »
    omg, you're seriously complaining about getting 2,500 free 5-star shards? get over yourself

    If you're flagging her for being appreciative you can flag me too. I'm grateful that after such a massive update, adding 3 playable character and a long list of bug fixes, that they got right on top of fixing the bugs created. There are always going to be issues. I appreciate that they sent out an apology and token of appreciation to us for our "patience"
  • KingCrooksKingCrooks Member Posts: 176
    Thank you all for the feedback on this. I will make sure that the team is aware, but this thread is already going off the rails. Please remember to keep it on topic, and refrain from attacking each other. Everybody is entitled to their opinion.

    Thank you and the team for all you do, not to even mention all you put up with
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