Which tech champion should I r4?

RubbixRubbix Member Posts: 15
edited November 2020 in Strategy and Tips
I have every material to r4 and awakend one of those techs but I don't know who is better?
Edit: I also have an R5 guillotine 2099 and a R4 IMIW as my top tech champions

Which tech champion should I r4? 9 votes

Sentinal R4
Albi⁴7²00⁴EtjamaDarkDuelistAquaflash[Deleted User]Barani7daFritoPlay 7 votes
Darkhawk R4
Meebleton 1 vote
Save the resources for another tech
XxicylovexX 1 vote


  • RubbixRubbix Member Posts: 15
    He is viable for act 6 or only for the variants?
  • AquaflashAquaflash Member Posts: 47
    Sentinal R4
    Sentinel can be used in act 6. There are biohazard/caltrops paths, minibosses and bosses that he is great for.

    I do think that he is worth a tech gem though. His sig ability isn’t necessary, but is very nice to have. No sig stones required, level 1 is perfect.
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