Why are people so adamant about judging champions before we have to time to actually test them



  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    Will3808 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    WRIR said:

    Texas_11 said:

    WRIR said:

    Here's the problem.

    1. Skill class is lacking. Nick Fury is carrying the entire class on his back. Good thing he has an LMD so his back can break twice, but we need more pillars. Daredevil could have been a great skill champ to make skill great again.

    2. This was Daredevil's last shot at ANYTHING. You think they'll tune him up? Or update him? This is it. Funny how Kabam is so eager to Tune down champions or "fix" them any time they want, especially right after release if they are "broken" but are so adamant about leaving **** champs as they are like Immortal Hulk. He will no longer be up for any discussion because in their eyes he was already buffed.

    3. He shares the same pitfalls as every other lackluster, forgettable, bad pull 2020 champions. He relies on a sp2 for damage. He has weird drawbacks(40% regen rate reduction, utility distributed in his two modes, making him weird or less viable for certain matchups) for no apparent reason. (I don't buy the "100% regen rate is OP! Argument, because it isnt' really that OP. I doubt he'll regen much more than say, Namor.) Finally, no real use. 65% DAAR? Weird and unreliable. It applying after 16 hit combos? He better have some crazy damage. But he doesn't. At best its OK Damage. There is no reason to use him if you have nick, stealthy, monky, even falcon.

    As for people saying "nOT eVeRY bUFf sHoULd bE gAMebREaKing", I don't think people are complaining because he isn't magneto. Its because Daredevil went from, well, Daredevil, to Moleman. He's a very famous adapdation of a famous and loved character, from a class that desperately needs a savior, who's gimmick is Redemption and grit in the comics. Also he was right under Magneto for who needs a buff. People wanted to see him get good! This would have been the perfect, and only, opportunity to make him A tier or S tier and sell his story as well as crystals.

    But they butchered the buff. And after the Cyber Monday pulls, all I had to hope for was having fun with Daredevil. I am very, very disappointed, and I think people have the right to be, because this was a long anticipated buff that went wrong.

    1.) Skill class is not lacking at all, it’s the most balanced class in the game.

    2.) He will have his purpose in the game , damage is not going to be everything and shouldn’t be or else Starlord would be the top champ in game as well as proxima.

    3.) Agree on the DAR unless you parry and heavy it gets up there

    4.) It will take some time before we know hos true potential.
    1. If you're balanced and everyone else is OP, you're lacking.
    2. Damage isn't everything. But its a FIGHTING GAME. Damage is important.
    4.It doesn't seem like hos kit is deep enough for there to be any true hidden potential.
    1.) Tech, cosmic, science mystic , are all heavy at the top. Mutant and skill are nice all around.

    2.) Some of the best champions in the game aren’t even known for their damage it’s their utility. Doom, warlock, nick fury (good damage )

    4.) We will have to see with him being an hour out after release don’t you think?

    How is fury not known for damage?
    He is , but people pull out fury for his amazing ultimate not necessarily the damage , he just happens to benefit from the damage.
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  • Moot4LifeMoot4Life Member Posts: 2,132 ★★★★

    Moot4Life said:

    Moot4Life said:

    WRIR said:

    Here's the problem.

    1. Skill class is lacking. Nick Fury is carrying the entire class on his back. Good thing he has an LMD so his back can break twice, but we need more pillars. Daredevil could have been a great skill champ to make skill great again.

    2. This was Daredevil's last shot at ANYTHING. You think they'll tune him up? Or update him? This is it. Funny how Kabam is so eager to Tune down champions or "fix" them any time they want, especially right after release if they are "broken" but are so adamant about leaving **** champs as they are like Immortal Hulk. He will no longer be up for any discussion because in their eyes he was already buffed.

    3. He shares the same pitfalls as every other lackluster, forgettable, bad pull 2020 champions. He relies on a sp2 for damage. He has weird drawbacks(40% regen rate reduction, utility distributed in his two modes, making him weird or less viable for certain matchups) for no apparent reason. (I don't buy the "100% regen rate is OP! Argument, because it isnt' really that OP. I doubt he'll regen much more than say, Namor.) Finally, no real use. 65% DAAR? Weird and unreliable. It applying after 16 hit combos? He better have some crazy damage. But he doesn't. At best its OK Damage. There is no reason to use him if you have nick, stealthy, monky, even falcon.

    As for people saying "nOT eVeRY bUFf sHoULd bE gAMebREaKing", I don't think people are complaining because he isn't magneto. Its because Daredevil went from, well, Daredevil, to Moleman. He's a very famous adapdation of a famous and loved character, from a class that desperately needs a savior, who's gimmick is Redemption and grit in the comics. Also he was right under Magneto for who needs a buff. People wanted to see him get good! This would have been the perfect, and only, opportunity to make him A tier or S tier and sell his story as well as crystals.

    But they butchered the buff. And after the Cyber Monday pulls, all I had to hope for was having fun with Daredevil. I am very, very disappointed, and I think people have the right to be, because this was a long anticipated buff that went wrong.

    Skill class is lacking?? Yeah cause aegon. Thrasher. Hit monkey. Stealthy. Elsa. Bwdo. Gwenpool. Killmonger. Blade and Taskmaster are all trash right?
    Dude i really cant take you serious anymore. Go troll somewhere else
    why did you ask then if you were just gonna call me a troll if i disagreed with your opinion
    There is no way you think all those champions i mentioned are trash and not trolling. if you seriously do then you are the most picky player i have ever met and you must be so dissapointed in every single opening you do, and if thats the case then maybe this game isnt for you
    sorry, but i just dont find those characters fun so they are trash to me.
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  • MetalJakeMetalJake Member Posts: 343 ★★
    Sungj said:

    Like seriously, so many people are already saying how bad the new daredevil buff is and also many people saying its great. He's literally been out for a few hours, he may actually be bad, he may actually be great but we literally don't have enough information to make a call either way. Let's give it a few days, let some content creators and community members take him to rank five, learn the optimal rotations and niche uses for him in end game content then come to a conclusion.

    Remember when people thought the OML buff was equal to if not better than the colossus buff? Or how about in the first hulkbuster buff livestream people thought he was straight garbage because they didn't know about the SP2, heavy rotation yet. We need to take more time to test champions before stating a definitive opinion

    Idk about the other instances your referring to but the issue with the new Daredevil is that he reduces base regen rate from 100% to 40% and that affects my willpower healing with suicides so even after the bleed wears off, usually your losing 75 per tick and Regen 74-76 per tick. With that 1 line in his ability set, you lose 74 per tick but only regen like 43 per tick so it’s a CONSISTENT loss of health and that’s detrimental to being able to even use the character bc even with the Nick Fury/Deadpool synergy you only shrug off the bleed and the poison debuff is what causes you to CONSTANTLY die while fighting/baiting specials. His buff just based on that one line (reduce base regen rate from 100% to 40%) makes him unusable for a lot of us
  • kingbradley1297kingbradley1297 Member Posts: 119 ★★
    So if that's the case, why wasn't there a CCP beta where we could test him in all these scenarios?
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  • WRIRWRIR Member Posts: 563 ★★★

    WRIR said:

    Here's the problem.

    1. Skill class is lacking. Nick Fury is carrying the entire class on his back. Good thing he has an LMD so his back can break twice, but we need more pillars. Daredevil could have been a great skill champ to make skill great again.

    2. This was Daredevil's last shot at ANYTHING. You think they'll tune him up? Or update him? This is it. Funny how Kabam is so eager to Tune down champions or "fix" them any time they want, especially right after release if they are "broken" but are so adamant about leaving **** champs as they are like Immortal Hulk. He will no longer be up for any discussion because in their eyes he was already buffed.

    3. He shares the same pitfalls as every other lackluster, forgettable, bad pull 2020 champions. He relies on a sp2 for damage. He has weird drawbacks(40% regen rate reduction, utility distributed in his two modes, making him weird or less viable for certain matchups) for no apparent reason. (I don't buy the "100% regen rate is OP! Argument, because it isnt' really that OP. I doubt he'll regen much more than say, Namor.) Finally, no real use. 65% DAAR? Weird and unreliable. It applying after 16 hit combos? He better have some crazy damage. But he doesn't. At best its OK Damage. There is no reason to use him if you have nick, stealthy, monky, even falcon.

    As for people saying "nOT eVeRY bUFf sHoULd bE gAMebREaKing", I don't think people are complaining because he isn't magneto. Its because Daredevil went from, well, Daredevil, to Moleman. He's a very famous adapdation of a famous and loved character, from a class that desperately needs a savior, who's gimmick is Redemption and grit in the comics. Also he was right under Magneto for who needs a buff. People wanted to see him get good! This would have been the perfect, and only, opportunity to make him A tier or S tier and sell his story as well as crystals.

    But they butchered the buff. And after the Cyber Monday pulls, all I had to hope for was having fun with Daredevil. I am very, very disappointed, and I think people have the right to be, because this was a long anticipated buff that went wrong.

    Skill class is lacking?? Yeah cause aegon. Thrasher. Hit monkey. Stealthy. Elsa. Bwdo. Gwenpool. Killmonger. Blade and Taskmaster are all trash right?
    Skill IS lacking. All of your mentions are good, but they don't have a solid unique standing in the game because Nick and Nick alone single handedly outshines most of that list. There are few things that each champ offers outside of what Nick offers, AND Nick has more damage. This is unlike other classes where Colossus, Magneto, Omega Red, and a hanful of other champions are good enough that people can argue about which one is best or like Science where we have Quake, CapIW, Void, etc, Tech with Ghost, Warlock, Guillotine(Tech lacks a bit too IMO), Cosmic with CGR, Captain Marvel, Corvus, Hyperion, Mystic with Doom, Sym Supreme, BWCV, etc. Not even counting the "Good" champions, every class has absolutely great champions, at least 3 or 4, that each offer unique different things as well as damage, for the exception of a few that offer so much utility that the weak damage is fine.

    I'm not talking about "yay this champ looks cool and flashy wow" I mean champs that are real account changers, ones that you rely on to take care of numerous nodes and opponents with relative ease. With Skill, I'd argue you could barely fit in Aegon and Blade, and maybe Hit-monkey(I didn't get to use him too much) that offer the amount of Utility and damage that today's staple top-meta champions have.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    WRIR said:

    WRIR said:

    Here's the problem.

    1. Skill class is lacking. Nick Fury is carrying the entire class on his back. Good thing he has an LMD so his back can break twice, but we need more pillars. Daredevil could have been a great skill champ to make skill great again.

    2. This was Daredevil's last shot at ANYTHING. You think they'll tune him up? Or update him? This is it. Funny how Kabam is so eager to Tune down champions or "fix" them any time they want, especially right after release if they are "broken" but are so adamant about leaving **** champs as they are like Immortal Hulk. He will no longer be up for any discussion because in their eyes he was already buffed.

    3. He shares the same pitfalls as every other lackluster, forgettable, bad pull 2020 champions. He relies on a sp2 for damage. He has weird drawbacks(40% regen rate reduction, utility distributed in his two modes, making him weird or less viable for certain matchups) for no apparent reason. (I don't buy the "100% regen rate is OP! Argument, because it isnt' really that OP. I doubt he'll regen much more than say, Namor.) Finally, no real use. 65% DAAR? Weird and unreliable. It applying after 16 hit combos? He better have some crazy damage. But he doesn't. At best its OK Damage. There is no reason to use him if you have nick, stealthy, monky, even falcon.

    As for people saying "nOT eVeRY bUFf sHoULd bE gAMebREaKing", I don't think people are complaining because he isn't magneto. Its because Daredevil went from, well, Daredevil, to Moleman. He's a very famous adapdation of a famous and loved character, from a class that desperately needs a savior, who's gimmick is Redemption and grit in the comics. Also he was right under Magneto for who needs a buff. People wanted to see him get good! This would have been the perfect, and only, opportunity to make him A tier or S tier and sell his story as well as crystals.

    But they butchered the buff. And after the Cyber Monday pulls, all I had to hope for was having fun with Daredevil. I am very, very disappointed, and I think people have the right to be, because this was a long anticipated buff that went wrong.

    Skill class is lacking?? Yeah cause aegon. Thrasher. Hit monkey. Stealthy. Elsa. Bwdo. Gwenpool. Killmonger. Blade and Taskmaster are all trash right?
    Skill IS lacking. All of your mentions are good, but they don't have a solid unique standing in the game because Nick and Nick alone single handedly outshines most of that list. There are few things that each champ offers outside of what Nick offers, AND Nick has more damage. This is unlike other classes where Colossus, Magneto, Omega Red, and a hanful of other champions are good enough that people can argue about which one is best or like Science where we have Quake, CapIW, Void, etc, Tech with Ghost, Warlock, Guillotine(Tech lacks a bit too IMO), Cosmic with CGR, Captain Marvel, Corvus, Hyperion, Mystic with Doom, Sym Supreme, BWCV, etc. Not even counting the "Good" champions, every class has absolutely great champions, at least 3 or 4, that each offer unique different things as well as damage, for the exception of a few that offer so much utility that the weak damage is fine.

    I'm not talking about "yay this champ looks cool and flashy wow" I mean champs that are real account changers, ones that you rely on to take care of numerous nodes and opponents with relative ease. With Skill, I'd argue you could barely fit in Aegon and Blade, and maybe Hit-monkey(I didn't get to use him too much) that offer the amount of Utility and damage that today's staple top-meta champions have.
    I see your point . But the biggest key champion in the entire game is in the skill class Aegon also nick fury which you mentioned.

    But you can’t say skill is lacking and drop champs that also have their limits.

    Omega red without suicides = 💩
    Magneto: I agree
    Hyperion : I agree
    Quake - I agree

    Corvus without suicides = 💩 not to mention the health pools are getting larger and larger . Don’t forget boost and power boost

    Elsa bloodstone
    Nick fury
    Stealth suit
    Night trasher
    Hit monkey

    These are top tier champs and can be game changing. If you say these champs don’t have damage then that’s crazy. It’s not yellow numbers it’s DOT.
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  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    WRIR said:

    WRIR said:

    Here's the problem.

    1. Skill class is lacking. Nick Fury is carrying the entire class on his back. Good thing he has an LMD so his back can break twice, but we need more pillars. Daredevil could have been a great skill champ to make skill great again.

    2. This was Daredevil's last shot at ANYTHING. You think they'll tune him up? Or update him? This is it. Funny how Kabam is so eager to Tune down champions or "fix" them any time they want, especially right after release if they are "broken" but are so adamant about leaving **** champs as they are like Immortal Hulk. He will no longer be up for any discussion because in their eyes he was already buffed.

    3. He shares the same pitfalls as every other lackluster, forgettable, bad pull 2020 champions. He relies on a sp2 for damage. He has weird drawbacks(40% regen rate reduction, utility distributed in his two modes, making him weird or less viable for certain matchups) for no apparent reason. (I don't buy the "100% regen rate is OP! Argument, because it isnt' really that OP. I doubt he'll regen much more than say, Namor.) Finally, no real use. 65% DAAR? Weird and unreliable. It applying after 16 hit combos? He better have some crazy damage. But he doesn't. At best its OK Damage. There is no reason to use him if you have nick, stealthy, monky, even falcon.

    As for people saying "nOT eVeRY bUFf sHoULd bE gAMebREaKing", I don't think people are complaining because he isn't magneto. Its because Daredevil went from, well, Daredevil, to Moleman. He's a very famous adapdation of a famous and loved character, from a class that desperately needs a savior, who's gimmick is Redemption and grit in the comics. Also he was right under Magneto for who needs a buff. People wanted to see him get good! This would have been the perfect, and only, opportunity to make him A tier or S tier and sell his story as well as crystals.

    But they butchered the buff. And after the Cyber Monday pulls, all I had to hope for was having fun with Daredevil. I am very, very disappointed, and I think people have the right to be, because this was a long anticipated buff that went wrong.

    Skill class is lacking?? Yeah cause aegon. Thrasher. Hit monkey. Stealthy. Elsa. Bwdo. Gwenpool. Killmonger. Blade and Taskmaster are all trash right?
    Skill IS lacking. All of your mentions are good, but they don't have a solid unique standing in the game because Nick and Nick alone single handedly outshines most of that list. There are few things that each champ offers outside of what Nick offers, AND Nick has more damage. This is unlike other classes like mutant where Colossus, Magneto, Omega Red, Archangel and a hanful of other champions are good enough that people can argue about which one is best or like Science where we have Quake, CapIW, Void, etc, Tech with Ghost, Warlock, Guillotine(Tech lacks a bit too IMO), Cosmic with CGR, Captain Marvel, Corvus, Hyperion, Mystic with Doom, sorcerer supreme, Sym Supreme, BWCV, etc. Not even counting the "Good" champions, every class has absolutely great champions, at least 3 or 4, that each offer unique different things as well as damage, for the exception of a few that offer so much utility that the weak damage is fine.

    I'm not talking about "yay this champ looks cool and flashy wow" I mean champs that are real account changers, ones that you rely on to take care of numerous nodes and opponents with relative ease. With Skill, I'd argue you could barely fit in Aegon and Blade, and maybe Hit-monkey(I didn't get to use him too much) that offer the amount of Utility and damage that today's staple top-meta champions have.
    Fixed it for you.
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  • WRIRWRIR Member Posts: 563 ★★★
    Texas_11 said:

    WRIR said:

    WRIR said:

    Here's the problem.

    1. Skill class is lacking. Nick Fury is carrying the entire class on his back. Good thing he has an LMD so his back can break twice, but we need more pillars. Daredevil could have been a great skill champ to make skill great again.

    2. This was Daredevil's last shot at ANYTHING. You think they'll tune him up? Or update him? This is it. Funny how Kabam is so eager to Tune down champions or "fix" them any time they want, especially right after release if they are "broken" but are so adamant about leaving **** champs as they are like Immortal Hulk. He will no longer be up for any discussion because in their eyes he was already buffed.

    3. He shares the same pitfalls as every other lackluster, forgettable, bad pull 2020 champions. He relies on a sp2 for damage. He has weird drawbacks(40% regen rate reduction, utility distributed in his two modes, making him weird or less viable for certain matchups) for no apparent reason. (I don't buy the "100% regen rate is OP! Argument, because it isnt' really that OP. I doubt he'll regen much more than say, Namor.) Finally, no real use. 65% DAAR? Weird and unreliable. It applying after 16 hit combos? He better have some crazy damage. But he doesn't. At best its OK Damage. There is no reason to use him if you have nick, stealthy, monky, even falcon.

    As for people saying "nOT eVeRY bUFf sHoULd bE gAMebREaKing", I don't think people are complaining because he isn't magneto. Its because Daredevil went from, well, Daredevil, to Moleman. He's a very famous adapdation of a famous and loved character, from a class that desperately needs a savior, who's gimmick is Redemption and grit in the comics. Also he was right under Magneto for who needs a buff. People wanted to see him get good! This would have been the perfect, and only, opportunity to make him A tier or S tier and sell his story as well as crystals.

    But they butchered the buff. And after the Cyber Monday pulls, all I had to hope for was having fun with Daredevil. I am very, very disappointed, and I think people have the right to be, because this was a long anticipated buff that went wrong.

    Skill class is lacking?? Yeah cause aegon. Thrasher. Hit monkey. Stealthy. Elsa. Bwdo. Gwenpool. Killmonger. Blade and Taskmaster are all trash right?
    Skill IS lacking. All of your mentions are good, but they don't have a solid unique standing in the game because Nick and Nick alone single handedly outshines most of that list. There are few things that each champ offers outside of what Nick offers, AND Nick has more damage. This is unlike other classes where Colossus, Magneto, Omega Red, and a hanful of other champions are good enough that people can argue about which one is best or like Science where we have Quake, CapIW, Void, etc, Tech with Ghost, Warlock, Guillotine(Tech lacks a bit too IMO), Cosmic with CGR, Captain Marvel, Corvus, Hyperion, Mystic with Doom, Sym Supreme, BWCV, etc. Not even counting the "Good" champions, every class has absolutely great champions, at least 3 or 4, that each offer unique different things as well as damage, for the exception of a few that offer so much utility that the weak damage is fine.

    I'm not talking about "yay this champ looks cool and flashy wow" I mean champs that are real account changers, ones that you rely on to take care of numerous nodes and opponents with relative ease. With Skill, I'd argue you could barely fit in Aegon and Blade, and maybe Hit-monkey(I didn't get to use him too much) that offer the amount of Utility and damage that today's staple top-meta champions have.
    I see your point . But the biggest key champion in the entire game is in the skill class Aegon also nick fury which you mentioned.

    But you can’t say skill is lacking and drop champs that also have their limits.

    Omega red without suicides = 💩
    Magneto: I agree
    Hyperion : I agree
    Quake - I agree

    Corvus without suicides = 💩 not to mention the health pools are getting larger and larger . Don’t forget boost and power boost

    Elsa bloodstone
    Nick fury
    Stealth suit
    Night trasher
    Hit monkey

    These are top tier champs and can be game changing. If you say these champs don’t have damage then that’s crazy. It’s not yellow numbers it’s DOT.
    Never said they don't have damage. Said they don't offer anything else than what Nick offers for the most part. Dot? They dont even come close to Nick!

    Also Corvus without suicides still offers on demand armor break and decent damage. Also Omega Red and Corvus are suicides champs. Saying they're bad without suicides doesn't change the fact that they are undeniably a big influence in the game.

    Its not that other class champs dont have weaknesses. Its not that skill champs don't have strengths. Its that they don't have any differential value that seta them appart and lets them shine, as well as not even being big damage machines.

    The very fact that skill only has 2 of these awesome, crazy game changers when other classes have 4 or 5, especially when Aegon is mostly used fot longer fights, proves that Skill is lacking.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    WRIR said:

    Texas_11 said:

    WRIR said:

    WRIR said:

    Here's the problem.

    1. Skill class is lacking. Nick Fury is carrying the entire class on his back. Good thing he has an LMD so his back can break twice, but we need more pillars. Daredevil could have been a great skill champ to make skill great again.

    2. This was Daredevil's last shot at ANYTHING. You think they'll tune him up? Or update him? This is it. Funny how Kabam is so eager to Tune down champions or "fix" them any time they want, especially right after release if they are "broken" but are so adamant about leaving **** champs as they are like Immortal Hulk. He will no longer be up for any discussion because in their eyes he was already buffed.

    3. He shares the same pitfalls as every other lackluster, forgettable, bad pull 2020 champions. He relies on a sp2 for damage. He has weird drawbacks(40% regen rate reduction, utility distributed in his two modes, making him weird or less viable for certain matchups) for no apparent reason. (I don't buy the "100% regen rate is OP! Argument, because it isnt' really that OP. I doubt he'll regen much more than say, Namor.) Finally, no real use. 65% DAAR? Weird and unreliable. It applying after 16 hit combos? He better have some crazy damage. But he doesn't. At best its OK Damage. There is no reason to use him if you have nick, stealthy, monky, even falcon.

    As for people saying "nOT eVeRY bUFf sHoULd bE gAMebREaKing", I don't think people are complaining because he isn't magneto. Its because Daredevil went from, well, Daredevil, to Moleman. He's a very famous adapdation of a famous and loved character, from a class that desperately needs a savior, who's gimmick is Redemption and grit in the comics. Also he was right under Magneto for who needs a buff. People wanted to see him get good! This would have been the perfect, and only, opportunity to make him A tier or S tier and sell his story as well as crystals.

    But they butchered the buff. And after the Cyber Monday pulls, all I had to hope for was having fun with Daredevil. I am very, very disappointed, and I think people have the right to be, because this was a long anticipated buff that went wrong.

    Skill class is lacking?? Yeah cause aegon. Thrasher. Hit monkey. Stealthy. Elsa. Bwdo. Gwenpool. Killmonger. Blade and Taskmaster are all trash right?
    Skill IS lacking. All of your mentions are good, but they don't have a solid unique standing in the game because Nick and Nick alone single handedly outshines most of that list. There are few things that each champ offers outside of what Nick offers, AND Nick has more damage. This is unlike other classes where Colossus, Magneto, Omega Red, and a hanful of other champions are good enough that people can argue about which one is best or like Science where we have Quake, CapIW, Void, etc, Tech with Ghost, Warlock, Guillotine(Tech lacks a bit too IMO), Cosmic with CGR, Captain Marvel, Corvus, Hyperion, Mystic with Doom, Sym Supreme, BWCV, etc. Not even counting the "Good" champions, every class has absolutely great champions, at least 3 or 4, that each offer unique different things as well as damage, for the exception of a few that offer so much utility that the weak damage is fine.

    I'm not talking about "yay this champ looks cool and flashy wow" I mean champs that are real account changers, ones that you rely on to take care of numerous nodes and opponents with relative ease. With Skill, I'd argue you could barely fit in Aegon and Blade, and maybe Hit-monkey(I didn't get to use him too much) that offer the amount of Utility and damage that today's staple top-meta champions have.
    I see your point . But the biggest key champion in the entire game is in the skill class Aegon also nick fury which you mentioned.

    But you can’t say skill is lacking and drop champs that also have their limits.

    Omega red without suicides = 💩
    Magneto: I agree
    Hyperion : I agree
    Quake - I agree

    Corvus without suicides = 💩 not to mention the health pools are getting larger and larger . Don’t forget boost and power boost

    Elsa bloodstone
    Nick fury
    Stealth suit
    Night trasher
    Hit monkey

    These are top tier champs and can be game changing. If you say these champs don’t have damage then that’s crazy. It’s not yellow numbers it’s DOT.
    Never said they don't have damage. Said they don't offer anything else than what Nick offers for the most part. Dot? They dont even come close to Nick!

    Also Corvus without suicides still offers on demand armor break and decent damage. Also Omega Red and Corvus are suicides champs. Saying they're bad without suicides doesn't change the fact that they are undeniably a big influence in the game.

    Its not that other class champs dont have weaknesses. Its not that skill champs don't have strengths. Its that they don't have any differential value that seta them appart and lets them shine, as well as not even being big damage machines.

    The very fact that skill only has 2 of these awesome, crazy game changers when other classes have 4 or 5, especially when Aegon is mostly used fot longer fights, proves that Skill is lacking.
    No , Corvus without suicides offers on demand utility . Fair I’ll say they are suicide required champs. But I don’t see many people using omega red like they did before but I could be wrong. Corvus is still a workhorse , but that is diminishing

    Skill class is one of the only class that provides a consistent AAR on demand , can shrug off debuffs, and can do well with DOT,

    We also need to clarify in which progress level we are talking about. Skill class is the most balanced class in the game.

    Cosmic : Corvus , CMM
    Mutant : best class in game
    Science: Second best class in game , but stone dependent class.
    Mystic : Doom. After that you can swap them around IMO.
    Skill : Well balanced .

    Hearing you say that some skill champs aren’t game changing is crazy to me. Falcon has 100% AAR , only 3 people have access to this in the game : Quake , falcon , AA. That means there is probably 5% or content or less that falcon cannot do.

    Blade is a game changing champion especially in early act 6. Half of the meta champs you won’t see their benefits until late act 6. Think about it from a perspective as a non end game player who doesn’t have access to multiple champs. The skill class has a way for them to accomplish almost anything in the game. Hardly any duds.

    Even the science class is so signature dependent that they aren’t always the best option.

  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,491 ★★★★★
    edited December 2020
    Texas_11 said:

    WRIR said:

    Texas_11 said:

    WRIR said:

    WRIR said:

    Here's the problem.

    1. Skill class is lacking. Nick Fury is carrying the entire class on his back. Good thing he has an LMD so his back can break twice, but we need more pillars. Daredevil could have been a great skill champ to make skill great again.

    2. This was Daredevil's last shot at ANYTHING. You think they'll tune him up? Or update him? This is it. Funny how Kabam is so eager to Tune down champions or "fix" them any time they want, especially right after release if they are "broken" but are so adamant about leaving **** champs as they are like Immortal Hulk. He will no longer be up for any discussion because in their eyes he was already buffed.

    3. He shares the same pitfalls as every other lackluster, forgettable, bad pull 2020 champions. He relies on a sp2 for damage. He has weird drawbacks(40% regen rate reduction, utility distributed in his two modes, making him weird or less viable for certain matchups) for no apparent reason. (I don't buy the "100% regen rate is OP! Argument, because it isnt' really that OP. I doubt he'll regen much more than say, Namor.) Finally, no real use. 65% DAAR? Weird and unreliable. It applying after 16 hit combos? He better have some crazy damage. But he doesn't. At best its OK Damage. There is no reason to use him if you have nick, stealthy, monky, even falcon.

    As for people saying "nOT eVeRY bUFf sHoULd bE gAMebREaKing", I don't think people are complaining because he isn't magneto. Its because Daredevil went from, well, Daredevil, to Moleman. He's a very famous adapdation of a famous and loved character, from a class that desperately needs a savior, who's gimmick is Redemption and grit in the comics. Also he was right under Magneto for who needs a buff. People wanted to see him get good! This would have been the perfect, and only, opportunity to make him A tier or S tier and sell his story as well as crystals.

    But they butchered the buff. And after the Cyber Monday pulls, all I had to hope for was having fun with Daredevil. I am very, very disappointed, and I think people have the right to be, because this was a long anticipated buff that went wrong.

    Skill class is lacking?? Yeah cause aegon. Thrasher. Hit monkey. Stealthy. Elsa. Bwdo. Gwenpool. Killmonger. Blade and Taskmaster are all trash right?
    Skill IS lacking. All of your mentions are good, but they don't have a solid unique standing in the game because Nick and Nick alone single handedly outshines most of that list. There are few things that each champ offers outside of what Nick offers, AND Nick has more damage. This is unlike other classes where Colossus, Magneto, Omega Red, and a hanful of other champions are good enough that people can argue about which one is best or like Science where we have Quake, CapIW, Void, etc, Tech with Ghost, Warlock, Guillotine(Tech lacks a bit too IMO), Cosmic with CGR, Captain Marvel, Corvus, Hyperion, Mystic with Doom, Sym Supreme, BWCV, etc. Not even counting the "Good" champions, every class has absolutely great champions, at least 3 or 4, that each offer unique different things as well as damage, for the exception of a few that offer so much utility that the weak damage is fine.

    I'm not talking about "yay this champ looks cool and flashy wow" I mean champs that are real account changers, ones that you rely on to take care of numerous nodes and opponents with relative ease. With Skill, I'd argue you could barely fit in Aegon and Blade, and maybe Hit-monkey(I didn't get to use him too much) that offer the amount of Utility and damage that today's staple top-meta champions have.
    I see your point . But the biggest key champion in the entire game is in the skill class Aegon also nick fury which you mentioned.

    But you can’t say skill is lacking and drop champs that also have their limits.

    Omega red without suicides = 💩
    Magneto: I agree
    Hyperion : I agree
    Quake - I agree

    Corvus without suicides = 💩 not to mention the health pools are getting larger and larger . Don’t forget boost and power boost

    Elsa bloodstone
    Nick fury
    Stealth suit
    Night trasher
    Hit monkey

    These are top tier champs and can be game changing. If you say these champs don’t have damage then that’s crazy. It’s not yellow numbers it’s DOT.
    Never said they don't have damage. Said they don't offer anything else than what Nick offers for the most part. Dot? They dont even come close to Nick!

    Also Corvus without suicides still offers on demand armor break and decent damage. Also Omega Red and Corvus are suicides champs. Saying they're bad without suicides doesn't change the fact that they are undeniably a big influence in the game.

    Its not that other class champs dont have weaknesses. Its not that skill champs don't have strengths. Its that they don't have any differential value that seta them appart and lets them shine, as well as not even being big damage machines.

    The very fact that skill only has 2 of these awesome, crazy game changers when other classes have 4 or 5, especially when Aegon is mostly used fot longer fights, proves that Skill is lacking.
    No , Corvus without suicides offers on demand utility . Fair I’ll say they are suicide required champs. But I don’t see many people using omega red like they did before but I could be wrong. Corvus is still a workhorse , but that is diminishing

    Skill class is one of the only class that provides a consistent AAR on demand , can shrug off debuffs, and can do well with DOT,

    We also need to clarify in which progress level we are talking about. Skill class is the most balanced class in the game.

    Cosmic : Corvus , CMM
    Mutant : best class in game
    Science: Second best class in game , but stone dependent class.
    Mystic : Doom. After that you can swap them around IMO.
    Skill : Well balanced .

    Hearing you say that some skill champs aren’t game changing is crazy to me. Falcon has 100% AAR , only 3 people have access to this in the game : Quake , falcon , AA. That means there is probably 5% or content or less that falcon cannot do.

    Blade is a game changing champion especially in early act 6. Half of the meta champs you won’t see their benefits until late act 6. Think about it from a perspective as a non end game player who doesn’t have access to multiple champs. The skill class has a way for them to accomplish almost anything in the game. Hardly any duds.

    Even the science class is so signature dependent that they aren’t always the best option.

    Blade loses a lot of usage after Act 5, he really won't help in the problem fights as much as other champs. He'll get screwed over by Ultron and Sentinel and for Crossbones, it's going to be a long fight.

    You also forgot Wasp
  • This content has been removed.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Sungj said:

    Like seriously, so many people are already saying how bad the new daredevil buff is and also many people saying its great. He's literally been out for a few hours, he may actually be bad, he may actually be great but we literally don't have enough information to make a call either way. Let's give it a few days, let some content creators and community members take him to rank five, learn the optimal rotations and niche uses for him in end game content then come to a conclusion.

    Remember when people thought the OML buff was equal to if not better than the colossus buff? Or how about in the first hulkbuster buff livestream people thought he was straight garbage because they didn't know about the SP2, heavy rotation yet. We need to take more time to test champions before stating a definitive opinion

    It's not a rocket science. You try a champ, you are he's far from nick furry, aegon, doesn't have utility of km or gwenpool, doesn't even have armour break anymore. His damage is nothing special. And when you see no reason to use a champ, it means you most likely won't use him.
    Yes, there is quake, who is tricky and not obvious got to use (member kabam didn't expect it themselves). But dd doesn't have anything like her heavy charge. He's just another mediocre skill champ. I'd be better then he was? Damage-wise probably a little. Overall - not that much. I like his new animation though
  • WRIRWRIR Member Posts: 563 ★★★
    Mike192 said:

    WRIR said:

    Here's the problem.

    1. Skill class is lacking. Nick Fury is carrying the entire class on his back. Good thing he has an LMD so his back can break twice, but we need more pillars. Daredevil could have been a great skill champ to make skill great again.

    2. This was Daredevil's last shot at ANYTHING. You think they'll tune him up? Or update him? This is it. Funny how Kabam is so eager to Tune down champions or "fix" them any time they want, especially right after release if they are "broken" but are so adamant about leaving **** champs as they are like Immortal Hulk. He will no longer be up for any discussion because in their eyes he was already buffed.

    3. He shares the same pitfalls as every other lackluster, forgettable, bad pull 2020 champions. He relies on a sp2 for damage. He has weird drawbacks(40% regen rate reduction, utility distributed in his two modes, making him weird or less viable for certain matchups) for no apparent reason. (I don't buy the "100% regen rate is OP! Argument, because it isnt' really that OP. I doubt he'll regen much more than say, Namor.) Finally, no real use. 65% DAAR? Weird and unreliable. It applying after 16 hit combos? He better have some crazy damage. But he doesn't. At best its OK Damage. There is no reason to use him if you have nick, stealthy, monky, even falcon.

    As for people saying "nOT eVeRY bUFf sHoULd bE gAMebREaKing", I don't think people are complaining because he isn't magneto. Its because Daredevil went from, well, Daredevil, to Moleman. He's a very famous adapdation of a famous and loved character, from a class that desperately needs a savior, who's gimmick is Redemption and grit in the comics. Also he was right under Magneto for who needs a buff. People wanted to see him get good! This would have been the perfect, and only, opportunity to make him A tier or S tier and sell his story as well as crystals.

    But they butchered the buff. And after the Cyber Monday pulls, all I had to hope for was having fun with Daredevil. I am very, very disappointed, and I think people have the right to be, because this was a long anticipated buff that went wrong.

    Aegon is pretty well contested VS fury in skill class. People forget that he really needs around 2-3 fights in a quest to rampup. At 250 combo, my ally mates R3 Aegon does 180k bleed on sp2. But yea, DD is so meh.
    The 2~3 fights is what makes him not the best for short fights. I use him when I can. But sometimes I can't because he has basically 0 utility till he hits that 100 combo.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★

    Texas_11 said:

    WRIR said:

    Texas_11 said:

    WRIR said:

    WRIR said:

    Here's the problem.

    1. Skill class is lacking. Nick Fury is carrying the entire class on his back. Good thing he has an LMD so his back can break twice, but we need more pillars. Daredevil could have been a great skill champ to make skill great again.

    2. This was Daredevil's last shot at ANYTHING. You think they'll tune him up? Or update him? This is it. Funny how Kabam is so eager to Tune down champions or "fix" them any time they want, especially right after release if they are "broken" but are so adamant about leaving **** champs as they are like Immortal Hulk. He will no longer be up for any discussion because in their eyes he was already buffed.

    3. He shares the same pitfalls as every other lackluster, forgettable, bad pull 2020 champions. He relies on a sp2 for damage. He has weird drawbacks(40% regen rate reduction, utility distributed in his two modes, making him weird or less viable for certain matchups) for no apparent reason. (I don't buy the "100% regen rate is OP! Argument, because it isnt' really that OP. I doubt he'll regen much more than say, Namor.) Finally, no real use. 65% DAAR? Weird and unreliable. It applying after 16 hit combos? He better have some crazy damage. But he doesn't. At best its OK Damage. There is no reason to use him if you have nick, stealthy, monky, even falcon.

    As for people saying "nOT eVeRY bUFf sHoULd bE gAMebREaKing", I don't think people are complaining because he isn't magneto. Its because Daredevil went from, well, Daredevil, to Moleman. He's a very famous adapdation of a famous and loved character, from a class that desperately needs a savior, who's gimmick is Redemption and grit in the comics. Also he was right under Magneto for who needs a buff. People wanted to see him get good! This would have been the perfect, and only, opportunity to make him A tier or S tier and sell his story as well as crystals.

    But they butchered the buff. And after the Cyber Monday pulls, all I had to hope for was having fun with Daredevil. I am very, very disappointed, and I think people have the right to be, because this was a long anticipated buff that went wrong.

    Skill class is lacking?? Yeah cause aegon. Thrasher. Hit monkey. Stealthy. Elsa. Bwdo. Gwenpool. Killmonger. Blade and Taskmaster are all trash right?
    Skill IS lacking. All of your mentions are good, but they don't have a solid unique standing in the game because Nick and Nick alone single handedly outshines most of that list. There are few things that each champ offers outside of what Nick offers, AND Nick has more damage. This is unlike other classes where Colossus, Magneto, Omega Red, and a hanful of other champions are good enough that people can argue about which one is best or like Science where we have Quake, CapIW, Void, etc, Tech with Ghost, Warlock, Guillotine(Tech lacks a bit too IMO), Cosmic with CGR, Captain Marvel, Corvus, Hyperion, Mystic with Doom, Sym Supreme, BWCV, etc. Not even counting the "Good" champions, every class has absolutely great champions, at least 3 or 4, that each offer unique different things as well as damage, for the exception of a few that offer so much utility that the weak damage is fine.

    I'm not talking about "yay this champ looks cool and flashy wow" I mean champs that are real account changers, ones that you rely on to take care of numerous nodes and opponents with relative ease. With Skill, I'd argue you could barely fit in Aegon and Blade, and maybe Hit-monkey(I didn't get to use him too much) that offer the amount of Utility and damage that today's staple top-meta champions have.
    I see your point . But the biggest key champion in the entire game is in the skill class Aegon also nick fury which you mentioned.

    But you can’t say skill is lacking and drop champs that also have their limits.

    Omega red without suicides = 💩
    Magneto: I agree
    Hyperion : I agree
    Quake - I agree

    Corvus without suicides = 💩 not to mention the health pools are getting larger and larger . Don’t forget boost and power boost

    Elsa bloodstone
    Nick fury
    Stealth suit
    Night trasher
    Hit monkey

    These are top tier champs and can be game changing. If you say these champs don’t have damage then that’s crazy. It’s not yellow numbers it’s DOT.
    Never said they don't have damage. Said they don't offer anything else than what Nick offers for the most part. Dot? They dont even come close to Nick!

    Also Corvus without suicides still offers on demand armor break and decent damage. Also Omega Red and Corvus are suicides champs. Saying they're bad without suicides doesn't change the fact that they are undeniably a big influence in the game.

    Its not that other class champs dont have weaknesses. Its not that skill champs don't have strengths. Its that they don't have any differential value that seta them appart and lets them shine, as well as not even being big damage machines.

    The very fact that skill only has 2 of these awesome, crazy game changers when other classes have 4 or 5, especially when Aegon is mostly used fot longer fights, proves that Skill is lacking.
    No , Corvus without suicides offers on demand utility . Fair I’ll say they are suicide required champs. But I don’t see many people using omega red like they did before but I could be wrong. Corvus is still a workhorse , but that is diminishing

    Skill class is one of the only class that provides a consistent AAR on demand , can shrug off debuffs, and can do well with DOT,

    We also need to clarify in which progress level we are talking about. Skill class is the most balanced class in the game.

    Cosmic : Corvus , CMM
    Mutant : best class in game
    Science: Second best class in game , but stone dependent class.
    Mystic : Doom. After that you can swap them around IMO.
    Skill : Well balanced .

    Hearing you say that some skill champs aren’t game changing is crazy to me. Falcon has 100% AAR , only 3 people have access to this in the game : Quake , falcon , AA. That means there is probably 5% or content or less that falcon cannot do.

    Blade is a game changing champion especially in early act 6. Half of the meta champs you won’t see their benefits until late act 6. Think about it from a perspective as a non end game player who doesn’t have access to multiple champs. The skill class has a way for them to accomplish almost anything in the game. Hardly any duds.

    Even the science class is so signature dependent that they aren’t always the best option.

    Blade loses a lot of usage after Act 5, he really won't help in the problem fights as much as other champs. He'll get screwed over by Ultron and Sentinel and for Crossbones, it's going to be a long fight.

    You also forgot Wasp
    Says who? How won’t he help in problem fights? In fact give me a problem fight he will help in? He gets danger sense against all those champs so he wouldn’t be screwed.

    I did forget wasp but it takes so long to get her AAr.

  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,491 ★★★★★
    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    WRIR said:

    Texas_11 said:

    WRIR said:

    WRIR said:

    Here's the problem.

    1. Skill class is lacking. Nick Fury is carrying the entire class on his back. Good thing he has an LMD so his back can break twice, but we need more pillars. Daredevil could have been a great skill champ to make skill great again.

    2. This was Daredevil's last shot at ANYTHING. You think they'll tune him up? Or update him? This is it. Funny how Kabam is so eager to Tune down champions or "fix" them any time they want, especially right after release if they are "broken" but are so adamant about leaving **** champs as they are like Immortal Hulk. He will no longer be up for any discussion because in their eyes he was already buffed.

    3. He shares the same pitfalls as every other lackluster, forgettable, bad pull 2020 champions. He relies on a sp2 for damage. He has weird drawbacks(40% regen rate reduction, utility distributed in his two modes, making him weird or less viable for certain matchups) for no apparent reason. (I don't buy the "100% regen rate is OP! Argument, because it isnt' really that OP. I doubt he'll regen much more than say, Namor.) Finally, no real use. 65% DAAR? Weird and unreliable. It applying after 16 hit combos? He better have some crazy damage. But he doesn't. At best its OK Damage. There is no reason to use him if you have nick, stealthy, monky, even falcon.

    As for people saying "nOT eVeRY bUFf sHoULd bE gAMebREaKing", I don't think people are complaining because he isn't magneto. Its because Daredevil went from, well, Daredevil, to Moleman. He's a very famous adapdation of a famous and loved character, from a class that desperately needs a savior, who's gimmick is Redemption and grit in the comics. Also he was right under Magneto for who needs a buff. People wanted to see him get good! This would have been the perfect, and only, opportunity to make him A tier or S tier and sell his story as well as crystals.

    But they butchered the buff. And after the Cyber Monday pulls, all I had to hope for was having fun with Daredevil. I am very, very disappointed, and I think people have the right to be, because this was a long anticipated buff that went wrong.

    Skill class is lacking?? Yeah cause aegon. Thrasher. Hit monkey. Stealthy. Elsa. Bwdo. Gwenpool. Killmonger. Blade and Taskmaster are all trash right?
    Skill IS lacking. All of your mentions are good, but they don't have a solid unique standing in the game because Nick and Nick alone single handedly outshines most of that list. There are few things that each champ offers outside of what Nick offers, AND Nick has more damage. This is unlike other classes where Colossus, Magneto, Omega Red, and a hanful of other champions are good enough that people can argue about which one is best or like Science where we have Quake, CapIW, Void, etc, Tech with Ghost, Warlock, Guillotine(Tech lacks a bit too IMO), Cosmic with CGR, Captain Marvel, Corvus, Hyperion, Mystic with Doom, Sym Supreme, BWCV, etc. Not even counting the "Good" champions, every class has absolutely great champions, at least 3 or 4, that each offer unique different things as well as damage, for the exception of a few that offer so much utility that the weak damage is fine.

    I'm not talking about "yay this champ looks cool and flashy wow" I mean champs that are real account changers, ones that you rely on to take care of numerous nodes and opponents with relative ease. With Skill, I'd argue you could barely fit in Aegon and Blade, and maybe Hit-monkey(I didn't get to use him too much) that offer the amount of Utility and damage that today's staple top-meta champions have.
    I see your point . But the biggest key champion in the entire game is in the skill class Aegon also nick fury which you mentioned.

    But you can’t say skill is lacking and drop champs that also have their limits.

    Omega red without suicides = 💩
    Magneto: I agree
    Hyperion : I agree
    Quake - I agree

    Corvus without suicides = 💩 not to mention the health pools are getting larger and larger . Don’t forget boost and power boost

    Elsa bloodstone
    Nick fury
    Stealth suit
    Night trasher
    Hit monkey

    These are top tier champs and can be game changing. If you say these champs don’t have damage then that’s crazy. It’s not yellow numbers it’s DOT.
    Never said they don't have damage. Said they don't offer anything else than what Nick offers for the most part. Dot? They dont even come close to Nick!

    Also Corvus without suicides still offers on demand armor break and decent damage. Also Omega Red and Corvus are suicides champs. Saying they're bad without suicides doesn't change the fact that they are undeniably a big influence in the game.

    Its not that other class champs dont have weaknesses. Its not that skill champs don't have strengths. Its that they don't have any differential value that seta them appart and lets them shine, as well as not even being big damage machines.

    The very fact that skill only has 2 of these awesome, crazy game changers when other classes have 4 or 5, especially when Aegon is mostly used fot longer fights, proves that Skill is lacking.
    No , Corvus without suicides offers on demand utility . Fair I’ll say they are suicide required champs. But I don’t see many people using omega red like they did before but I could be wrong. Corvus is still a workhorse , but that is diminishing

    Skill class is one of the only class that provides a consistent AAR on demand , can shrug off debuffs, and can do well with DOT,

    We also need to clarify in which progress level we are talking about. Skill class is the most balanced class in the game.

    Cosmic : Corvus , CMM
    Mutant : best class in game
    Science: Second best class in game , but stone dependent class.
    Mystic : Doom. After that you can swap them around IMO.
    Skill : Well balanced .

    Hearing you say that some skill champs aren’t game changing is crazy to me. Falcon has 100% AAR , only 3 people have access to this in the game : Quake , falcon , AA. That means there is probably 5% or content or less that falcon cannot do.

    Blade is a game changing champion especially in early act 6. Half of the meta champs you won’t see their benefits until late act 6. Think about it from a perspective as a non end game player who doesn’t have access to multiple champs. The skill class has a way for them to accomplish almost anything in the game. Hardly any duds.

    Even the science class is so signature dependent that they aren’t always the best option.

    Blade loses a lot of usage after Act 5, he really won't help in the problem fights as much as other champs. He'll get screwed over by Ultron and Sentinel and for Crossbones, it's going to be a long fight.

    You also forgot Wasp
    Says who? How won’t he help in problem fights? In fact give me a problem fight he will help in? He gets danger sense against all those champs so he wouldn’t be screwed.

    I did forget wasp but it takes so long to get her AAr.

    I didn't say he wouldn't help, I said he wouldn't help as much as other champs. Blade loses a lot of usage past

    A lot of his damage comes from his bleeds, two of three champions I've listed are bleed immune. The last has shrug off and vigour. Ultron has EMP mod and the whole quest has combo party as well so yeah that won't help, Crossbones will just shrug off and heal and then theres the poison debuff you've got to control and power struggle. The there's Sentinel, he just won't help for that fight because of stun immunity and plagued mind.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    WRIR said:

    Texas_11 said:

    WRIR said:

    WRIR said:

    Here's the problem.

    1. Skill class is lacking. Nick Fury is carrying the entire class on his back. Good thing he has an LMD so his back can break twice, but we need more pillars. Daredevil could have been a great skill champ to make skill great again.

    2. This was Daredevil's last shot at ANYTHING. You think they'll tune him up? Or update him? This is it. Funny how Kabam is so eager to Tune down champions or "fix" them any time they want, especially right after release if they are "broken" but are so adamant about leaving **** champs as they are like Immortal Hulk. He will no longer be up for any discussion because in their eyes he was already buffed.

    3. He shares the same pitfalls as every other lackluster, forgettable, bad pull 2020 champions. He relies on a sp2 for damage. He has weird drawbacks(40% regen rate reduction, utility distributed in his two modes, making him weird or less viable for certain matchups) for no apparent reason. (I don't buy the "100% regen rate is OP! Argument, because it isnt' really that OP. I doubt he'll regen much more than say, Namor.) Finally, no real use. 65% DAAR? Weird and unreliable. It applying after 16 hit combos? He better have some crazy damage. But he doesn't. At best its OK Damage. There is no reason to use him if you have nick, stealthy, monky, even falcon.

    As for people saying "nOT eVeRY bUFf sHoULd bE gAMebREaKing", I don't think people are complaining because he isn't magneto. Its because Daredevil went from, well, Daredevil, to Moleman. He's a very famous adapdation of a famous and loved character, from a class that desperately needs a savior, who's gimmick is Redemption and grit in the comics. Also he was right under Magneto for who needs a buff. People wanted to see him get good! This would have been the perfect, and only, opportunity to make him A tier or S tier and sell his story as well as crystals.

    But they butchered the buff. And after the Cyber Monday pulls, all I had to hope for was having fun with Daredevil. I am very, very disappointed, and I think people have the right to be, because this was a long anticipated buff that went wrong.

    Skill class is lacking?? Yeah cause aegon. Thrasher. Hit monkey. Stealthy. Elsa. Bwdo. Gwenpool. Killmonger. Blade and Taskmaster are all trash right?
    Skill IS lacking. All of your mentions are good, but they don't have a solid unique standing in the game because Nick and Nick alone single handedly outshines most of that list. There are few things that each champ offers outside of what Nick offers, AND Nick has more damage. This is unlike other classes where Colossus, Magneto, Omega Red, and a hanful of other champions are good enough that people can argue about which one is best or like Science where we have Quake, CapIW, Void, etc, Tech with Ghost, Warlock, Guillotine(Tech lacks a bit too IMO), Cosmic with CGR, Captain Marvel, Corvus, Hyperion, Mystic with Doom, Sym Supreme, BWCV, etc. Not even counting the "Good" champions, every class has absolutely great champions, at least 3 or 4, that each offer unique different things as well as damage, for the exception of a few that offer so much utility that the weak damage is fine.

    I'm not talking about "yay this champ looks cool and flashy wow" I mean champs that are real account changers, ones that you rely on to take care of numerous nodes and opponents with relative ease. With Skill, I'd argue you could barely fit in Aegon and Blade, and maybe Hit-monkey(I didn't get to use him too much) that offer the amount of Utility and damage that today's staple top-meta champions have.
    I see your point . But the biggest key champion in the entire game is in the skill class Aegon also nick fury which you mentioned.

    But you can’t say skill is lacking and drop champs that also have their limits.

    Omega red without suicides = 💩
    Magneto: I agree
    Hyperion : I agree
    Quake - I agree

    Corvus without suicides = 💩 not to mention the health pools are getting larger and larger . Don’t forget boost and power boost

    Elsa bloodstone
    Nick fury
    Stealth suit
    Night trasher
    Hit monkey

    These are top tier champs and can be game changing. If you say these champs don’t have damage then that’s crazy. It’s not yellow numbers it’s DOT.
    Never said they don't have damage. Said they don't offer anything else than what Nick offers for the most part. Dot? They dont even come close to Nick!

    Also Corvus without suicides still offers on demand armor break and decent damage. Also Omega Red and Corvus are suicides champs. Saying they're bad without suicides doesn't change the fact that they are undeniably a big influence in the game.

    Its not that other class champs dont have weaknesses. Its not that skill champs don't have strengths. Its that they don't have any differential value that seta them appart and lets them shine, as well as not even being big damage machines.

    The very fact that skill only has 2 of these awesome, crazy game changers when other classes have 4 or 5, especially when Aegon is mostly used fot longer fights, proves that Skill is lacking.
    No , Corvus without suicides offers on demand utility . Fair I’ll say they are suicide required champs. But I don’t see many people using omega red like they did before but I could be wrong. Corvus is still a workhorse , but that is diminishing

    Skill class is one of the only class that provides a consistent AAR on demand , can shrug off debuffs, and can do well with DOT,

    We also need to clarify in which progress level we are talking about. Skill class is the most balanced class in the game.

    Cosmic : Corvus , CMM
    Mutant : best class in game
    Science: Second best class in game , but stone dependent class.
    Mystic : Doom. After that you can swap them around IMO.
    Skill : Well balanced .

    Hearing you say that some skill champs aren’t game changing is crazy to me. Falcon has 100% AAR , only 3 people have access to this in the game : Quake , falcon , AA. That means there is probably 5% or content or less that falcon cannot do.

    Blade is a game changing champion especially in early act 6. Half of the meta champs you won’t see their benefits until late act 6. Think about it from a perspective as a non end game player who doesn’t have access to multiple champs. The skill class has a way for them to accomplish almost anything in the game. Hardly any duds.

    Even the science class is so signature dependent that they aren’t always the best option.

    Blade loses a lot of usage after Act 5, he really won't help in the problem fights as much as other champs. He'll get screwed over by Ultron and Sentinel and for Crossbones, it's going to be a long fight.

    You also forgot Wasp
    Says who? How won’t he help in problem fights? In fact give me a problem fight he will help in? He gets danger sense against all those champs so he wouldn’t be screwed.

    I did forget wasp but it takes so long to get her AAr.

    I didn't say he wouldn't help, I said he wouldn't help as much as other champs. Blade loses a lot of usage past

    A lot of his damage comes from his bleeds, two of three champions I've listed are bleed immune. The last has shrug off and vigour. Ultron has EMP mod and the whole quest has combo party as well so yeah that won't help, Crossbones will just shrug off and heal and then theres the poison debuff you've got to control and power struggle. The there's Sentinel, he just won't help for that fight because of stun immunity and plagued mind.
    Blade gets almost a 2200 attack rating against those champs so you won’t feel it as much.

    crossbones ability to shrug off would be greatly affected and vigor has a chance of not even activating due to the AAR. Good thing blade can bypass plague mind as well. He can still do so much man. Also, blade doesn’t need stun. Blade also does very well on EMP mod.

    I appreciate your logic behind these, but blade can handle those fights effectively.

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