Cavalier EQ- Best Cosmic

centennialcentennial Member Posts: 77
Just a bit of fun. With the Cav EQ favoring a specific class (and certain champs in each class) I wanted to see who everyone enjoys using- who in your opinion is the most OP in the Cav EQ Quest 2.1?

Cavalier EQ- Best Cosmic 34 votes

Captain Marvel [Movie]
TheInfintyWill3808 2 votes
Was525VoltolosAleorHavanaknightBugmat78EtjamaOGAvengerThoye3PastorAmericaMasterpuffTheMailmannAgent_X_zzzAmnetiesCrcrcrcValentinos13anaLysis_HSS75MalinmadNegative_100Gardener 23 votes
Cosmic Ghost Rider
Ctfz35Barani7daNoobda 3 votes
FreakydThedancingkidcentennial[Deleted User] 4 votes
Venom The Duck
Silver Surfer
LOThunder 1 vote
Vision (Aarkus)
BsuGuy 1 vote


  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,000 ★★★★★
    Not even a question. He destroys every fight with this node in like 30 hits.
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    I personally don't have Hype, so I use CMM and destroy everything in a single Sp2. But Hype is ridiculous with Cosmic Grit.
  • BsuGuyBsuGuy Member Posts: 138
    Angela is amazing for the Cav. EQ
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    Hype easily...CGR is sweet but you have to sp3 first to get all the buffs. CMM is second after Hype for me but of course need to get to binary.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    edited December 2020
    Angela. But with the updated version, hype just nukes everything.

    CMM is cool here, but doesn't benefit much.
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    I'm confused how cmm interacts with it because it seems like she dos more damage but I thought only future buffs are more potent, so I thought none of the binary furies would be improved
  • LOThunderLOThunder Member Posts: 227 ★★
    Silver Surfer
    I have both Hyperion and silver surfer at rank 5, but with surfer all I need are intercepts and a good knowledge of his rotation and you're good. However, with Hyperion you need to spam heavies. Those heavies come at a price of blocking and getting your health chipped down a bit, but when you get 10 furies the fight is done pretty much in 2 specials.
    1. Some fights parries are not reliable or the opponent crits through your block.
    2. Surfer is good against iceman on buffed up and can even take on torch (don't use Special 1's)
    3. Also Surfers vigilance to counter miss.
    4. I'm mostly free to play, so I like to play it without taking avoidable damage.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    LOThunder said:

    I have both Hyperion and silver surfer at rank 5, but with surfer all I need are intercepts and a good knowledge of his rotation and you're good. However, with Hyperion you need to spam heavies. Those heavies come at a price of blocking and getting your health chipped down a bit, but when you get 10 furies the fight is done pretty much in 2 specials.
    1. Some fights parries are not reliable or the opponent crits through your block.
    2. Surfer is good against iceman on buffed up and can even take on torch (don't use Special 1's)
    3. Also Surfers vigilance to counter miss.
    4. I'm mostly free to play, so I like to play it without taking avoidable damage.

  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,000 ★★★★★
    LOThunder said:

    I have both Hyperion and silver surfer at rank 5, but with surfer all I need are intercepts and a good knowledge of his rotation and you're good. However, with Hyperion you need to spam heavies. Those heavies come at a price of blocking and getting your health chipped down a bit, but when you get 10 furies the fight is done pretty much in 2 specials.
    1. Some fights parries are not reliable or the opponent crits through your block.
    2. Surfer is good against iceman on buffed up and can even take on torch (don't use Special 1's)
    3. Also Surfers vigilance to counter miss.
    4. I'm mostly free to play, so I like to play it without taking avoidable damage.

    But parries reduce the damage by like 90%
    Hype can counter all of that by:
    1. Reparry or build to sp2 for stun and heavies
    2. Hype can take them both down. Just heavy spam then sp2
    3. Miss is not a major thing to counter. Just wait it out with hype.
    4. Hype has an awesome regen that is super easy to access.
    Time for my Hyperion list of benefits.
    1. Hyperion has power gain, which counters a lot of nodes.
    2. He has a lot of health. Super tanky.
    3. Sustainable. He has a regen that heals like 50% of his health.
    4. He gains furies way faster than any other cosmic by a lot.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Crcrcrc said:

    LOThunder said:

    I have both Hyperion and silver surfer at rank 5, but with surfer all I need are intercepts and a good knowledge of his rotation and you're good. However, with Hyperion you need to spam heavies. Those heavies come at a price of blocking and getting your health chipped down a bit, but when you get 10 furies the fight is done pretty much in 2 specials.
    1. Some fights parries are not reliable or the opponent crits through your block.
    2. Surfer is good against iceman on buffed up and can even take on torch (don't use Special 1's)
    3. Also Surfers vigilance to counter miss.
    4. I'm mostly free to play, so I like to play it without taking avoidable damage.

    But parries reduce the damage by like 90%
    Hype can counter all of that by:
    1. Reparry or build to sp2 for stun and heavies
    2. Hype can take them both down. Just heavy spam then sp2
    3. Miss is not a major thing to counter. Just wait it out with hype.
    4. Hype has an awesome regen that is super easy to access.
    Time for my Hyperion list of benefits.
    1. Hyperion has power gain, which counters a lot of nodes.
    2. He has a lot of health. Super tanky.
    3. Sustainable. He has a regen that heals like 50% of his health.
    4. He gains furies way faster than any other cosmic by a lot.
    Plus he can access both energy and physical resistance at the same time, which make up for his relatively lower-than-average block prof. Don't forget he can special intercept!
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