LoL Advice

Jcray705Jcray705 Member Posts: 30
So I'm definitely ready to try Labyrinth of Legends. The problem is I'm not sure who I should use and what team to pair them with. I have a 5* duped SL at R4, so that's the obvious answer, except that I can't keep a combo of more than about 125 hits against Red Hulk when I'm practicing. (I have tried so many times its not funny) I just pulled a 5* X-23 yesterday, and plan to take her to R4, as she is also a very good option for a first run in LoL. I'm leaning towards doing it with X-23, and just surviving until the enemies become unstoppable, revive, and repeat. Who do you think I should use, or should I bring both in? What synergy team should I use? Will X-23's base attack be high enough to get the extended enrage timer with fewer synergies?


  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    If you can't get more than a 125 combo on Rulk with star lord I'd say you aren't quite ready for LOL just yet. You probably need to work on your intercepting skills, even with x-23's regen if you are having trouble keeping combos against LOL bosses you're just going to screw yourself over on the units front. The general rule of thumb to gauge whether or not you are ready for LOL is if you can either one shot red hulk with 5* rank 4 starlord or get to the end of the second enrage timer with another 5* or 4* starlord. It takes a long time but learning to intercept is definitely worth doing before LOL, when I did my run I took a couple weeks where I just farmed ROL for potions and only intercepted and ended up finishing LOL a good amount under 4k units with 4* starlord. Now on the topic of synergies and what team to use if you learn to keep up a combo there won't be many fights where you'd want x-23 over Starlord except maybe magik, war machine and falcon but you can still one shot war machine and falcon with starlord if you play well so its really up to you on who to bring. Starlord needs at least 3 attack synergies I believe to get the increased enrage timer so a double magneto/cyclops or double antman/yellow jacket synergies should work just fine
  • Jcray705Jcray705 Member Posts: 30
    edited October 2017
    Surviving until the end of the 2nd enrage timer isn't a problem. I've done it several times with SL already. I just lose my combo so his damage never gets high enough for me to solo him. I don't get hit much, but it only takes one and SL is screwed. With a 5* X23 I should be able to survive as long as possible almost every fight, thanks to her regen.
  • solopolosolopolo Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    You can't get more than 125 hits on red hulk. You don't know what team you want to bring in. You're definitely not ready for LoL. Firstly, spend time practicing against red hulk. Learn how he fights, when to intercept, parry or back away, learn how to evade his specials. Red hulk is one of the more difficult champs to play against. He's much less predictable than other champs. You'll also need a guillotine for x-23 and a black widow or iceman for spiderman if you're taking those paths. It's very highly recommended to take those paths separately as they are 2 of the hardest champs in LoL, and they further restrict your team choices. I'm not sure how the enrage timer works with stats but I do kow that crit teams work much better than attack teams. Try different teams and figure out what works best for you. Also look at the LoL map and choose which path you want to take (there are maps online made by people who have completed the labyrinth).
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Jcray705 wrote: »
    Surviving until the end of the 2nd enrage timer isn't a problem. I've done it several times with SL already. I just lose my combo so his damage never gets high enough for me to solo him. I don't get hit much, but it only takes one and SL is screwed. With a 5* X23 I should be able to survive as long as possible almost every fight, thanks to her regen.

    Oh okay, but my point still pretty much stands with a 5* starlord you don't really want to take on LOL until you can solo red hulk , it isn't very difficult anymore since the 12.0 nerf. X-23 is a very good option for LOL easily in the top 5 but if you are planning to do it 100%x-23 just won't cut it for some of the enigmatic bosses and you will have to use your starlord. When that day comes having taken the time to practice now will will save you hundreds if not thousands of units. You should not be relying on a characters ability to regen to get through LOL especially since if you mess up and revive x-23 to 40% her regen won't matter since the opponents will have greatly inflated attack and can KO her in a few hits
  • Jcray705Jcray705 Member Posts: 30
    OK, so practicing more seems to be the route to go. I need to build up my units anyway, so plenty of time for that. I'm also just looking to complete the easy path, I'm not going for 100% anytime soon. In regards to the synergies, its not that I don't who which teams can be used, I'm more interested to know if there is a team that will let me bring both SL and X23, as well as have the extended enrage timer.
  • Superman69Superman69 Member Posts: 534 ★★★
    Jcray705 wrote: »
    OK, so practicing more seems to be the route to go. I need to build up my units anyway, so plenty of time for that. I'm also just looking to complete the easy path, I'm not going for 100% anytime soon. In regards to the synergies, its not that I don't who which teams can be used, I'm more interested to know if there is a team that will let me bring both SL and X23, as well as have the extended enrage timer.

    With 5* r4 SL, you need YJ/YJ/AM (or 2 AMs 4/5*) or 4* Mags/5*Mags/5*Cyc (4* cyc doesn't work as his attack synergy is 5% as compared to others with 6%)

    So now you have 4 spots filled, you can choose anyone for that final spot, X-23 would be great.
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Jcray705 wrote: »
    OK, so practicing more seems to be the route to go. I need to build up my units anyway, so plenty of time for that. I'm also just looking to complete the easy path, I'm not going for 100% anytime soon. In regards to the synergies, its not that I don't who which teams can be used, I'm more interested to know if there is a team that will let me bring both SL and X23, as well as have the extended enrage timer.

    Grinding out ROL is the best place to practice, long fights to practice consistent intercepting and you can farm lots of pots which will be very useful for magik, warmachine and falcon
  • Jcray705Jcray705 Member Posts: 30
    Thanks for the advice! Anything else I should know that isn't common knowledge?
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Yeah 2 things people don't seem to be that aware of is that in LOL enigmatic starlord is a better practice dummy than Red Hulk after you start getting more used to the LOL AI because he doesn't have that physical resistance and his enigmatic ability doesn't really affect his difficulty. A lot of people get discouraged when they can't get much damage off of rulk when its just because of the resistance so practicing on starlord will give you a better picture of how much damage you can do in one try. The second thing is to heal up your starlord of X-23 up to full before you fight Warmachine, Falcon, Magik and possibly antman. Not healing up will make WM and falcon's specials hit significantly harder and it is almost impossible to one shot them but if you heal up you don't even have to worry that much from chip damage from their specials, even a 4* starlord can get falcon down in 2 tries. Same sentiment for magik, more health = less limbo damage and Ant-man is just a superlong fight because of his glancing so healing up just means you have room for errors like taking a few blocked hits against the wall or when you run out of parries.
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