Generic AG - CMM or Corvus?

I have a 5star generic gem and not sure who to use it on. Contemplating between CMM and Corvus. Few things to note:
- I have a 6star unduped CMM at r2, I’m a few fragments away from taking her to r3.
- I’ve completed all of variants and working on Act 6 exploring.
- Recently got suicides mastery, still learning how to play with it.
- Pulled Corvus about a month ago, not sure if he’s useful in deep Act 6 and will be in Act 7.
Pls, what will you advise?
Edit: If you’re wondering who I have duped and maxed

- I have a 6star unduped CMM at r2, I’m a few fragments away from taking her to r3.
- I’ve completed all of variants and working on Act 6 exploring.
- Recently got suicides mastery, still learning how to play with it.
- Pulled Corvus about a month ago, not sure if he’s useful in deep Act 6 and will be in Act 7.
Pls, what will you advise?
Edit: If you’re wondering who I have duped and maxed

I'd use it on CMM for that indestructible.
Edit: yup, see they've already got Archangel, they don't need to save it.😄
Otherwise save the generic
Hope this helps.
Cheers and good luck with your decision.
I was leaning towards CMM and then this comment dropped 😢
This is interesting, now you got me confused with the nodes you listed. Don’t have Proxima but I’m fine with Mix Master. The others I’m good, have good options but I hate the “do not go gentle” node and that got my attention. Wondering if CMM isn’t also viable with her indestructible?
Btw, Corvus is fine for plenty of Act6 paths, even mandatory for some. Just use some boosts(abundent now) and cosmic boosts.
If these are your top choices, either one would be fine, but need to weigh what will be more valuable for what you want to accomplish in the near term.
I’ve been waiting for Ghost for a long time. I have 2 Tech AGs one definitely for her and the other not sure maybe Guardian if I ever pull him. 1 Science for Caiw if ever and 1 Mystic for Sorcerer same boat.