Scarlett witch silent nerf
Anyone noticing their SW isn't triggering as many buffs or Debuffs lately. Mine is fully upgraded and maxed and the past month she seems to be alot less useful aside from nullify. Also when she does trigger Regan it's at the beginning of a fight when it's not needed. Never at the end
I haven't used her in ages, but the other day I took her into AW against Hyperion on the mini-boss node with power gain. Her buffs and debuffs came in exactly as I needed them. I couldn't have orchestrated them better. Nullify when his power gain was on, power steal when his power bar was high and then a regen part way through. She came out with more health than going in.
The RNG is why she is both considering amazing and also not quite worshipped like the other work horses that are more reliable.
My 2 pennies
I have her 4/40 sig 99 and even then I ponder whether she should be my next mystic 5/50 or go with the more reliable GR, but even him sometimes I have issues procc'ing against #heroes.