New arena points clarified [Title edited for clarity]



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  • CASrinivasCASrinivas Member Posts: 1,109 ★★★
    Denzel116 said:

    I personally think arena is the worst part of the game. And Kabam wants us the grind it like crazy to get half a six star and a full five star? Sayonara.

    Right there with you fam. Arena feels like....punishment.
    How about an Auto Grind Feature in Arenas😂😂😂
    That would be a Disaster....
  • Troy_Elric123Troy_Elric123 Member Posts: 542 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike , If you guys need ideas to make game better , the community is here for you. All thr ideas you ve had lately is taking old content slapping a 10% boost to rewards and call it a day. In champion design all you had is give everyone unstoppable and unblockable. You have failed cav players time and again. You guys have made some poor decisions in the past few months. You should consider 2021 decisions more wisely. Or you will lose players. This is the reality. I m not being petty
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    That's a bit dramatic. It's an Arena. It requires time and effort, and 6* Shards are involved. Which means a few Rounds aren't going to be sufficient. Overall, we've received quite a bit between the Calendar (not withstanding the Shards, I was with that one), and the Gift for logging in. We're also getting something on Christmas Day. It's not totally unreasonable to have to put effort into some Shards over a week. The Arena is part of the game and as much as I understand people expected faster Points, there's something to be said for wanting instant gratification.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    Faseeh said:

    @GroundedWisdom Lol you are always on the other side of the war in these merged thread
    (not that i care but im noticing it lol)

    What war? We just got how many Shards today? Not everything will come with minimal effort. If it was 7 days of Grinding for a 5*, I'd be with you. People have already passed a Mil on the first day. It's not that deep. Some people don't have the time. Same with anything else people don't have the time for. Perfectly understandable, but when the Rewards are there and don't require any insurmountable amount of skill, there's not much I can add for an argument of unfairness. Grind. That's all I can say.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    I take the same stance with the Gold argument. There's a steady flow in the Arena. People don't like/don't want to Grind. It's not always a game that gives everything with a few clicks a day. The Arenas are part of the game.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    These Arenas are a treat because we don't normally get this amount of Resources from one Grind, but the Rewards aren't a given. They're earned just like any other Arena. We get them when we put sufficient time and effort in, and earn them. Just like other Arenas, if we can't do it all, we do what we can.
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  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★

    Oor I can walk through 7.1 in maybe 2-3 hours (total, spread over however long you like) and get 10k 6* shards plus whatever else there is

    If that suits your needs better than do that. No one is forcing you to do the arena.
    You completely missed the point...
    I’m saying it’s easier and faster (lets be real, 7.1 is incredibly easy) to earn double the amount of 6* shards that you can from this “celebratory, thank you for playing” arena.
    If ur spending 3 hrs a day for some 6* shards you really don't have a life. Also not everyone has suicides and a lot of maxed 2 stars.
    Might want to work on your ability to read mate because that was so unrelated to what I was saying I’m wondering if you even read my comment at all...
  • Etm34Etm34 Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★★

    That's a bit dramatic. It's an Arena. It requires time and effort, and 6* Shards are involved. Which means a few Rounds aren't going to be sufficient. Overall, we've received quite a bit between the Calendar (not withstanding the Shards, I was with that one), and the Gift for logging in. We're also getting something on Christmas Day. It's not totally unreasonable to have to put effort into some Shards over a week. The Arena is part of the game and as much as I understand people expected faster Points, there's something to be said for wanting instant gratification.

    I 100% agree. We came in with expectations that this would be like the punisher special arena, and it wasn’t. Oh well. Gotta grind to get some shards. I’m more upset this hit during the new featured champion cycle. We only get one featured this month it seems, and now my arena time is split 3 ways.
  • CrainOnTheBrainCrainOnTheBrain Member Posts: 86
    It’s half a 6*, sure. But it being the 6 year anniversary, we should have the x3 win streak increased to a x6. Go from 800 fights to 400. Still a lot, but not “grind arenas, all day, every day, for an entire week. Happy ‘celebration’ lol”
  • Kt9561Kt9561 Member Posts: 26
    Not all people have that much time or that many 2* , not a good idea , to launch 3 arena requiring same 1/2 * champs for a week with that much big milestones and very less points per fight
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★

    These Arenas are a treat because we don't normally get this amount of Resources from one Grind, but the Rewards aren't a given. They're earned just like any other Arena. We get them when we put sufficient time and effort in, and earn them. Just like other Arenas, if we can't do it all, we do what we can.

    You have got to admit tho, the requirements are a tad bit excessive. I would be totally fine with it if they allowed up to 4 stars.
    I mean, it'll take some time with 2*s, for sure. When you think about it, that's kind of a balancing factor.
  • Meister_of_LXMeister_of_LX Member Posts: 32
    Come on Kabam... this is the special arena with a special really good prizes (5* and 6* frags). But do you consider this a healthy addiction? have to work on arena at least 2hours a day during 7 days?

    Do you consider this an healthy addiction? Come on...

    Please give a boost on the multipliers or at least extend the time of the arenas for a month or so...

    Doing 4M with just 5k for each fight is making us looking like crazy lunatics tapping all the time
  • MattstafariMattstafari Member Posts: 693 ★★★
    If they don't put in content that requires you to use the 1* and 2* champs they won't ever get used.

    I think it's good that they found a way to make them relevant again. I'm not an arena grinder, I only do these special arenas and even then, it's only if I really want to and have the time. No one is being forced / pressured to do it.
  • CASrinivasCASrinivas Member Posts: 1,109 ★★★
    edited December 2020
    I'm getting Death matches on these 2 Star Arenas....I almost spend 3 min.s on one just to Bait their Specials.....They won't use it......
    Screw You Kabam...I only reached 250k in 5 Star...
    I have to Grind like 30 Hr.s in total just to pick that 6 Star Shards....Please Increase the Point Multiplayer to 3k I mean just Double it up
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,918 ★★★★★
    Frankly 2* arena is not tough at all, but ~260 rounds (assume you get 15k per round) is really a marathon.
    I have a wrong expectation that they will give 1*/2* a higher score per
    Anyway, now 1/4 of it, still long way to go.
  • ToastyToasty Member Posts: 155 ★★
    edited December 2020
    I find it fair, just disappointing. I definitely won’t be grinding all the milestones, because the time you need to put into it just isn’t worth it. I’m not about to max all my 2*s and waste a ton of very valuable gold so a lot of the champs I’m using in this event are r1 lvl 1-r1 lvl 10. This Doesn’t seem bad at first, but considering high tier players and doing this, they all have good mastery’s as well as maxed 2* exclusives which can be very annoying (korg, havok etc) and most matchups will take 80-100 hits per fight. I personally think that’s a ridiculous amount of time for what we get out of it but if you wanna grind ur soul out, by all means go ahead.
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,918 ★★★★★
    Toasty said:

    I find it fair, just disappointing. I definitely won’t be grinding all the milestones, because the time you need to put into it just isn’t worth it. I’m not about to max all my 2*s and waste a ton of very valuable gold so a lot of the champs I’m using in this event are r1 lvl 1-r1 lvl 10. This Donets seem bad, but considering high tier players and doing this, they all have good mastery’s and most matchups will take 80-100 hits per fight. I personally think that’s a ridiculous amount of time for what we get out of it but if you wanna grind ur soul out, by all means go ahead.

    I guess player's complain may drop 80% if kabam condense the last milestone to 2mm or 2.5mm.
    If 4mm milestone is set for 10% T5CC, then Kabam server will down quickly as everyone join the
  • CASrinivasCASrinivas Member Posts: 1,109 ★★★
    Reference said:

    Toasty said:

    I find it fair, just disappointing. I definitely won’t be grinding all the milestones, because the time you need to put into it just isn’t worth it. I’m not about to max all my 2*s and waste a ton of very valuable gold so a lot of the champs I’m using in this event are r1 lvl 1-r1 lvl 10. This Donets seem bad, but considering high tier players and doing this, they all have good mastery’s and most matchups will take 80-100 hits per fight. I personally think that’s a ridiculous amount of time for what we get out of it but if you wanna grind ur soul out, by all means go ahead.

    I guess player's complain may drop 80% if kabam condense the last milestone to 2mm or 2.5mm.
    If 4mm milestone is set for 10% T5CC, then Kabam server will down quickly as everyone join the
    No, they won't have to reduce the milestone....
    Just increase the point multiplayer from 1.5k to 3k....
    That will definitely do..... Coz even if each fight takes Sometime, the points will be worthq
  • Meister_of_LXMeister_of_LX Member Posts: 32
    Come on Kabam... making us grind like that, its not an healthy addiction.

    I've made too much arena to know that 5k points for each fight for 4M milestone is not fair in a week run.
    800 fights?? come on, do you really want to tire players tapping like lunatics for even more hours a day...

    Is this your idea of fun? or even worse, anniversary arena?

    PLEASE, reconsider:
    - boost multipliers;
    - extend arena time for a month or so...
  • ToastyToasty Member Posts: 155 ★★
    Reference said:

    Toasty said:

    I find it fair, just disappointing. I definitely won’t be grinding all the milestones, because the time you need to put into it just isn’t worth it. I’m not about to max all my 2*s and waste a ton of very valuable gold so a lot of the champs I’m using in this event are r1 lvl 1-r1 lvl 10. This Donets seem bad, but considering high tier players and doing this, they all have good mastery’s and most matchups will take 80-100 hits per fight. I personally think that’s a ridiculous amount of time for what we get out of it but if you wanna grind ur soul out, by all means go ahead.

    I guess player's complain may drop 80% if kabam condense the last milestone to 2mm or 2.5mm.
    If 4mm milestone is set for 10% T5CC, then Kabam server will down quickly as everyone join the
    Yeah, I personally think the best thing to do is just make the arena 14 days long. Then you still need to put in the same amount of work but there’s just less stress and it doesn’t feel like such a drag
  • GBearSmithGBearSmith Member Posts: 45
    Kabam Boo said:

    Hi folks! Just to clarify, you are receiving the correct points multiplier in the Anniversary Arenas :) The milestones may seem far off, but keep at it and you'll be raking in those Shards before you know it! So people should now take time off work to complete these arenas whats the point putting them out. KABAM is becoming a joke

  • TheBestinTuakauTheBestinTuakau Member Posts: 955 ★★★
    So I just passed the 1 million point milestone, I didn't take note in the exact time but it took me 64 rounds (I lost 2 fights throughout those 64 rounds). Best case scenario for me is just under 260 rounds, at about 3 minutes for each round leaving me with 13 hours less in my life but 5k extra 6 star shards (along with some bonus goodies throughout milestones)
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