6* arena with 2*s is a grind from hell

JoesekiJoeseki Member Posts: 53
OMG am I going numb! We need 240 rounds of fights to earn all rewards in then 6* shard arena.
Essentially every 2 hours you need to pound out 10-20 rounds,. For all other arenas you need log in to ground out 10 -20 rounds every 8 hrs even 12 hrs to get all milestones, and rank to earn rewards. It’s impossible to have a life and do anything but the 2* arena or forget about it as a waste of time.

What is kabam thinking that this is fun or even a challenge.

It’s as if they are asking me to quit, I do t even feel like logging in any more


  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,520 ★★★★★
    I’m having a break wil Star. The 5 star tomorrow already done the 6 stars but that take 25 huers.
  • RisenfromhellRisenfromhell Member Posts: 244 ★★

    It’s a 7 day arena, not 3 so you got time

    Well if we are going like this.What was the purpose of having the same arena while ago with booster modifiers and the arena was whole month.
  • BroodyJCBroodyJC Member Posts: 43
    Did I feel my soul leaving my body? Yes. It was boring and I felt the multipliers weren’t justified (even getting around 50k a round would’ve helped), but I had to grind just a little harder than I usually do so it wasn’t all that bad really. It’s possible to do, doesn’t mean that it’s fun or “celebratory”

  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★

    Half way there. Should have it in a couple days
  • GatorSlam_MrvKnGatorSlam_MrvKn Member Posts: 211
    I am at 1.8m. I’m doing 50 rounds per day, and should hit target goal of 4m with the rest of the days allowed. There is no rush as long as you do the math and plan how many rounds you can do per day.
  • Doug4theWinDoug4theWin Member Posts: 203 ★★
    It’s about pacing yourself. Grind for one milestone, then put the phone down and go do something else. Repeat every few hours and you won’t get burnout and carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Then don't do it? Why quit over 5k 6* shards. It's easy just time consuming, if you don't want to put in the time no one is forcing you too.
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★
    Just finished, streak of 222. I ran through all my 2s for 800k each time. That was tedious.

    I may slow play the 5* shard arena next, possibly doing 400k runs 3 times a day.
  • Player1994Player1994 Member Posts: 793 ★★★
    it's just stupid to be a part of celebration .. thought they give more points than normal .. it sucks
  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
    Little bit boring this arena 😞
    The rewards are nice but that celebration arena is killing the fun...
  • Oesername123Oesername123 Member Posts: 253 ★★★
    One thing I noticed for me is that arena fights using a 2* vs 2* is noticeably longer than a 5* vs 5*, assuming both are maxed.

    Using a 2* in arena takes on average 20ish hits to end a fight while using a 5* it takes close to 10-12 hits, of course unless you're up against a beefy opponent (King Groot etc.), which will take longer. This is also without using suicides. Maybe this is why the 2* feels like more of a grind compared to the usual 4* or 5* featured arena.

  • edited December 2020
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  • FuzzycatFuzzycat Member Posts: 94
    IT IS POSSIBLE to complete all the milestones for both 6* and 5* arenas. It's not easy but it's possible and doable. All one needs is perseverance and focus. And though I hear many players complain about the grind, I think the rewards are well worth it.

    Like others, I was also spooked when I first saw that 6* arena needed 4 million points but once I got going, I realized that it's possible. 6* arena will require a streak of 220-240 while the 5* arena will require a streak of 70-80. It all depends on:
    1. how many 2* champs you have (which is why one should NEVER sell 2 star champs) and
    2. 2. how many 2* champs are maxed out, because using maxed out 2* champs will get you the most points.

    FYI, I've completed all the milestones for 6* arena and am at midway level for the 5* arena.
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  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★
    The 6 arena took me 3 days. 800k points in one run going through all my 2s, in just over an hour. Spread out it wasn't so bad once you get going.

    I initially thought the 5 arena was also 4M, I was so happy when I hit the 1M and realized that's all I had to do! 2 runs of 500k.

    The best thing was that those shard arenas gave units, so I didn't feel like I was missing out by not hitting the other arenas I typically do.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,332 ★★★★★
    Just past 9th milestone and nabbed good old RoL Wolverine killer.

    Trying to get the remainder 6 crystals and hoping for new 2-Stars.
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  • TheLegend27TheLegend27 Member Posts: 1,319 ★★★★★
    At 2.8 mil. I don't mind the grind, but I just wish they would have given more time. Makes no sense to me that the last special arena could be done in literally 20 minutes but we were given a month to finish that arena. Meanwhile, this current one actually takes time and we are only given a week...
  • AdevatiAdevati Member Posts: 440 ★★★
    No One: It’s impossible!!

    Some People: It IS possible (see my calculations), just takes some time

    Everyone Else: ....
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  • Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,417 ★★★★★
    I played Sector 8 and got 1.5k shards in 1 hour ... I got what i needed ..not gonna waste my time in this arena ..i got life outside
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