Looking for chill but active ally

Looking to join a chill but active ally. I use line, don’t communicate much in chats outside of what is required for the game. I’d prefer a more AW focused alliance. Let me know.

We’re are pretty relaxed but intend to progress / improve constantly. We are participating in every AQ and AW but both are not mandatory for the players. In other words everybody can participate in the game where they like. We are a good place for Newbies, Returners or second accounts to grow. Our players variy from Proven to Cavalier.
Here a few stats:
Alliance Quest (AQ): Map 2 + Modifiers (No Locked Champions!)
Alliance War (AW) 1 BG – currently Silver 3
Alliance tag: KR33!
Alliance Name: The Terran Kree
My IGN: Greyblue42
If you are interested just contact me.