Champions Disappearing

I haven't heard anybody else complain about this, so I'm confused. I seem to be having an issue with the evade function. When my champions (Nightcrawler, Quake, etc...) use their evade ability, they sometimes go completely invisible. I've been ignoring it for a few weeks now, but now it's just becoming extremely annoying. Sometimes, just my champion goes invisible, but sometimes my opponent will disappear too, leaving only the damage numbers from their hits or their 'poofs' and stuff like that. It's frustrating because it makes the fight so complicated because obviously I have no idea what's going on or whereabouts they are on the stage. It has lead to me losing my arena streak a few times and it's irritating me because obviously that makes it harder to grind for a high score.

I have the latest version of the game and I'm playing on an iPad Air 2, so it's nothing to with my device or having the wrong update.

Any advice?


  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    edited October 2017
    Chances are, if no-one else is seeing (or not!) this, or if there are a tiny few that are, then its device specific
    I'll have to look into it and check everything a second time. As far as I'm concerned, my device is fine, but there's no harm in a double check.
  • WaseemWaseem Member Posts: 32
    Try to update the game and update your device operating system
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