Kept getting hit and having to reset by him on destructive feedback I had to use 3 energy refills . It’s annoying as the sp2 ends quick but the sp1 doesn’t so it messes you up until you adapt to it
Used Sentinel and once you get the timing of his Sp1, he’s pretty easy. If you want it to be stupidly easy, bring in a White Mags, even a three star one, and use his prefight passive stun to bypass DD’s shrug off.
This sounds really stupid but it’s the complete truth. I got hit by his sp1 multiple times because I dashed in when I thought it was done but there were another 3 or more hits. But to answer your original question, ghost is who I used. Apocalypse, omega, and really any bleed immune champion will work.
I honestly don't why, why people have any problems with dd. Used sentinel, he worked great
I think the only issue is its like learning a new champ. His play style and specials are different and now he can purify parry stuns and such. It's not necessarily a hard fight, just gotta learn the new dare devil and try to remember the new abilities and fight style to avoid mistakes.
I honestly don't why, why people have any problems with dd. Used sentinel, he worked great
I think the only issue is its like learning a new champ. His play style and specials are different and now he can purify parry stuns and such. It's not necessarily a hard fight, just gotta learn the new dare devil and try to remember the new abilities and fight style to avoid mistakes.
Best thing about Apoc, champs can't purify his debuffs.
I honestly don't why, why people have any problems with dd. Used sentinel, he worked great
I think the only issue is its like learning a new champ. His play style and specials are different and now he can purify parry stuns and such. It's not necessarily a hard fight, just gotta learn the new dare devil and try to remember the new abilities and fight style to avoid mistakes.
Best thing about Apoc, champs can't purify his debuffs.
Nice... Thats good to know. Dont have Apoc. I would have gotten a 1 shot against DDHK with sentinel if I didn't slip up and forget he can purify parry stun.