I'm claiming my AQ milestones....

Imac7065Imac7065 Member Posts: 365
edited October 2017 in General Discussion
I am posting this with the time stamp so Kabam knows I did not exploit in any way....

My ally is expert tier and scores around 100mill in aq... here on day 1 we have gotten nearly half the milestones for the "error" advanced tier bracket we are in. I am claiming my milestones because it will otherwise cause hassles and work arounds in my game.

I am stating this before I take action to make sure it's on record I did not exploit.. I am actually being screwed lol


  • PenumbrousPenumbrous Member Posts: 30
    Was just wondering what the consequences of collecting vs not collecting would be.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    I just posted asking what kabam wants us to do. Some kind of response is warranted by now
  • Imac7065Imac7065 Member Posts: 365
    Run477 wrote: »
    I just posted asking what kabam wants us to do. Some kind of response is warranted by now

    I posted that as well.. waited a few hours.. got no reply and posted this
  • Dport6156Dport6156 Member Posts: 4
    I accidentally claimed mine not realizing we were in the wrong tier and I went to open some of the map crystals and then realized I had the wrong crystals so I didn’t open those and stopped claiming any future rewards from milestones
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,512 ★★★★★
    edited October 2017
    I'm assuming there's not much that can be done until the end of the run. It's also not really an exploit because the run is being played through.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,512 ★★★★★
    Will have to wait and see what comes back. They may or may not be able to adjust the Rewards based on our scoring. I don't see it as being an exploit though.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,055 ★★★
    Man, I would not want to be the person who has to go through all the affected accounts and strip rewards then issue the correct ones. I'm guessing the game team is going to have a nice Monday. Everyone who is in the wrong tier will probably get to keep the rewards they get today, and hopefully get the correct rewards as well.

    Maybe another 2500 5* shards for everyone lol. This could really screw the 700 or so alliances that bounce between expert and advanced. Let's hope they get it worked out at least by the end of AQ. Sounds like a nightmare for those affected.
  • Imac7065Imac7065 Member Posts: 365
    My personal 2 cents on a solve? Let the allys keep their "error" milestones and re adjust their proper milestones at the end of AQ
  • PepdogPepdog Member Posts: 30
    I did the same thing I claimed my AQ rewards without realizing we were in the wrong bracket. It wasn’t until I opened the crappy rewards that I realized what was going on. I really don’t want to be banned for “exploiting” this error. They can take back the crappy rewards for all I care. I’d way rather have my map 5 crystals. I won’t be claiming any more of those crystals.
  • ChrisCheriChrisCheri Member Posts: 8
    yup i claimed mine too without realising. but havent opened them as i realised they were the wrong coloured crystals. haha.
  • ZerophunkZerophunk Member Posts: 207
    Just let mine sit in stash
  • MsDominoMsDomino Member Posts: 72
    As they haven't bothered to offer any advice in game or via the forum as to what should be done with the rewards, I really don't think they can take any action.

    Kabam were made aware of the error instantly, they've had ample opportunity to send an in game mail and have chosen to wait.
  • Darkmagic1991Darkmagic1991 Member Posts: 83
    I’ve claimed mine as well , my alliance usually does 109m
    It’s kabams mess up not ours , no reason to get in trouble
  • zidanejrxzidanejrx Member Posts: 3
    our ally tag EXLDO The Exiles finished the last mission of alliance in the 1010 placement, so we should have stayed at the expert level in the mission this week, but to our surprise we started the M5 and it is showing as if we had fallen to the advanced level, we are receiving awards with crystals of M3 and M4 during the mission, this is wrong and we hope that the error is solved
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    Hey y'all -

    You're free to claim those rewards. I've updated a couple hours ago in this thread on the matter.

    Once we have more information, we'll let you all know. :)
  • Rip_Em_801Rip_Em_801 Member Posts: 24
    How could you not have more information by now?
    It's been 24 hours since the issue appeared.
  • ThemmisfitsThemmisfits Member Posts: 8
    this is ridiculous Alliance Quest tiers are all jacked up we're not getting near the rewards we usually get this **** you keep pulling Kabam is getting real old real quick because of your new bug we're missing out on glory and map crystals which is all stuff we use in my alliance none of them are happy either
  • DanKSBDanKSB Member Posts: 2
    I got the message about collecting correct rewards but don't see how to...anyone can help me with this? I think we should get some goodies for this major screw up! I'm sure I'm not alone in this thinking....

  • Imac7065Imac7065 Member Posts: 365
    They sent the corrected AQ awards today (update)
  • xoRIVALoxxoRIVALox Member Posts: 247
    Rip_Em_801 wrote: »
    How could you not have more information by now?
    It's been 24 hours since the issue appeared.

    12 hours, time to buy a watch
  • xoRIVALoxxoRIVALox Member Posts: 247
    NevvB wrote: »
    NevvB wrote: »

    Thanks but i would like a reply from a real mod. Not one pretending to be one and assuming.

    Were they pretending to be a mod? Or just weighing in an opinion? Sorry I missed reality after getting lost in your ignorance
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