Make Regenerate Warlock

Guys I'm New Player, started the game 3-4 month before
I have 5* rank 2 Warlock
But he don't have Regen like other robots and other mastery like Willpower won't grant him To Regenerate.
How To Make Warlock heal without boost or Potions... Plz help
I have 5* rank 2 Warlock
But he don't have Regen like other robots and other mastery like Willpower won't grant him To Regenerate.
How To Make Warlock heal without boost or Potions... Plz help
But if you see Ultron,Guily 2099 or any other Robots They have the ability to regenerate below a certain health
If Warlock gets new buff ( Regenerate Ability ) It will be more easy to fight in Long fights like incursion or summoner Showdown
But I think Warlock deserves a buff
The top two best in the game Ghost and Quake don’t have any healing. You don’t need regen to be a good character. You don’t need it to be the BEST character
Pretty much every cosmic champ will give you some critical hits
Like this Tech champions specially Robots are Able to Regenerate under a certain health
It's their class speciality and common in class
Warlock is Really cool and hard to replace
But due to his low armor rating and Absence of Regen
If I would given a nexus Next time having warlock and guilly 2099 I would choose guilly
Though I like warlock
It would be a very hard to choose
Ya other champions needs buff...kabam brings Two New champion every month with Buffing few existing champs
I will be waiting of warlock getting it's buff someday
And till then I will use the way you guys told to heal him but remember Regeneration can't be replaced with that
Actually I don't like using health potions
Maybe that's my problem
Science-Red Hulk
Cosmic-Superior Ironmen
Skill-Check your skill champions 😂
mastery will allow to heal everyone Accept Tech champions
If you mastered regenerate, And Willpower
Even quake will get Pretty much good health refund I don't have ghost so I can't tell anything about her
The point is Regeneration matter
You can't totally ignore this ability
2. Warlock is already insanely op
3. I'm pretty sure Warlock can heal from willpower, but he doesn't need it as much because he's a robot.
As I haven't I can only say that He is a robot tagged champ
If he heals despite this then my issue would be solved
Thanks for Response
Oooooohhhhh I just read that willpower doesn't effect robots. You're not going to need willpower because Warlock is bleed and poison immune.
In AW I can place my warlock in Shield enhancing node or Energize one dude or where I choose but in Other fights where I would have to face a bigger Target with Degenerate Debuff it will be tuff cause I don't like to use potions
Not at all
I always tries to Build my team with the greater one with a healing
So maybe it's not a big deal to you but to me it is
Robots can't Bleed neither poison can affect any robot 😂
And warlock have good immune but what about shock Specially - Degenerate
Degenerate is the most effective debuff no matter how much immune you are if the numbers are real big and if you are solo kinda player it is enough to annoy you
I know what I'm talking
It's not about is Warlock getting a buff or not
It's about as A Beyond God Tier Champ
Do warlock Deserve Regen or not
Actually at first it was my question that how to regain warlock's health
Later it leaded to this
i Will suggest you to Read carefully before saying something
I need the buff cause I don't like to use revive and potions
If you still don't understand
Read the whole chat until you get
That some random guy are coming
And without reading the whole Discussion they starts to joking around... Lol 😂
Let’s look at what sort of regen effect they have
DarkHawk: regen 10% if you go from one mode to another. That means you need to shoot an L2 then an L3 within 20 seconds, playing very aggressively at high sig to get a relatively measly 10% regen. Otherwise it’s mostly defensive, meaning you would need to get knocked over in order to enter shield mode and regen, which is almost always a negative trade.
Dragon Man: no regen
G2099: previously discussed- she can go from 15% to 50% once per fight. This is ONE good regen robot so far.
Nebula: she is okayish. She will regen two strong hits, but you don’t gain health, just a net zero, assuming it wasn’t a multihit special or in the middle of a combo. She is not a good example of a regen that conveniently gains health.
Sentinel: he regens on the L3, but so does Warlock and you don’t seem to care about that, so by your measurement, sentinel doesn’t regen. We are still at ONE good regen robot so far (G2099)
Classic Ultron: no regen
Ultron Prime: he can go from 50 to 75 once and 25 to 50 once per fight. He is the second out of 7 already discussed robots that have a good regen mechanic.
Vision Classic: no regen
Vision Age of Ultron: no regen
Warlock: 4% regen per infection on the L3. You said it yourself that he doesn’t have a good regen mechanic.
So let’s see, you keep saying robots need regen robots need regen but umm, ONLY TWO HAVE REGEN ACCORDING TO WHAT YOU CALL REGEN. I’m sorry but you are simply wrong.
One last thing , if you don’t like using potions and revives , git gud .
Why don't we just allow him to do 1 million damage with every hit, and be immune to all damage from attacks whilst we're at it?