Nebula and Blade Well Timed Block [Under Investigation]

When will the mastery issues be solved for good??
I have been playing this game since start of 2015 and now getting sick of it just because the game is not keeping updated properly
I have been waiting for these issues to be resolved
This is disappointing
I have been playing this game since start of 2015 and now getting sick of it just because the game is not keeping updated properly
I have been waiting for these issues to be resolved
This is disappointing
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
Multiple times while fighting as nebula, I have had well timed blocks proc her shock charges but not proc parry. Since these 2 things have exactly the same requirement; it is incontrovertible evidence that parry is not working.
Any chance you have video of that? Would be a great thing to share on here. You'll have to post it to reddit or another site and share the link.
first Video ive ever posted personally
parry is broken for too long... i hope it's not going to be the same as the famous auto-evade bug...
meanwhile champs are dying and you don't give any revives/potions as compensation.
if it take you too long to fix it, at least launch the special quest that give revive\potions
Not the case for me. Nor everyone in my alliance. Parry has not been working properly for any champs since 12.0 on a consistent basis. I've had issues all morning and into the afternoon. This is very typical.
I'm playing from over 2 years and i knew perfect timing to do a parry
Either they shortened the parry window or it is broken
Either way you have to burn health pots sometimes or gonna lose arena streak...
I can't even see that they are trying to fix them. They barely acknowledge they are present. Other things like CM sp2, pure skill being useless, etc...also not being acted on. I can't tell if they are going under or just cutting corners for more profit.
This is why it came out like it did. 2 people that likely don't have the time to invest or play enough to see how it actually works in the higher tiers came up with something in their own, was never tested, never QAd. Nothing.
And it's going on 48 hours without even an acknowledgement of AQ.
Forum mods don't count, sorry. They can't do anything about it, they don't know anything about it, and frankly could care less. Wait.. "we are sorry to hear this is happening.." they clearly care.
Costs are being cut at the expense of pumping out a champ every 2 weeks. It's all they can do to get them out, usually with little testing. You think they will get back to revamping old champs? They have no one available to do it. The couple of character creators are busy creating revenue generating crystals.I guess all that money just goes in someone's pocket, because it certainly isn't reinvested in the product.
Oh and someone at Kabam had a vendetta against Carnage. He was going to be competitive in his initial version, but was nerfed several times before he even came out.
All firsthand information. Some of it was mentioned in a few YouTube videos as confirmation. It really shed light hearing whatbthe situation is and even further crushes any hope they will address items that need it in favor of new content that makes money,
That's all it is. New champs make money, fixing an old one does not. Fixing broken or useless masteries makes no money, and actually hurts the bottom line as your refunded materials and currencies are just things you don't have to buy again.
This is not meant to be snarky, just stating facts about the business they are in. Most of us are not surprised, but the dysfunction runs as deep at Kabam as it does at most people's jobs. Only, some of us are accountable, have a sense of urgency and a respect for our users and communities. Maybe Kabam will go back to the roots of online gaming and not just stare up at the green leaves at the top of the revenue tree.
There is so much conjecture and conspiracy in this, I don't even know where to start. Except to point out that none of this is factual.
What videos was this info in ?
They have acknowledged it. They've made alot of improvements to Parry. Some are still having issues. The lag seems to be quite bad since the Update. When the controls lag, Parry won't work properly. There is a Thread that has been acknowledged, and they're asking for more information. There will be more people on later today I assume. This weekend was our Thanksgiving, so it was a long weekend. We've had a Mod here everyday. They are aware.
I have had intermittent parry issues in AW like many but in AQ and normal quests it seems to work more reliably most of the time.
For example, a couple wars ago my first 2 fights parry didn’t work at all. I closed the app and came right back and it worked fine. Later that war I forgot about that and reconnected and it again wasn’t working for me at all. Seems like more than a coincidence.
Watch the video above. It's not just parry not working because of lag or disconnection, I thought this was a culprit, too, but it's not working when other mechanics with the same proc ARE working.