Can you explain why you took Guardian unduped to R3? I have him too and I though most of his utility came from dupe?
Read. His. Abilities.
I know his abilities just fine.I thought taking 6 star to rank 3 is a different kettle of fish. He gains energy resistance and bleed resistance only when awakened, that is why I was curious. I am not dissing on him for that choice because I got warlock or else he would have been my rank 3 too. Just wanted to know the perspective.
Unawakened Guardian is still better than like 90% of tech Champs.
Can you explain why you took Guardian unduped to R3? I have him too and I though most of his utility came from dupe?
Read. His. Abilities.
I know his abilities just fine.I thought taking 6 star to rank 3 is a different kettle of fish. He gains energy resistance and bleed resistance only when awakened, that is why I was curious. I am not dissing on him for that choice because I got warlock or else he would have been my rank 3 too. Just wanted to know the perspective.
Just depends on what you need/want him for. He has plenty of solid use unduped especially if you don't run suicides. I took mine to R3 unduped as soon as I could. Just managed to dupe him this morning actually
He still parry stuns projectile attacks, can perfect block specials, doesn't crit, deals massive shock damage (works great for thunderstruck), and massively boosts your team block proficiency while unduped. If you need or want his resistances then yes he's not near as good unduped but he still has a very solid base kit.
Can you explain why you took Guardian unduped to R3? I have him too and I though most of his utility came from dupe?
Read. His. Abilities.
I know his abilities just fine.I thought taking 6 star to rank 3 is a different kettle of fish. He gains energy resistance and bleed resistance only when awakened, that is why I was curious. I am not dissing on him for that choice because I got warlock or else he would have been my rank 3 too. Just wanted to know the perspective.
Just depends on what you need/want him for. He has plenty of solid use unduped especially if you don't run suicides. I took mine to R3 unduped as soon as I could. Just managed to dupe him this morning actually
He still parry stuns projectile attacks, can perfect block specials, doesn't crit, deals massive shock damage (works great for thunderstruck), and massively boosts your team block proficiency while unduped. If you need or want his resistances then yes he's not near as good unduped but he still has a very solid base kit.
Can you explain why you took Guardian unduped to R3? I have him too and I though most of his utility came from dupe?
Read. His. Abilities.
I know his abilities just fine.I thought taking 6 star to rank 3 is a different kettle of fish. He gains energy resistance and bleed resistance only when awakened, that is why I was curious. I am not dissing on him for that choice because I got warlock or else he would have been my rank 3 too. Just wanted to know the perspective.
Just depends on what you need/want him for. He has plenty of solid use unduped especially if you don't run suicides. I took mine to R3 unduped as soon as I could. Just managed to dupe him this morning actually
He still parry stuns projectile attacks, can perfect block specials, doesn't crit, deals massive shock damage (works great for thunderstruck), and massively boosts your team block proficiency while unduped. If you need or want his resistances then yes he's not near as good unduped but he still has a very solid base kit.
Thanks. Warlock or Guardian to R3? both unduped.
Completely depends what you want or need honestly. Warlock covers more general area easily than Guardian probably. Just depends if you'd rather rank a specialist champ to deal what what Guardian handles. You can use Guardian just fine in lots of places but there are typically more ideal options. You'd probably use Warlock a lot more unless you just really enjoy using Guardian. Neither is what I'd call a bad option though
Can you explain why you took Guardian unduped to R3? I have him too and I though most of his utility came from dupe?
Read. His. Abilities.
I know his abilities just fine.I thought taking 6 star to rank 3 is a different kettle of fish. He gains energy resistance and bleed resistance only when awakened, that is why I was curious. I am not dissing on him for that choice because I got warlock or else he would have been my rank 3 too. Just wanted to know the perspective.
Just depends on what you need/want him for. He has plenty of solid use unduped especially if you don't run suicides. I took mine to R3 unduped as soon as I could. Just managed to dupe him this morning actually
He still parry stuns projectile attacks, can perfect block specials, doesn't crit, deals massive shock damage (works great for thunderstruck), and massively boosts your team block proficiency while unduped. If you need or want his resistances then yes he's not near as good unduped but he still has a very solid base kit.
Can you explain why you took Guardian unduped to R3? I have him too and I though most of his utility came from dupe?
@Pulyaman you are right that his main utility comes from dupe and sig 200. However, dupe ability does not affect his damage also I wanted to have a champ that does not crit since I don't have guilly 99.
Can you explain why you took Guardian unduped to R3? I have him too and I though most of his utility came from dupe?
Read. His. Abilities.
I know his abilities just fine.I thought taking 6 star to rank 3 is a different kettle of fish. He gains energy resistance and bleed resistance only when awakened, that is why I was curious. I am not dissing on him for that choice because I got warlock or else he would have been my rank 3 too. Just wanted to know the perspective.
Just depends on what you need/want him for. He has plenty of solid use unduped especially if you don't run suicides. I took mine to R3 unduped as soon as I could. Just managed to dupe him this morning actually
He still parry stuns projectile attacks, can perfect block specials, doesn't crit, deals massive shock damage (works great for thunderstruck), and massively boosts your team block proficiency while unduped. If you need or want his resistances then yes he's not near as good unduped but he still has a very solid base kit.
Thanks. Warlock or Guardian to R3? both unduped.
Warlock, the real utilty from Guardian comes at signature 200, i have both at r5 (Guardian sig x200) and to be honest i rarely use Guardian, while Warlock is a like a swiss army knife
Personally, I'd take him to rank 3 over warlock.
He still parry stuns projectile attacks, can perfect block specials, doesn't crit, deals massive shock damage (works great for thunderstruck), and massively boosts your team block proficiency while unduped. If you need or want his resistances then yes he's not near as good unduped but he still has a very solid base kit.