Synergies list 2020

Hi kabam Game developers

please make it easier
To access all available synergies
in arena Edit screen

The Numbered
Square in the arena edit screen
don’t show all available
Synergies At once that can be viewed from champion info and It takes allot of time to tap info

look at bonus synergies
Then search the actual champion it very time consuming It would be easier
If the small numbered square
Showed all available synergies at once
Instead of one or two synergy champs


  • TesladonTesladon Member Posts: 351 ★★ Disclaimer, I am not affiliated with this site but I like it. I abhor watching videos and prefer reading my content. Unless Daisy Johnson will read it for me (still looking for that app).
  • BallSportsBallSports Member Posts: 21
    Thanks Tesla don I will take a look
    I found out it’s very easy to access
    Synergy but it was never explained how
    So I didn’t know I found out shortly after this post
  • furymachine84furymachine84 Member Posts: 82 is no ling updating their lists.
    People have wanted outgoing and incoming synergies listed in champ info for a while now. And it should be.
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