Please! Enough with the Arena Points!
In a title where the name of the game is grind and grind and grind and...You not only have multiple currencies i.e. gold, units, arena points, loyalty. You have iso, catalysts, class catalysts. If that weren't enough to keep track of we are buried in 5002 different kinds of crystals. 70% of which yield absolutely worthless arena point buffs. An arena point buff MIGHT be worth something if it applied to all your characters of that class for 15 minutes but it only applies to one single hero. Might I add whats the point of making it 15 minutes when the likelihood of taking that hero into arena combat again in under 15 minutes is almost non existent. Its not bad enough that we have to suffer arena points but near every solo crystal I open gives me even more of the most worthless "buff" in the game. Opening the only crystal that offers a chance at the holy grail awakening gems and being the only way to obtain them as you nearly never offer a Micro Transaction offer with awakening gems it makes little to no sense why we shouldn't be given the opportunity to get only sig stones and awakening gems. If people were able to awaken more of their heroes how would that in any way create an imbalance in the game? So there would be more awakened heroes running around. The game has been out long enough I think its time we start getting some pay off for our time. If I put a fraction of the time into any other game, even one that is built around endless exploration I would have an over abundance of any currency, unlockable features, and items available in the game. Yet I scratch and claw my way for every inch in this game. Don't misunderstand me. I enjoy this game. It is addicting and enjoyable to play. However you expect too much and give too little it every aspect of the game. They are 1s and 0s and it cost you nothing to not be a little less stingy. You will still get your precious unit micro transaction, people are always going to buy your ridiculous milking offers. Theres no harm in giving back to your devoted followers that have made the game successful.
Now purple quest crystals are pretty useless.