Thronebreaker and essentially no AQ/AW

SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,656 ★★★★★
So, after the major focus of the gifting event on having friends in the game of similar progression level, I am left thinking about the status of my alliance. I initially started playing the game because of a friend, and have had a few through the years that have played, but none really play any more, or are super far behind myself in progression. I have stuck with a low level alliance for a time, because I know a few people in it and because I don't want to commit to a maximum effort alliance that is common for those at my progression level. I like the game, but have never been very excited about AQ/AW nor do I play constantly enough to be a reliable allliance mate in either of those two game modes.

Are there any other 'retired' Thronebreaker players that do not participate (or only participate maybe 0-5 times a month) in AQ or AW, and are there any players at that level in a full or mostly full alliance of summoners around their same level? Also, am I an idiot on missing out on your favorite part of MCOC? Enlighten me.

*Disclaimer: I am not necessarily looking for a new alliance, just interested in a general discussion, so if the mods could leave this in the general page, that would be much appreciated. Thanks.*


  • BerjibsBerjibs Member Posts: 1,541 ★★★★
    Not really sure exactly what you’re asking but I’m TB and just have my own alliance with a few mini accounts. I run through map 3 with epic mods when I fancy and it nets 1650 glory which I spend on t1a. Get everything else I need from content and TB crystals.

    Wouldn’t say I’m retired as such there just seems little point progressing rosters beyond TB aside from fun rank ups with how the content is going now. Doesn’t feel like there’s anything to aim for.
  • Leathersmw2017Leathersmw2017 Member Posts: 110
    Berjibs said:

    Not really sure exactly what you’re asking but I’m TB and just have my own alliance with a few mini accounts. I run through map 3 with epic mods when I fancy and it nets 1650 glory which I spend on t1a. Get everything else I need from content and TB crystals.

    Wouldn’t say I’m retired as such there just seems little point progressing rosters beyond TB aside from fun rank ups with how the content is going now. Doesn’t feel like there’s anything to aim for.

    This is what I do as well. Don't see the need to stress about AW/AQ.
  • TheLegend27TheLegend27 Member Posts: 1,319 ★★★★★
    Been TB since day 1 and have been in the same alliance for 1+ year.

    I never do AW. AQ map 5 is run daily and I participate whenever I can, That said, I regularly go weeks without participating more than 1-2 times per week...not because I'm lazy, but just because no time. I've never not participated at least once per week, but I'm sure no one would really care. I think we get about 2.5k glory per week. As far as war is concerned, I legitimately have no idea how our alliance performs lol

    Moving to this "retirement" alliance was the best. No one is actually retired, but we all prioritize life before the game and no one is punished for anything. There's also 0 communication between any of us which is something I really like (frankly, I'm not looking for friends or people to get to know in-game). The only time I've seen alliance chat active in the entire time I've been part of the alliance was this past gifting event.

    And so there's no confusion, the alliance has had the same core 27-28 members since I've joined. It's not some drifter alliance that is constantly losing and gaining members. Even those last spots are filled by people that stay for anywhere from 2-6 months.

    So there are definitely average to slightly above-average laid back alliances out there for TB.
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  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    I did a low level ally for a bit and was happy, but started to feel like I was missing easy rewards with only like 1800 glory a week.

    Been with my current ally a few months and it has been great and it's pretty laid back. we've grown from 30m to just under 40mil with only a couple of changes (usually due to someone not doing any AQ or something dumb like not helping and then doubling a path to get boss points).

    It's all AQ map4 with mods and we get 3500k glory a week for plenty of rank up material and no items necessary to complete. AQ is kind of mandatory, but it only takes a minimal effort in map4 as some are more active than others and no one is shouting for people to move. It just gets done cause everyone knows how the ally works and we all want the easy glory. And if life comes up, we communicate up front (all in game, no line app needed) as a courtesy, since we're all on it together.

    AW is just one bg and completely optional. Those of us who do it, like it, but no pressure and is usually itemless or overflow for the most part.

    All I'm saying, is there's an ally type for everyone. This game shouldn't run your life, it should just be a part of it that's fun.
  • ShangattayShangattay Member Posts: 50
    I’m TB (5 R3 6*s right now) but I’m also a husband and a dad.

    To make that work smoothly, any part of the game that requires me to log in regularly during the day had to go away.

    Both AQ and AW are voluntary in my ally and they never run anything above Map 4 in AQ.

    Thanks to that, I can act as a responsible adult during the day (kinda, sorta) and save my nerdiness everyone else is asleep. ;-)
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