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God tier, don’t care.



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    SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Posts: 1,993 ★★★★
    Rank ups I regret are thing, OR, CMM. and if I got corvus and domino they would both be unused
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    The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Posts: 7,783 ★★★★★
    Thing and Namor.
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    Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Posts: 4,139 ★★★★★
    OR, hulkbuster,medusa.
    OR because I don't have suicides. Hulkbuster because my tech roster is pretty much stacked.
    Medusa because of magneto who I don't have but his existence pretty much anulls her importance.
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    MegaGalacticMegaGalactic Posts: 248 ★★
    Not the highest god tier exactly but, I can’t stand using or fighting Iron Man IW. One of the reasons I don’t want the new featured even though it has great champs.
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    Rbk19Rbk19 Posts: 195 ★★
    Namor and sunspot, hate both playstyle
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    Erik_Killmonger1001Erik_Killmonger1001 Posts: 427 ★★★
    for me quake, now I get she is skill based and great for cheesing stuff but for me I play this game as a lover of both marvel and fighting games. I want back and forth, punches thrown specials used, I love champions with great animations and kinetic basic combos like hood and havok, I don`t find it satisfying to beat the opponent because I sat in a corner gently wobbling for a few minuets just waiting for the opponent to keel over.

    Secondly corvus- I am a massive geek and love all of the complexity around ability interactions and love to spend time on auntmai and other sites researching counters and champ abilities and after an hour or so being confident that I know the best counter for my roster practising against the champ and then getting the one shot. Then I feel I won the fight because of my knowledge and skill whereas with corvus I won because regardless of my skill and knowledge corvus just gets the fight down, I was carried by the champion as supposed to the champion being carried by me
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    AATTAATT Posts: 525 ★★★
    Manly all rotations champions, it's stressful to use a champ that needs a recipe out of WS confort zone, with tough nodes specially. I also have a 6*r2 thing and I have never use him for real, only in one side quest due to his shock immunity. I don't like namor and sunspot playstyle as well, so boring
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    Rouger4Rouger4 Posts: 633 ★★★
    Medusa I just dunno why but yea
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    Rouger4Rouger4 Posts: 633 ★★★
    Also I’ve never used ghost or quake cuz they suck and ppl all overrate them their damage is decent but they have no utility and they need synergies to be semi decent. Also they are easily countered by vigilance and true strike. So yea they suck.

    they are even worse than my one star Spider-Man. Mostly because I don’t have any rarities of them :'(
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    EtherealityEthereality Posts: 685 ★★★
    For me it's Quake, been sitting on R4 for almost two years now and nondesire to R5 her.

    And Sarvanga:

    Medusa because of magneto who I don't have but his existence pretty much anulls her importance.

    LOL!!! I's sorry to say this but you just couldn't be any more wrong. Yes indeed Red Magneto took away SOME relevance from Medusa as a Robot killer but the truth of the matter is that Medusa is still the game's #1 Robot Killer. Period.

    Why u ask? Well it's very simple: Red mags cannot shut down completely a robot's Power Gain and AAR to -100% as Medusa does. Do not underestimate the ability to COMPLETELY shut down a Robot like Medusa can. Also he's not poison immune and there's plenty of Robots in the game on Poison 30 nodes and the like, which would just destroy Magneto. Next, there's plenty of other nodes in the game that can make it very difficult for Magneto to thrive, example: any node that punishes you for having prowess, or makes stun immune the opponent, or that punishes/does not allow you to go unstoppable (cuz of Mags 's heavy unstoppable ).

    Problem is that Medusa only surpasses Mags when fighting ROBOTS, whilst Mags is good both with ROBOTS and METAL champs, and Medusa is not better than Mags in regards to METAL champs. So you get more bang for your buck if u invest on ranking Mags instead than Medusa, but still, Medusa is #1 Robot Killer and Mags is #2.

    I have a duped max sig R5 5* Red Mags, R1 6* Red Mags and a duped R4 5* Medusa. Guess what? That Medusa has allowed me to beat some content on which my other two Magnetos have struggled... if that says anything to you.

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    Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Posts: 4,139 ★★★★★

    For me it's Quake, been sitting on R4 for almost two years now and nondesire to R5 her.

    And Sarvanga:

    Medusa because of magneto who I don't have but his existence pretty much anulls her importance.

    LOL!!! I's sorry to say this but you just couldn't be any more wrong. Yes indeed Red Magneto took away SOME relevance from Medusa as a Robot killer but the truth of the matter is that Medusa is still the game's #1 Robot Killer. Period.

    Why u ask? Well it's very simple: Red mags cannot shut down completely a robot's Power Gain and AAR to -100% as Medusa does. Do not underestimate the ability to COMPLETELY shut down a Robot like Medusa can. Also he's not poison immune and there's plenty of Robots in the game on Poison 30 nodes and the like, which would just destroy Magneto. Next, there's plenty of other nodes in the game that can make it very difficult for Magneto to thrive, example: any node that punishes you for having prowess, or makes stun immune the opponent, or that punishes/does not allow you to go unstoppable (cuz of Mags 's heavy unstoppable ).

    Problem is that Medusa only surpasses Mags when fighting ROBOTS, whilst Mags is good both with ROBOTS and METAL champs, and Medusa is not better than Mags in regards to METAL champs. So you get more bang for your buck if u invest on ranking Mags instead than Medusa, but still, Medusa is #1 Robot Killer and Mags is #2.

    I have a duped max sig R5 5* Red Mags, R1 6* Red Mags and a duped R4 5* Medusa. Guess what? That Medusa has allowed me to beat some content on which my other two Magnetos have struggled... if that says anything to you.

    Good for you but I can't think of any robots for which I need to upgrade medusa for. Other than countering robots she doesn't have anything going for her.
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    LeoZedLeoZed Posts: 653 ★★★
    Crcrcrc said:

    I would say Domino, but she's not god tier
    I haven't ranked up sorc sup past r2. I really just don't enjoy Sorc and don't see what all the hype is about.

    Buddy for me atleast domino is beyond god tier... she, magik and warlock were the prime reasons I got uncollected
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    KerneasKerneas Posts: 3,767 ★★★★★
    Quake. I have her as a 5* and I dont care even the slightest. She is just a synergy champ to me.

    Another ones are Symbiote Supreme, Corvus Glaive and Omega Red.

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    LightvayneLightvayne Posts: 515 ★★★
    I recently ranked my OR to R4, and I know a lot of people are saying they haven't ranked him up cause he needs suicides on, However, I currently do no have suicides on at the moment and I still enjoy his playstyle. Sure he doesnt hit as hard as he probably could be, but he still has really descent healing on the SP1, and the fact that he is poison (and technically bleed) immune is a large bonus.

    As for the question in hand, Quake is really the only one I haven't ranked up. don't care for the playstyle.
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    BlackTuranBlackTuran Posts: 642 ★★★
    I r5’d CMM some time ago but I seem to really struggle with her playstyle in real content. Don’t get me wrong, I find it fun, it’s just that unless I’m in ROL, I always mess up when I use her. Maybe I just need more practice
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    Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Posts: 4,139 ★★★★★

    Rouger4 said:

    Also I’ve never used ghost or quake cuz they suck and ppl all overrate them their damage is decent but they have no utility and they need synergies to be semi decent. Also they are easily countered by vigilance and true strike. So yea they suck.

    they are even worse than my one star Spider-Man. Mostly because I don’t have any rarities of them :'(
    There is so much wrong here.
    Neither need synergies.
    Ghost has some of the easiest accessible damage in the game. In absurd amounts.
    And saying you don't want to use then because of True strike and vigilance? Come on man. Those are so rare. That was a terrible excuse.

    Don't even get me started on the fact you said no utility lmaooooo
    I think he was joking.
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    AzdfsAzdfs Posts: 65
    For me it is thing for offence ( without champion synergy) without the synergy he simply doesn’t hit hard enough in my opinion, I know he has unique immunities but I never took him to r5 he is gonna stay at r4 unless I want to use him for aw defence. And I wouldn’t want to waste an entire team just to play him with synergies.
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    Mars_UltorMars_Ultor Posts: 159
    *Gets in concrete, nuclear bunker*
    *Raises PA speaker*
    *Hears pounding from bunker door*
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    AstoundsAstounds Posts: 323 ★★

    *Gets in concrete, nuclear bunker*
    *Raises PA speaker*
    *Hears pounding from bunker door*

    Same. Same.
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    Skillful_starSkillful_star Posts: 756 ★★★
    I have both ghost and quake as 5*s but will never rank either up.
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    JessieSJessieS Posts: 1,426 ★★★★
    I have Quake, Omega Red and Aegon and I don’t really plan on ranking them up any time soon . Not a fan of their play style
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    JragonMaster170JragonMaster170 Posts: 2,044 ★★★★★
    I haven't touched my 5* Ghost Rider. Not sure if he classifies as god tier though
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