Do you think you should be able to trade champions with others?

DanTTGamerDanTTGamer Member Posts: 14
edited October 2017 in Suggestions and Requests
Hey there champions

So I have been having this idea in my head for while I know that for alot of us there characters were really dying for but never get on a daily basis X_X I really wish there was way you could trade characters with friends or others in general for example say like I had 3 star deadpool that someone is dying for in the chat do you think there should be way to trade champions such as Star Lord with your friends

Do you think you should be able to trade champions with others? 17 votes

Yes why isn't this a feature
KingCrooksDanTTGamer 2 votes
I don't like to trade, but this is a good idea
I'm not sure about this
CoolGuy_McFly 1 vote
I don't really like this idea.
RagamugginGunnerDHCVoLtEb0ny-O-M4wZoddymamAfridninexhelixCavalierSpeedbumpRentonXDSungjAAwkWardSaV8gEHzoriHuluhula 14 votes
Other (Comment it bellow)


  • DHCVoLtDHCVoLt Member Posts: 266
    I don't really like this idea.
    It defeats the purpose of the game: collecting
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    I don't really like this idea.
    Trade champions would make the game unbalanced and remove the "luck" factor from the game.
    Also it would create a market to buy/sell champ for real money
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