Dark hawk - An idea and Small assesment

We all know he is amazing as a defender.
Has amaizing utility.
(**Bdw, I don't think he is a robot. I think in comics there is someone wearing this suit)
So in terms of attack he does good only inside "Null Mode"
After sp3.
Small chance of activation wit night thrasher senergy.
(hulkbuster two modes while defending Iron wall - while attack Giant buster)
So if Darkhawk could start the fight with NULL MODE everytime and keep it up for the entire fight as an attacker,
As a defender well stays the same as it is.
Wouldn't that be very effective & increase his value?
I mean different type of champ.
More use more fun. ✌🏼
Feedback -
@Gardener i get your point buddy. But you know i am slightly confused about, OP.
I mean what is OP exactly stands for?
Back in the days some said Blade is OP.
Then what about over 100k damage from cap america IW sp2?
Or Ghost?
If i had to guess i think his damage will look like cull obsidian's damage.
Normal yellow or white number damage and red number damage at the same time.
Like pre fight ability. If we can choose what mode before fight. 3 options.. that would be amazing.
Makes it so that he can theoretically get 100% uptime on Null Mode, but isn't as OP as just letting him stay in the mode for the entire fight.
Same with the other Modes. Have a prefight, then you start out with a Mode and you can only refresh it by Intercepting/Heavy Attack.
No Auto-Block, because you actively avoid being Knocked Down and entering Shield Moce. Thus no Shock on Block. You can opt between Null mode or Stealth Mode, but will only in very long fight be able to reach both an SP2 and SP3. That also means no Regen as you probably won’t swap between two modes.
My impression of him as an offensive champion is a boring champion with little active play. Only good thing about him is the immunities and that he is a decent defender.
People are replying to him but I can't see those comments.
So wierd. Can u delete your comment now?
Did they add that feature in forum?
That'l would be amazing.
Glad to see soo many postive feedback.
We really need a reason to upgrade him other than defensive purpose.
Hope they look into this matter in the future.
Adding a pre fight ability to choose your choice of modes would be amazing.
Or may be just
"NULL attack mode "
"SHIELD defence mode" ✌🏼