Personal opinion : Very Very disappointed. Not exactly basic damage oriented buff. at this stage of this game it's difficult. Such a good chance they had.
A stylish character with lot's of potential.
And they completely killed him.
He hits like a sponge
Why remove that sp1 power sting? It wasn't that bad.
If someone pulls YJ as their 1st 4 or 5 star - it won't help them in act 5. (Imo)
It's a shrinking champ with technology.
Had soo much potential
Auto repair
True precision strike
Armour break critical hits
Energy beam
Souch potential yet.....
Frankly what he can do
Others can do it way better and more efficiently.
Reverse regen?
Void - beardo - gillie OG - torch.
Even champs like Spidergwen and wasp has petrify too and hits like a truck.
A stylish character with lot's of potential.
And they completely killed him.
He hits like a sponge
Why remove that sp1 power sting? It wasn't that bad.
If someone pulls YJ as their 1st 4 or 5 star - it won't help them in act 5. (Imo)
It's a shrinking champ with technology.
Had soo much potential
Auto repair
True precision strike
Armour break critical hits
Energy beam
Souch potential yet.....
Frankly what he can do
Others can do it way better and more efficiently.
Reverse regen?
Void - beardo - gillie OG - torch.
Even champs like Spidergwen and wasp has petrify too and hits like a truck.
He will still remain without rank up.
Wha he can others can do it better already. And more efficiently.
Also ZERO increase to his damage which was so bad.
Lastly, why would you remove power sting from his sp2 and no taunt? We all know without the taunt, the A.I will magically throw their special the SECOND your power stings end lol
Still testing my r2 duped 6* but so far good utility but a lot of opportunities were missed
Go start the game over now by nay chance if u get YellowJacket as ur first 5 star, if you go in and play around act 5 you will surely feel underwhelmed.
It is what it is.
All the buffs going live they should have taken 5.4 as a base quest to upgrade everyone's damage. Or atleast collector boss as a base quest.
I am saying luke cage is not a god.
But you love playing with him righ?
Minimum yellow numbers is a much needed fact.
If not atleast mechanism like crossbones.
No crit but good red numbers with fury.
A champion tha has such a beautiful style
And Design and it can shrink down and basically a robot.
And this is what they could come up with then it's utter gurbage.
It is what it is.
This buff is very very very rarely usable.
U r telling me you will take him for reverse regen node instead
Cap void torch gilli?
Not possible.
Or 4 star?
I am guessing you are a old player. Seen you for a long time in forum.
So i am guessing u have a good roster atleast useful roster.
Do u remember the feeling of a getting your first 4 or 5 star?
You tell me you are gonna clear content with him then go and try him playing against 5.1 first quest first opponent iron man OG. If you can post the video please.
If i see a good result i will agree with you.
Go ahead.
Please don't blindly praise anything they puts out. Have some possibilities.
Consecutive criticism is what we do.
We are not using amy bad words.
It's a very very very rare use champ is what it is.
And that's the truth.
** And for the record. If I don't have gilli or void or torch or cap I won't go into ROL eith him. That's my personal opinion.
If I wanted to get around healing then I rather use void, CAIW, HT
If I needed high energy resistance, I rather use guardian.
It's a good buff if you just started the game and pulled YJ, but even then not really because he needs max sig but he will help a bit. There are far better and less max sig dependent champs than YJ.
A good example is Darkhawk. A solid tech champion that no one uses or even mentions because he needs high sig. They should have learned from that.