Why are the old school top champs not being added to the 5* pool?
Where is the 5* SW, Thor, wolverine, ww2, daredevil (original), doctor strange? You add all the new champs who are way OP as 5*, even gave us 5* starlord.. so what gives? Doctor strange is severely weak so he wouldn't come close to being overpowered.. just curious
One more time, this is why lol. But let's keep this thread really constructive so we can get an answer. The other ones went downhill, so the mod didn't really answer the question.
these new champs have new abilities etc making them 'seem' powerful..
imagine a 5* wolvie at even R4... how his bleed and regen would be..
5* thor with tht armor break/stun damage... etc. those new 5*s no chance buddy
SL only good/useful to ppl tht can keep combos and you need to dupe him anyway.
X23 is far better at offense than wolverine, and she is available.
Hyperion, Angela and medusa are way better than thor and they available
Dr voodoo is way better than SW, and the hood and crossbones can counter her easily. And they are available.
There will be 4* that won't be seen as a 5*
The health/attack disparity plus CR seems like a fine way to adjust the potency of champs without ruining them and having to cough up compensation.
That's kinda where I'm coming from, there are more stacked champs in the 5* crystal, especially after the ones I mentioned being nerfed.
And the guy downplaying starlord... wake up man. Everybody in the bigger alliances or at the endgame content can at least get to a 150-200 combo and that gets crazy high on damage output depending on Sig level. The old argument was they would be OP.. You just can't say that anymore. Think about a duped 5* r4 dormamu or medusa now even- insane champs
So you're saying they won't add SW to the 5* crystal cuz she isn't playable??
The Champs that have never been available as playable 5*s are the ones they said they have no plans of adding at this time. We've seen them in content, but they've never been playable. All the Champs they're adding to the Basic are ones that have been available before.
Hulk, Yj, SIM and so on were available in content and they got added to the pool
Were they not available before? I can't remember. In any event, I'm just stating what was said. They have no plans of adding them at this time is the response. To be honest, certain Champs would be game changers at a 5* Level. There's no denying that. Considering the purpose of the changes around 12.0, it's not hard to understand why some would be avoided.
She was the best in the game*.