10.2k Prestige Player Looking for AQ Focused Alliance.

Ideally I'm looking for an AQ focused, War optional Alliance, running Map5x3, scoring a minimum of 220 million.
Preferably EU timezone, but can also deal with US timezones with little issue.
Send me a message here and we'll get discussing.
Preferably EU timezone, but can also deal with US timezones with little issue.
Send me a message here and we'll get discussing.
We run 5x5. Considerably rare for us to miss getting 100%. Scores average 255-260 million points depending on where our prestige is for the week.
For war we run 1bg during the season. It's optional. We are in the silver 1 - gold 3 range.
More us timezones, but we do have a mix of EU also.
Check us out if you want
Tag: HuLuN
Map 5x5 3BGs heroic mods
Once we get back to 30 solid we will have 1 BG running map6
BG1 is doing Map 6 and we score 300M in AQ.
AW optional.
add me if you'd like.
in-game Superman-ca
line app: Superman.ca
Would love to chat!
Line id#. 7imb3r
BG1 = 6x5
BG2 = 5x5
BG3 = 5x5
ingame = Superman-ca
line app = Superman.ca