Share your really dumb rankups...

Here is mine, might take him to r3 once my t5 skill catalyst gets formed.


  • KRoNX1KRoNX1 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    I am not dump and hence i dont have any dump rank ups. Except that one time i tried to rank up terrax . I took him to r3 as a 5* and i was out of t4 cc. But i heard abt his buff soon after soooo..... Now i dont have any regrets.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    Nice, I have a 6r2 Moon Knight too.
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    Sentry was my 3rd rank 4 5*.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,896 ★★★★★
    Sentry (1st r4 5*)
    Omega Red (r4 5* + awake + 100 sigs)
  • chrisfernendezzzchrisfernendezzz Member Posts: 362
    Mine is sasquatch rank4 5* and awaken him with generic awakening gem. I just did my mind. I regret using my generic gem but idk why but mind was keep saying use it use it and i did it. Never mind , i like playing with him and it’s just a game rank up anyone you like it does not matter what others says
    That’s why i rank up who i like but still i ask other’s decision sometimes just to know..
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Classic ghost rider 5-65 (my 2nd)
  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,212 ★★★★★

    Mine is sasquatch rank4 5* and awaken him with generic awakening gem. I just did my mind. I regret using my generic gem but idk why but mind was keep saying use it use it and i did it. Never mind , i like playing with him and it’s just a game rank up anyone you like it does not matter what others says
    That’s why i rank up who i like but still i ask other’s decision sometimes just to know..

    Mine is sasquatch rank4 5* and awaken him with generic awakening gem. I just did my mind. I regret using my generic gem but idk why but mind was keep saying use it use it and i did it. Never mind , i like playing with him and it’s just a game rank up anyone you like it does not matter what others says
    That’s why i rank up who i like but still i ask other’s decision sometimes just to know..

    Sasquatch is a beast and he's too good for the new Mystic Cav EQ. He's also a good counter for the Vision Aarkuses, Hyperions, and other massive power gain nodes/champs in Act 6/7 and Variants.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,896 ★★★★★
    Lvernon15 said:

    Kerneas said:

    Sentry (1st r4 5*)
    Omega Red (r4 5* + awake + 100 sigs)

    How on earth is omega a dumb rankup
    Simple, I dont run suicides. Without them, even with synergies he loses a lot of value. He can still be used, but I dont have place for him on my team, and neither do I like playing him.

    So, it is dumb in a way that I ranked up a champ I dislike, pumped all my mutant in him and now I miss those for my Colossus. It was dumb decision, because I listened to other people's advice and acted against my own mind
  • Ksp_2099Ksp_2099 Member Posts: 735 ★★★
    5* Ghost to rank4, ranked her up before learning how to play her...
    Still don't know how to use her without Wasp, without wasp she is too difficult to manage for me. she is just lying there in my roster.(I am getting disagree for this one for sure)
    Champion at r3 5*
    Hulk Ragnarok at r3 5*
  • drewtrivdrewtriv Member Posts: 112
    R2 six star champion when he was a good aw boss
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  • Stebo_79Stebo_79 Member Posts: 642 ★★★
    Nova, he was my first 5 star. Ranked him up, used a cosmic awakening gem and any sigs I had. Not a bad champ... but then I kid you not, my very next 5 star was Hype. I was 'yes! Oh... I've given anything I had to nova...'
  • GreanGrean Member Posts: 1,402 ★★★★
    Stebo_79 said:

    Nova, he was my first 5 star. Ranked him up, used a cosmic awakening gem and any sigs I had. Not a bad champ... but then I kid you not, my very next 5 star was Hype. I was 'yes! Oh... I've given anything I had to nova...'

    You just got KABAMED
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    I have no dumb rank ups
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★

    I have no dumb rank ups

    Gulk is a unique one.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,147 ★★★★★
    R2 6* karnak
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,147 ★★★★★

    Vision arkhus 6r2 because I needed to use t5b and t4cc... the next day I explored 7.1 and formed a cosmic t5cc that I used on Corvus... unnecessary rankup with arkhus..

    I actually took corvus to r3 just because I though it would take ages to get aarkus or venom. And then pulled aarkus in second 6* after ranking corvus up. Already took aarkus to r2 and use over corvus, currently exploring 6.3. Would take him to r3 over corvus easily of I had that choice
  • Cam97Cam97 Member Posts: 438 ★★
    edited February 2021
    When the Spider-Man event Quest came out I had no solid evade counters so I rR4 my 5 star night Thrasher unduped and at that time and really still to this day Rank 4. on a five-star is not some cheap easy thing for me. This was compacted when I don't remember if she Hulk was already buffed and I got her then or I had her and the buff was released after that event but it taught me a valuable lesson to never invest very highly for a monthly eq. Then I got Emma Frost and night Thrasher became strictly an option against auto block champs. Never did dupe him either

  • SliceandDiceSliceandDice Member Posts: 63
    Maxing my 4* miles Morales for uncollected.

    I didn't even use him.
  • SecretWarri0rSecretWarri0r Member Posts: 234
    edited February 2021

    Dumb ones:
    When these two came out, they werent dumb. But now...

    Now not dumb ones, but unusual ones:

    Cable isn’t a dumb or unusual rank up. He’s one of the strongest mutants in the game. Sure you need apocalypse, but I cleared the entire cav quest last month 100% in a few hours and only switched to a different champ (CGR) for buffed up. So no, he’s definitely not dumb or unusual. He’ll be my second mutant r3, hands down. Not even a question. Only champ that solos more abyss fights is Stryfe.
  • Killswitch01Killswitch01 Member Posts: 688 ★★★
    I ranked airwalker up over an awakened bishop...
    I still question my sanity🙂
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